Sunday, September 11, 2005

10-Speed, thou art a whoreson obscene greasy barnacle.

Before I came back to Taylor, I made plans to go back home for the fair to meet up with friends from church and from work. The condensed version of why I'm stuck at Taylor this weekend is because most people bailed because of gas prices. I don't blame them because the $50 trip home wasn't very appealing to me either.

So, I reasoned, if I have to be separated from home, this weekend is going to rock. So I suggested going to see the Transporter 2. "Oh no!" everyone cried (ok, well basically 10-Speed), "It's the first open house." What?! Back the social train back up, what difference should that make? Let's do something fun! Minutes later: "Alright, fine let's go visit the girls..."

As we entered the sister's dorm, I could tell something was off. The place looked deserted... complete with sagebrush rolling in the wind and everything. We continued up the stairs to the sister's floor. I don't know how else to say it. If we looked at a bar chart of testosterone vs. estrogen we would have trounced them. We greatly outnumbered them. Talk about depressing.

I went along with the whole visit thing until I realized I had said hi to everyone twice, and had only been there for 5 minutes. It was at that point that I began to get antsy. "Onward to English!" Oh please... like that could be any better, but again I went along with it.

Well as you can tell, patience isn't exactly my virtue of choice. I got bored very quickly but stuck around because I didn't want to be the lone party-pooper. Eventually I got people to leave under the ruse that we wanted to get food at the uber amazing (:rolleyes:)Trojan bonfire. When we finally left the heat of English for the bonfire, it was over. Congratulations, we missed the bonfire and the movie. What's left for tonight? "No worries, Nate", said 10-Speed, "we'll go tomorrow."

Saturday: "I'm too busy to go today. We'll go some other time."

Make up your mind. Stick to your plan. 10-Speed, I really want to see that movie. Let's do it!

10-Speed, I know you are reading this. I expect a rebuttal.


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