Sunday, June 12, 2005

It's been too long...

I can't believe my last post was over two weeks ago. I'll let you interpret that any way you like - laziness, apathy, happiness, busyness, or perhaps the world has finally ceased being retarded. I'll fill you in on the latest.

Work keeps me on my feet. I don't really have stable hours - I've been switched between the late and early shift so much I can't figure out when I'm supposed to be working. I certainly appreciate the income. I enjoy working in the store, but somehow it sucks all the energy out of me. My sleep habits are fairly erratic; I sleep a few nights with little sleep, then sleep for twelve or more hours - and with no pattern to the alternation. As a result, I still haven't unpacked all my stuff from college.

I decided it was time to make a larger purchase, and I've been torn between a TV and a couch. I found a great deal on a Sony 32" TV, but it was too big. I bought a 27" Sony on Friday, but it is too big for my TV stand, but fits well in my room on some other furniture. I can't decide whether to keep it or take it back. I thought I wanted to go HD, but I wonder if for now I should save and get something smaller/cheaper. My parents have reservations about moving the TV to college since it weighs nearly 100 pounds. At the same time, I also know where I can get a great deal on a leather reclining couch. Choices, choices.

Oh well, as usual, I'm writing this very late at night and need to go to bed. I'm tired - goodnight!


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