Friday, September 30, 2005

Three strikes and it's been a week.

This week went about as well as eating at Burger King after a double heart bypass. Today was no different. I had my first IAD test, which I oddly felt good about. For the first time ever, I walked away from a Geisler test with some hope for a decent grade. I continued my day in normalcy.

On Thursday I showed Shaun Casburro (my Digital Tools professor) my idea for my self-portrait assignment and he made some suggestions. I walked away challenged, but was ready to work through technical issues to make an amazing project. So, after lunch today, I stopped by his office to discuss how I could make my idea happen. We talked for about 20 minutes and I had everything planned out. In order to finish my self-portrait, I needed to borrow one of the art department's cameras. When I left his office I planned to drop in the art office and pick up a Digital Rebel so that I could really go all out. I walked by the lady who was in charge of the cameras, but she was busy talking to a professor, so I went to class and planned to stop back after Accounting was over.

After an enthralling Accounting class accompanied by a quiz, I ran back to the art building to find the office closed up. I quickly ran down to Shaun's office to see where the secretary had gone. Shaun suggested that she had probably just ran out for a bit and would be back later. So I went to my favorite class - Discrete.

After just 20 minutes of incoherent jargon (Discrete Math), I was free for the weekend. I ran back to the art building for the third time to get a camera for the weekend. Surprise, surprise! The office was still locked and no one was in sight. I walked down to Shaun's office again, but he was busy with a student, so I didn't interrupt. Since I was quickly running out of options, I journeyed over to the Educational Technology Center to see what cameras they had available. They had lovely 1980's models with floppy drives and a whopping .5 megapixel chip. Not even close to what I needed. Taylor's Law: "You will not get a camera this weekend... Taylor will see to it."

To kill some time I went looking for Scooter in the radio office, but he was in a class. So I went back to the art department and waited for Shaun to finish up with his meeting. On my way to his office I saw a professor open up the art office. Thinking that this was my chance, I asked if he could check out a camera for me. He told me that he didn't have access to the cameras and I would have to wait until Monday for the art secretary to get it for me, since she had gone home for the day. My persistent nature refused to accept it, so I went back to waiting. Around 4:30, Shaun finally emerged from his office. I made my plea, but he said that he too did not have access to the cameras, and my best bet was to see if someone in my dorm could lend me a camera.

Morals of the story: Planning ahead does not mean success and Taylor offices close at random, inconvenient times.


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