Monday, February 07, 2005

Life halts in response to blog...

The main idea behind my creation of a blog was to vociferate (see, my blog has educational value) my complaints about life for stress release and possibly as a byproduct, humor you. However, today, nothing worth ranting about happened. I suppose that in and of itself should make me happy because "no news is good news," but does not afford you much entertainment. So instead of writing a book on how I need something to rant about (I just can't be satisfied, can I?), I will share a revelation.

I want to go back to a 40 hour work week. Yes, you read right. You see, life is so much simpler when all one has to do is go to work for 8 hours a day. So to keep this short, here is my list of reasons why I want to go to work:

  • Homework sucks.
  • Paychecks are cooler than monthly statements and bookstore receipts.
  • I love my coworkers. We're practically family.
  • Home: Real food, my own room, and a place to wash, wax, polish, claybar... my car. That and I think the lunch lady at home might like me.
  • I don't have to think about work when I'm not there. There is no escaping school, it is inevitable.
  • The drive to work.

Tell me what you miss now that classes are in full swing. (Wow, this post is sooo mushy.)


Anonymous said...

I miss the nudity of home...NOT literal nudity you sick minded person, I'm talking about the honesty of the family. You can always trust your family to be the way they are...cuddly, cold, crappy,..costly..(damn it, I needed another alliteration)...
I can always rest assured that I'll hate my family, roll my eyes at our strange Irish traditions. I don't have to worry about a social network. The dance I have to perform in this world is complex and taxing...
Sorry, you knew I'd leave a comment full of bull...I live for blogs.

8:07 PM  

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