Friday, September 30, 2005

Three strikes and it's been a week.

This week went about as well as eating at Burger King after a double heart bypass. Today was no different. I had my first IAD test, which I oddly felt good about. For the first time ever, I walked away from a Geisler test with some hope for a decent grade. I continued my day in normalcy.

On Thursday I showed Shaun Casburro (my Digital Tools professor) my idea for my self-portrait assignment and he made some suggestions. I walked away challenged, but was ready to work through technical issues to make an amazing project. So, after lunch today, I stopped by his office to discuss how I could make my idea happen. We talked for about 20 minutes and I had everything planned out. In order to finish my self-portrait, I needed to borrow one of the art department's cameras. When I left his office I planned to drop in the art office and pick up a Digital Rebel so that I could really go all out. I walked by the lady who was in charge of the cameras, but she was busy talking to a professor, so I went to class and planned to stop back after Accounting was over.

After an enthralling Accounting class accompanied by a quiz, I ran back to the art building to find the office closed up. I quickly ran down to Shaun's office to see where the secretary had gone. Shaun suggested that she had probably just ran out for a bit and would be back later. So I went to my favorite class - Discrete.

After just 20 minutes of incoherent jargon (Discrete Math), I was free for the weekend. I ran back to the art building for the third time to get a camera for the weekend. Surprise, surprise! The office was still locked and no one was in sight. I walked down to Shaun's office again, but he was busy with a student, so I didn't interrupt. Since I was quickly running out of options, I journeyed over to the Educational Technology Center to see what cameras they had available. They had lovely 1980's models with floppy drives and a whopping .5 megapixel chip. Not even close to what I needed. Taylor's Law: "You will not get a camera this weekend... Taylor will see to it."

To kill some time I went looking for Scooter in the radio office, but he was in a class. So I went back to the art department and waited for Shaun to finish up with his meeting. On my way to his office I saw a professor open up the art office. Thinking that this was my chance, I asked if he could check out a camera for me. He told me that he didn't have access to the cameras and I would have to wait until Monday for the art secretary to get it for me, since she had gone home for the day. My persistent nature refused to accept it, so I went back to waiting. Around 4:30, Shaun finally emerged from his office. I made my plea, but he said that he too did not have access to the cameras, and my best bet was to see if someone in my dorm could lend me a camera.

Morals of the story: Planning ahead does not mean success and Taylor offices close at random, inconvenient times.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The apocalypse was pleasant.

The Discrete tests were handed back today. Perhaps the only thing worse than taking the test was seeing my grade. It always gives me a warm tingly feeling whenever I take a test and instantly lose 7% off my final grade. Here are the gory stats: 60% of the class received a C or below, and 43% of the class received a D or F. My test looked like he had handed it to a kindergartner with a red crayon. So after seeing my grade (stab), Dr. Aguilar proceeded to point out how basic the questions were (twist that knife!). I really don't know what to do with this class. I feel as if I'm already so lost it's too late for redemption. Yay for Discrete!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday + Discrete Test = Taste of Hell

Today I took the worst test ever. By worst, I don't mean, "those essay questions seemed rather vague and the multiple choice - totally tricky!" Worst as in the test was logically equivalent to an apocalypse - death, hell on earth, angels on horses killing people, basically the works. Perhaps you feel that this is some sort of exaggeration - would I ever? Never, that's as blasphemous as a politician bending the truth. About 50 minutes after class was over I handed in my test. I knew that if I got everything right that I had answered, the best I could manage was a 70. To add insult to injury, Professor Aguilar asked me which question (not plural) I was stuck on. I simply answered, "too many of them." To which he replied, "oh really, all the questions were really straightforward - except the last one." Lovely, thanks a lot - I feel better now, really. To avoid a sarcastic outburst that would hex me for life, I quickly fled the horrid class.

So, what does that have to do with an odometer? Well, if you know me, you didn't actually need to ask. To vent, I went out driving and listened to the driving mix that Julie burnt for me. Naturally, I grabbed a digital camera to document my car's 60k anniversary! I have nearly doubled the mileage on it since I got it. (Which is happy!) It was somewhat soothing, but taking curves marked at 35 at about 60 made everything better. (Mumble: "Stupid test.")

Since it's related, I'm having doubts about my major again. I really thought I was past it, but the combination of Digital Tools, Accounting and Discrete in one semester have really played with my perceptions. Most of the Accounting seems to be coming naturally and the Digital Tools is a blast. Discrete, required for my CompSci major is just tainting my view of the major. I keep trying to tell myself that one class is not the major, and is certainly not the field. That, compounded with people working on me to switch, I'm torn.

Well, I wonder what else is in store for this week...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I like fire.

Ok this entry is pretty self explanatory. I probably should be doing homework, but I lack motivation. Besides, which looks cooler?

Friday & Facebook...

I don't really have much new to report, but for the sake of over-blogging, here goes. After a few days of pure apathy and general unrest, Friday came. If you haven't seen what that does to me, lets just say it involves general euphoria, scary levels of giddiness, and random outbursts such as, "I want a Tickle Me Elmo!" Good luck explaining that one.

So tonight I was determined to have a weekend that was non-retarded. More or less I succeeded. I didn't get to see the Transporter 2, because thanks to 10-Speed's procrastination (which is my job, by the way) we now have to drive about an hour-and-a-half to the nearest theater still showing it. Regardless, I managed to get 10-Speed out of hall duty so that we could get some grub at Bamboo 8. It wasn't horrible, but I've had better Chinese. Then after sitting around for hours on end, I watched Elektra with some of the guys on my floor. I don't care what any of the reviews said - with a winning combination of Jennifer Garner and ninjas, how can you go wrong?

The only other news is I'm finally on the real Facebook. Look me up, be my friend, ask me on a pick-a-date.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Good/Bad Gas and Miscellaneous Stuff

I'm going to attempt to get in some sort of rhythm for blogging - consistency for Nate, never! Anywho, it seems like I spent all day working and only knocked off a few of the items on my to do list. I really am feeling apathetic and it's pretty early in the semester for that.

I did some pretty depressing calculations tonight to avoid doing statistics (you'll see the irony in a minute). Assuming my car's average gas mileage is 30 MPG, and I continue to drive 10,000 miles a year, I will spend approximately $900 on gas (at an average price of $2.70/gal). Compare that to a year ago (assume about $1.79/gal) when it would cost me about $600. I can't imagine what people are doing that have to commute daily. On the flip side of this depressing news, I filled up my car tonight in fear of Hurricane Rita. Rumors are flying that gas will go up $0.50/gal tomorrow. I thought that getting Plus (89 Octane) for the price of Regular ($2.65/gal) wasn't bad. The great thing is Phillips 66 (warning: advertisement) is a supplier of Top Tier Gas! I'll let you check out the specifics, but let's just say your car will love you.

My first test is tomorrow, well actually today (Friday). Wish me luck. It looks like I will be stuck here another weekend. Something amazing had better happen this weekend. Oh wait, I can already foresee it - my giant to do list.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Murphy's Law Renamed

"If anything can go wrong, it will." -Murphy's Law

Sunday Night: "Nate, let's go see that movie (Transporter 2) at the 7:20 showing!" 10-Speed suggested. Well now, I had been working on him all weekend, and now he decided it was time. I worked on homework that afternoon, but was by no means finished. Oh well, my homework will still be here when I get back, I reasoned. The time came for us to leave and we fooled around. I talked to Blacksheep while 10-Speed finished up some homework, but finally we ran for my car. I jokingly warned that I would have to drive like the Transporter in order to get us there on time (but was actually completely serious). We jumped in the Civic and proceeded through the startup procedure. That is, I put the key in the ignition and turned it. Cars usually do funny things when you turn the key, like make a noise and then vrroom vroom, errrck as you drive off. My car didn't. The plans for the movie instantly vaporized like gas in a Hummer.

The funny thing was I drove the car to church that morning. I double checked everything, and confirmed that I hadn't left my lights on or anything for that matter. We proceeded to jump my car, and it started just fine. We realized that we had no chance of making the movie at that point so we settled for a K-Mart run instead. I needed to drive for a few minutes to charge my battery anyway. So, I followed 10-Speed just in case Murphy's Law held true. When we made it there, I instantly realized I was screwed. I shut the car off and the lights died. We did our shopping and jumped my sick child again. (Wow, it's reached a whole new level, hasn't it?)

Monday: Ahh, I was finally able to run down to AutoZone to get my electrical system tested. The problem was I needed jumped to start my car, and couldn't shut it off while I went inside. I patiently waited inside while the clerk worked with the other customers. Another associate appeared out of nowhere and asked if she could help me. I politely asked if I could get my alternator checked. While she stared blankly at me, the first associate informed me that they could not help me because he was the only management level personnel present and could not leave the store. I asked when someone would be available and drove away, peeved at the unreasonable policy.

Tuesday (Today): I've got a new battery. I was convinced my alternator was shot, but I won't complain since a battery costs about a quarter of the price of the former option. It took me forever to get the old battery out of the car after I dropped a socket they loaned to me under the battery tray. No matter, she's up and running now! That about covers that adventure. There's just one more end to wrap up, the title...

Ahh yes, Murphy's Law; everyone knows it. I have decided, Murphy's Law shall be renamed "Taylor's Law," because if it has gone wrong, it has happened at Taylor. Riots = Taylor. Hail damage = Taylor. Crazy seatbelt dingers = Taylor. Trim removal = Taylor. Yeah, that about covers it. So remember Taylor's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will."

Sunday, September 11, 2005

10-Speed, thou art a whoreson obscene greasy barnacle.

Before I came back to Taylor, I made plans to go back home for the fair to meet up with friends from church and from work. The condensed version of why I'm stuck at Taylor this weekend is because most people bailed because of gas prices. I don't blame them because the $50 trip home wasn't very appealing to me either.

So, I reasoned, if I have to be separated from home, this weekend is going to rock. So I suggested going to see the Transporter 2. "Oh no!" everyone cried (ok, well basically 10-Speed), "It's the first open house." What?! Back the social train back up, what difference should that make? Let's do something fun! Minutes later: "Alright, fine let's go visit the girls..."

As we entered the sister's dorm, I could tell something was off. The place looked deserted... complete with sagebrush rolling in the wind and everything. We continued up the stairs to the sister's floor. I don't know how else to say it. If we looked at a bar chart of testosterone vs. estrogen we would have trounced them. We greatly outnumbered them. Talk about depressing.

I went along with the whole visit thing until I realized I had said hi to everyone twice, and had only been there for 5 minutes. It was at that point that I began to get antsy. "Onward to English!" Oh please... like that could be any better, but again I went along with it.

Well as you can tell, patience isn't exactly my virtue of choice. I got bored very quickly but stuck around because I didn't want to be the lone party-pooper. Eventually I got people to leave under the ruse that we wanted to get food at the uber amazing (:rolleyes:)Trojan bonfire. When we finally left the heat of English for the bonfire, it was over. Congratulations, we missed the bonfire and the movie. What's left for tonight? "No worries, Nate", said 10-Speed, "we'll go tomorrow."

Saturday: "I'm too busy to go today. We'll go some other time."

Make up your mind. Stick to your plan. 10-Speed, I really want to see that movie. Let's do it!

10-Speed, I know you are reading this. I expect a rebuttal.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Taylor is jinxed!

I honestly don't understand and will not even attempt to explain or analyze it: My car hates Taylor/Indiana. (For more information, reference the hail or seatbelt posts.) One of my trim pieces came off. I suspect one of the clips became weak after too many people slammed the doors on my baby. I spent about half-an-hour trying to fix the clips on it, but failed to get it back on completely. In addition, I'm 100% sure that I have an exhaust leak. Luckily, it is post cat, so it's not deadly and I won't bother getting it fixed right now. Alright, move on...