Friday, March 04, 2005

Procrastination = Bad

Ok, so maybe procrastinating on my paper about procrastination was a bad idea. I was wired last night and decided to pull a quasi-all-nighter. It was really odd - I was not tired at all. It was pretty fun, I wrote the paper in stages, and took lots of snack/writer's block breaks. Then all at once, sleep deprivation set in. I had the paper finished and decided that perhaps a 1-2 hour nap before class (at about 5:30 in the morning mind you), wouldn't be a bad idea. I set my alarm for 7:30 and went to bed.

"You chapel skipper!" I groggily awoke to the chastisement from Scooter (Brandon). "What the heck are you talking about?" I retorted as best I could. Fear flashed through my body. Why was the room so brightly lit? Where was my roommate? My alarm hasn't gone off yet, I thought. "What time is it?" I asked with a disturbingly puzzled look on my face. "Oh about a quarter after eleven," he replied. "Are you serious?" I probed even though I had lost all hope and the irony of the situation was glaringly obvious. "I guess, I'll go blog about it."

So that's how I'm beginning my day. I've missed two classes. Explaining it to the prof should be fun - talk about foot-in-mouth syndrome.

P.S. - I talked to my roommate and my alarm actually went off. I jumped out of my bunk, shut the alarm off, then climbed back into bed. The funny thing is that I have no memory of this. I hope I don't have any repressed murderous intentions, because I seem to be fairly efficient while I'm asleep. :-P


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