Monday, February 14, 2005


I figured it was time for another post. Sorry I don't have anything particularly interesting or amazing. I basically did two things this weekend. First I moved into my new room. I was able to get a two man room for this semester. I'm pretty happy so far. We have a bunch more room and I brought my stereo from home! Yay! I spend forever getting everything moved, but finally it is all here.

The other thing I did was work on my lab for Data Structures. Ahhh! The insanity! I seriously spent about 8 hours on it. What really ticked me off about it was its seemingly pointlessness. Honestly, who wants to make a text based logbook that can store a whopping integer as a record? So much for that. Luckily I worked on it with Blacksheep. I would have been clueless without him, but I think it worked out well for him too. So that took entirely too long.

Otherwise, life continues. Nothing worth mentioning. Taylor food still stinks. Taylor supremacy overrules my suggested logic. Classes still don't amuse me (with the exception of Interpersonal). Fun fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, Im just checking out your blog site. Nice job! Hope youre enjoying your new room!

8:02 AM  
Anonymous said...

Hey, If life isn't interesting enough, make something up! Dig into those creative writing skills.
Peace out

11:32 AM  
Monica said...

Hey hey! i didnt know you had one of these. Well props. :) Hope you're doing well. I'll see you around.
Take care-

ps- how did you get your picture in your profile.. i'm getting pissed off cuz i can't figure out how to do it.

1:58 AM  

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