Thursday, February 24, 2005

I took action!

I finally got fed up with bad parking - I took action! I finally decided that I was through with empty threats. They just seem to provoke people anyway. I awoke to find a poorly parked Oldsmobile Alero parked next to my baby. The Alero didn't even attempt to follow the parking lines. It was at least 2-3 inches over the clearly marked yellow divider. After mulling over what to do - call campus safety to plead for my car door's safety or write a letter like a good upstanding citizen? Or better yet, bust out my Mickey Mouse parking ticket... muahahahaha! I choose the letter. Hopefully I made someone's day - it made mine.

Dear Sir or Madam:
I would appreciate it if you would take greater care in the future to park within the parking lines. I take great pride in my car's finish and park in a manner to protect it from accidental dings and scratches. You are parked across the line, which increases the risk of my car getting dinged, even accidentally. These types of body repairs are very expensive and insurance does not cover them.

Concerned Taylor Student

Oh and the best part: The car was owned by a proud Taylor sophomore. I freshman Nate owned a sophomore.

Were you the lucky recepient of that letter? Congraduations! Feel free to leave your view on the matter. I will be happy to delete your comments! (Accomodations for all contestants on Nate's Nukes provided by Life: Doesn't it suck?)


Anonymous said... should have just left the "Mickey Mouse sign"... ~Jules

4:05 PM  

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