Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Murphy's Law Renamed

"If anything can go wrong, it will." -Murphy's Law

Sunday Night: "Nate, let's go see that movie (Transporter 2) at the 7:20 showing!" 10-Speed suggested. Well now, I had been working on him all weekend, and now he decided it was time. I worked on homework that afternoon, but was by no means finished. Oh well, my homework will still be here when I get back, I reasoned. The time came for us to leave and we fooled around. I talked to Blacksheep while 10-Speed finished up some homework, but finally we ran for my car. I jokingly warned that I would have to drive like the Transporter in order to get us there on time (but was actually completely serious). We jumped in the Civic and proceeded through the startup procedure. That is, I put the key in the ignition and turned it. Cars usually do funny things when you turn the key, like make a noise and then vrroom vroom, errrck as you drive off. My car didn't. The plans for the movie instantly vaporized like gas in a Hummer.

The funny thing was I drove the car to church that morning. I double checked everything, and confirmed that I hadn't left my lights on or anything for that matter. We proceeded to jump my car, and it started just fine. We realized that we had no chance of making the movie at that point so we settled for a K-Mart run instead. I needed to drive for a few minutes to charge my battery anyway. So, I followed 10-Speed just in case Murphy's Law held true. When we made it there, I instantly realized I was screwed. I shut the car off and the lights died. We did our shopping and jumped my sick child again. (Wow, it's reached a whole new level, hasn't it?)

Monday: Ahh, I was finally able to run down to AutoZone to get my electrical system tested. The problem was I needed jumped to start my car, and couldn't shut it off while I went inside. I patiently waited inside while the clerk worked with the other customers. Another associate appeared out of nowhere and asked if she could help me. I politely asked if I could get my alternator checked. While she stared blankly at me, the first associate informed me that they could not help me because he was the only management level personnel present and could not leave the store. I asked when someone would be available and drove away, peeved at the unreasonable policy.

Tuesday (Today): I've got a new battery. I was convinced my alternator was shot, but I won't complain since a battery costs about a quarter of the price of the former option. It took me forever to get the old battery out of the car after I dropped a socket they loaned to me under the battery tray. No matter, she's up and running now! That about covers that adventure. There's just one more end to wrap up, the title...

Ahh yes, Murphy's Law; everyone knows it. I have decided, Murphy's Law shall be renamed "Taylor's Law," because if it has gone wrong, it has happened at Taylor. Riots = Taylor. Hail damage = Taylor. Crazy seatbelt dingers = Taylor. Trim removal = Taylor. Yeah, that about covers it. So remember Taylor's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will."


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