Sunday, February 27, 2005

Amazing weekend: Part 2

I got back from my Pick-A-Date about an hour ago. I went with one of my floor mate's sisters. It was interesting because we didn't know each other all that well, but worked out really well. I think she had a good time. First we went to Biaggis, an Italian restaurant. Then we were supposed to go to a play at a church in downtown Fort Wayne. It was about the civil rights movement, but we didn't go there. Our car got lost because the directions we were given led us to a closed road and the church wasn't well marked. Another couple couldn't find parking - the lot was packed and there was no other parking within a block, so we met up to decide what to do. We had already missed over half-an-hour of the play and assumed that we couldn't get into the auditorium until intermission. In essence we missed half the play. We considered our options, and we went to see Hitch. I would highly recommend seeing it! It was very funny and had some truth to it.

This has shaped up to be an excellent weekend. Tomorrow should be interesting - I have a machine problem, a lab, and other various homework. Fun fun. It is definitely time for me to go to bed. It has been a long day - I made two "Pick-A-Date Mix" CDs, took 10-Speed to Marion to pick up GT4, went on the pick a date, and ended it all by blogging. Goodnight!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Happy day after all...

Well life isn't so bad after all. (The stipulation on that statement is the life consists of the weekend from my last class Friday to when I go to bed Sunday.) I had a quiz in Interpersonal Communications that didn't go quite as well as I had hoped. This was partially because I left my Reading Interaction to the last minute as usual for Data Structures. Oh well. Many things set this Friday apart from other Fridays. The Data Structures professor (Dr. Geisler) went to a conference yesterday, so class was cancelled today - very cool. What made it especially amazing is my pre-dinner activities. First, I went to the car wash. I went through a full process - not nearly as extensive as what I do at home, but acceptable for my limited resources at Taylor. Then I splurged and vacuumed my baby. Heck yeah! I also cleaned the windows, Rain-Xed and checked my tires. Then I wrapped up the day by going to see our school's play, The Importance of Being Earnest and watching iRobot. That's a great day by my standards.


I don't know about you, but I've just about had my fill of winter. I like snow, and don't mind the cold, but I am ready for some heat! My favorite part about winter in Indiana is the cold showers. We can't keep a hot water heater heating water for the life of us at Bergwall. It really blows my mind. It seems like I am the only person on earth with logic. What do you do at home when the hot water seems cooler than usual? Check the hot water heater! Did the pilot light go out? Did the breaker blow? Here at Taylor, we ignore all the warning signs until the hot water is colder than schizoid in a room full of happiness. I don't want to have to visit the sperm bank, but at those temperatures it is not looking good for the little guys. Honestly! Here is my theory: Bergwall is half men. So figure 50+ men. Men fix things. Following? Can you guess what is next? Yep, Bergwall men should be given the information and means to fix the hot water heater for ourselves. Then there is none of this chain of information. I tell my PA, my PA tells the front desk, the front desk "gives a message to" the hall director, and supposedly the hall director does *something* about it. Umm no. Give me the maintenance people's home phone number and I will get everything straightened out in the next five minutes. No cold showers the next morning, I caught the problem when it was in its beginning stages. Alright, on with the day.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I took action!

I finally got fed up with bad parking - I took action! I finally decided that I was through with empty threats. They just seem to provoke people anyway. I awoke to find a poorly parked Oldsmobile Alero parked next to my baby. The Alero didn't even attempt to follow the parking lines. It was at least 2-3 inches over the clearly marked yellow divider. After mulling over what to do - call campus safety to plead for my car door's safety or write a letter like a good upstanding citizen? Or better yet, bust out my Mickey Mouse parking ticket... muahahahaha! I choose the letter. Hopefully I made someone's day - it made mine.

Dear Sir or Madam:
I would appreciate it if you would take greater care in the future to park within the parking lines. I take great pride in my car's finish and park in a manner to protect it from accidental dings and scratches. You are parked across the line, which increases the risk of my car getting dinged, even accidentally. These types of body repairs are very expensive and insurance does not cover them.

Concerned Taylor Student

Oh and the best part: The car was owned by a proud Taylor sophomore. I freshman Nate owned a sophomore.

Were you the lucky recepient of that letter? Congraduations! Feel free to leave your view on the matter. I will be happy to delete your comments! (Accomodations for all contestants on Nate's Nukes provided by Life: Doesn't it suck?)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

First "rant"...

Popcorn. Buttery, melt in your mouth, golden yellow deliciousness that's quick to make in the nuke box! Can it get much better? Unfortunately, I must beg the question: Is it honestly that hard to make such a scrumptious treat? Perhaps. Maybe your idea of cooking is swiping your debit card at Burger Dude. You can change that. Now is the time!

Let's start out with the way NOT to make popcorn:
  1. Preliminary: Remove popcorn from plastic packaging, but only if you are feeling up to it or have scissors on hand.
  2. Insert: Place popcorn in the microwave being very careful to ignore the "THIS SIDE UP" warning.
  3. Time: Set the timer for a minimum of about 20 minutes. Some of the "hardier" versions of popcorn may take longer, but never longer than 45 minutes.
  4. Be productive: Since you have all this free time, make use of it. "Idle hands are the devils little buddies" or some nonsense like that. Call your girlfriend and discuss the meaning of life. E-mail your senator and see if you can single-handedly reduce taxes. Take a jog to burn off all the calories that you are getting ready to eat. If you are really feeling daring, write that paper you've been putting off. I digress.
  5. Cooking tip: Smoke is an excellent sign. I'm sure you've heard or smoked salmon - very tasty. Your grill smokes - so should the microwave. If it smokes, get out the duct tape and seal all the flavor in. Oh, and don't stop until every kernal is popped. For every kernal that is left over write the popcorn company and complain.
  6. Enjoy: Now that your microwave is beeping and/or the building is being evacuated, enjoy! You didn't go to all that trouble to waste a perfectly good bag of popcorn did you?

Yes, the above is a sure way to piss off everyone. You don't believe me? Ask the fire department that was called because of the smoke alarm. Ask the people taking showers who got to go out in the freezing cold. Ask the people who had a paper due within the hour. Ask any of the 175 people in your dorm for that matter. Ask your hall director, I'm sure he loves the smell of smoke, evacuating the building, and explaining the situation to the fire department. I know I wasn't bothered. The episode of Alias was boring anyway. I love the cold. Grrrrr...

With that in mind, learn how to make popcorn. If you happen to be "1 out of every 7 Americans ... [that] absolutely refuse to cook microwave popcorn...[because it is so hard]," here is the webpage for you: Simple Microwave Popcorn Instructions (link dead - 3/19/07). Memorize this site. If that is too hard, read the pictures on the popcorn bag. Are they too small? I will enlarge and e-mail them to you.

Great, now that we have that all cleared up, make gobs of popcorn!

Monday, February 14, 2005


I figured it was time for another post. Sorry I don't have anything particularly interesting or amazing. I basically did two things this weekend. First I moved into my new room. I was able to get a two man room for this semester. I'm pretty happy so far. We have a bunch more room and I brought my stereo from home! Yay! I spend forever getting everything moved, but finally it is all here.

The other thing I did was work on my lab for Data Structures. Ahhh! The insanity! I seriously spent about 8 hours on it. What really ticked me off about it was its seemingly pointlessness. Honestly, who wants to make a text based logbook that can store a whopping integer as a record? So much for that. Luckily I worked on it with Blacksheep. I would have been clueless without him, but I think it worked out well for him too. So that took entirely too long.

Otherwise, life continues. Nothing worth mentioning. Taylor food still stinks. Taylor supremacy overrules my suggested logic. Classes still don't amuse me (with the exception of Interpersonal). Fun fun.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Nightmare in the lab...

Frankenstein? Yeah right. A dream about mutant fruit flies. Umm, no. The accidental creation of Hal, the computer bent on the destruction of all human life? Close. My Data Structures (computer science course) lab didn't go so hot today. Frankly it scared me. I walked into lab thinking this can't be so bad. "I was fine in my programming course last semester, I'm sure this first lab will be easy," I thought. Ha! I walked in and it seemed like everyone knew what was going on except me. Dr. Geisler gave a short introduction. I listened to what he had to say, and I thought, "I had to do this last semester. I'm in great shape, and possibly a step ahead of everyone else." Then I pulled out my lab book. I don't think I've ever seen a more ridiculously lengthy, vague document. It was like reading the fifty page chapter, "Her Fur" from Scruffy My Rabies Baby Cat: A Loving Tribute. The instructions of the assignment were buried in non-descriptive what-ifs, buts, and stipulations. Two hours later, I had written approximately thirty lines of code and found out I had misinterpreted part of the assignment. Lucky me. Enough of that, I'm going to work on it later with a guy on my floor. We'll get it figured out one way or another. Bah!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

More good news...

This is nuts! I started this blog for life's rants, but life has been positive since I made it. Oh well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometime. I'll keep this short and just update you on what happened since my last post: Joey stayed the night last night! He was on his way home from Hesston and made it to Indy and was exhausted. We had lunch together at BK, and got to talk some. I'm really glad he came because I missed him since last time we hung out. I managed to suffer through my only class and life was good. After Spiritual Renewal, (which I did not attend,) a group of guys from my floor and girls from our sister floor when to Scooter's house. We watched American Idol, played catch phrase, and ate some of his mom's amazing cookies. Then when we came back and I had to do Expository Writing homework. I would love to go on a small rant about that, but I refuse to leave today with a negative ending. So there you have it - my life.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Life halts in response to blog...

The main idea behind my creation of a blog was to vociferate (see, my blog has educational value) my complaints about life for stress release and possibly as a byproduct, humor you. However, today, nothing worth ranting about happened. I suppose that in and of itself should make me happy because "no news is good news," but does not afford you much entertainment. So instead of writing a book on how I need something to rant about (I just can't be satisfied, can I?), I will share a revelation.

I want to go back to a 40 hour work week. Yes, you read right. You see, life is so much simpler when all one has to do is go to work for 8 hours a day. So to keep this short, here is my list of reasons why I want to go to work:

  • Homework sucks.
  • Paychecks are cooler than monthly statements and bookstore receipts.
  • I love my coworkers. We're practically family.
  • Home: Real food, my own room, and a place to wash, wax, polish, claybar... my car. That and I think the lunch lady at home might like me.
  • I don't have to think about work when I'm not there. There is no escaping school, it is inevitable.
  • The drive to work.

Tell me what you miss now that classes are in full swing. (Wow, this post is sooo mushy.)

First Post!

First I need to get something out of the way. You fair reader are either extremely bored, were coerced by me, or are just friggen amazing. Now, on with the nonsense. Yes, this is the first post. I had hoped that this post might be a little more coherent than this, but rational thought and logic are not prerequisites for my nukes on daily life. Be ready for lots of rants and raves once I start writing on an hourly basis (ha!). I actually considered carrying my laptop from class to class to ensure that content was hot off my life's press. Feel free to smack me around in your comments, but be advised this is my blog and I am right. Always, even when proven wrong, because I am me.