Saturday, May 07, 2005

Worst $30 I ever spent.

Worst is a word I refrain from using. Alright who am I kidding? But this time I am serious. I've narrowed down the contestants and the product that claims this honor is not a half year supply of Aldi brand SPAM, it isn't a broken TV I found at a garage sale, and it isn't the cost of a week's dinners in Taylor's Dining Commons. The winner is Internet Cleanup 2.0.3. How did I come to this conclusion, you ask. What could Allume have done to deserve this dishonor? Let's examine the list:

  • Price: For only $30 you can remove nonexistent spyware from your Macintosh. This program checks for a whopping 15 types of "spyware" which puts you at $2 a pop. In addition, every one of the "spyware programs" was actually a keylogger of some sort. If it had found anything on my computer I would have had to cancel my credit card immediately. Useless.

  • Logs: Any and every program should keep a log of errors for troubleshooting purposes. Allume takes this a step further. The error logs created by Internet Cleanup 2.0.3 dumped a whopping 8+ GB of logs on my computer. I'll live with the spyware, thanks...

  • Uninstaller: Now that you've seen my frustration with the program, let's uninstall it and move on with life. Oh wait, the uninstaller checks for files from Internet Cleanup 1.0 and since I never had 1.0, it crashes. Have fun removing all the files manually.

I'm brimming with love for Taylor at the moment. After Taylor kicked me off the network for a week because my Mac had "spyware" I purchased this software to prove my innocence. As if getting kicked off the network wasn't enough, Allume decided to hit me where it hurts months later. DO NOT purchase software from them, you will regret it.


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