Wednesday, May 11, 2005

One more reason to hate nature.

(Click to see what this can do to a car.)

Sorry for the lapse in updates. I've been rather insane lately. I've been wasting my life writing papers, going to plays (for class), studying, and programming. I'm just about finished with all my homework for the school year, so life is starting to look up. Oh wait. Nevermind, life decided I needed more bad news.

Begin rant: Have I ever mentioned my distaste for nature? For whatever reason, mother nature thought it would be funny to prove that she reigns supreme over all that lives under the sky. To smite me, she hurled millions of balls of ice at my car (drat, foiled by gravity again!), which of course was parked out in the open until I realized what was going on and found a little shelter under a tree. I estimate the damages at about $100-150. Nature inflicted about 3-4 dings on my child (the car) and damaged a trim piece. Ironically, this confirmed my premonition that my car would get dinged before leaving Taylor. I love the great outdoors.


Anonymous said...

Mother nature blows

12:08 AM  
coolbluefrogs said...


That sounds just horrible. I hope that someday, somehow, your life will cease to suck.


12:14 PM  

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