Tuesday, February 08, 2005

More good news...

This is nuts! I started this blog for life's rants, but life has been positive since I made it. Oh well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometime. I'll keep this short and just update you on what happened since my last post: Joey stayed the night last night! He was on his way home from Hesston and made it to Indy and was exhausted. We had lunch together at BK, and got to talk some. I'm really glad he came because I missed him since last time we hung out. I managed to suffer through my only class and life was good. After Spiritual Renewal, (which I did not attend,) a group of guys from my floor and girls from our sister floor when to Scooter's house. We watched American Idol, played catch phrase, and ate some of his mom's amazing cookies. Then when we came back and I had to do Expository Writing homework. I would love to go on a small rant about that, but I refuse to leave today with a negative ending. So there you have it - my life.


Anonymous said...

You are so totally NOT spiritually renewed...anyway, I'm keeping that line about the squirrel. Hope you don't mind if I use it!!

12:50 PM  

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