Friday, April 01, 2005

Formal Apology...

At about 8:30 this morning I had a phone call. Needless to say I was less than thrilled to get up that early on my Spring Break. You'll never guess who was on the other end. My paranoia finally proved that it was justified. I was greeted by Dr. Mary Muchiri's attorney. Lucky me. I was asked to formally apologize for the comments that I have made about her and Expository Writing, or face legal action. So here it is:

Dr. Muchiri,
I would like to take the time to ask for your forgiveness. I have made some posts that were less than flattering about your class and your teaching methods. I also would like to confess that several times in conversations with friends and classmates, I made comments that were also inappropriate. I will remove the offending posts from my Blog, and will be more respectful in my speech. Once again, I want to apologize for my actions.

Nate Smith

For everyone reading this, I am a changed man. In the future I will be less cynical, sarcastic, and pessimistic. In addition, I am considering shutting down Nate's Nukes. Too many of the comments can be taken the wrong way, and I would hate to offend someone else. I have yet to make a final decision, but expect one in the next 48 hours.


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