Monday, February 07, 2005

First Post!

First I need to get something out of the way. You fair reader are either extremely bored, were coerced by me, or are just friggen amazing. Now, on with the nonsense. Yes, this is the first post. I had hoped that this post might be a little more coherent than this, but rational thought and logic are not prerequisites for my nukes on daily life. Be ready for lots of rants and raves once I start writing on an hourly basis (ha!). I actually considered carrying my laptop from class to class to ensure that content was hot off my life's press. Feel free to smack me around in your comments, but be advised this is my blog and I am right. Always, even when proven wrong, because I am me.


Anonymous said...

That seriously has no basis in logic...

4:03 AM  
Admiral Inky said...

What do you think? That was the entire point behind the post. In fact I quote myself when I say, "rational thought and logic are not prerequisites for my nukes on daily life." So I am right when I say I was right. Ha!

7:01 PM  
Anonymous said...

you nerd....

12:28 AM  

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