Friday, February 11, 2005

Nightmare in the lab...

Frankenstein? Yeah right. A dream about mutant fruit flies. Umm, no. The accidental creation of Hal, the computer bent on the destruction of all human life? Close. My Data Structures (computer science course) lab didn't go so hot today. Frankly it scared me. I walked into lab thinking this can't be so bad. "I was fine in my programming course last semester, I'm sure this first lab will be easy," I thought. Ha! I walked in and it seemed like everyone knew what was going on except me. Dr. Geisler gave a short introduction. I listened to what he had to say, and I thought, "I had to do this last semester. I'm in great shape, and possibly a step ahead of everyone else." Then I pulled out my lab book. I don't think I've ever seen a more ridiculously lengthy, vague document. It was like reading the fifty page chapter, "Her Fur" from Scruffy My Rabies Baby Cat: A Loving Tribute. The instructions of the assignment were buried in non-descriptive what-ifs, buts, and stipulations. Two hours later, I had written approximately thirty lines of code and found out I had misinterpreted part of the assignment. Lucky me. Enough of that, I'm going to work on it later with a guy on my floor. We'll get it figured out one way or another. Bah!


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