Friday, February 25, 2005


I don't know about you, but I've just about had my fill of winter. I like snow, and don't mind the cold, but I am ready for some heat! My favorite part about winter in Indiana is the cold showers. We can't keep a hot water heater heating water for the life of us at Bergwall. It really blows my mind. It seems like I am the only person on earth with logic. What do you do at home when the hot water seems cooler than usual? Check the hot water heater! Did the pilot light go out? Did the breaker blow? Here at Taylor, we ignore all the warning signs until the hot water is colder than schizoid in a room full of happiness. I don't want to have to visit the sperm bank, but at those temperatures it is not looking good for the little guys. Honestly! Here is my theory: Bergwall is half men. So figure 50+ men. Men fix things. Following? Can you guess what is next? Yep, Bergwall men should be given the information and means to fix the hot water heater for ourselves. Then there is none of this chain of information. I tell my PA, my PA tells the front desk, the front desk "gives a message to" the hall director, and supposedly the hall director does *something* about it. Umm no. Give me the maintenance people's home phone number and I will get everything straightened out in the next five minutes. No cold showers the next morning, I caught the problem when it was in its beginning stages. Alright, on with the day.


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