Thursday, March 03, 2005

Procrastination, school, papers, tests, and a Macintrash

I'm procrastinating on my memoir about procrastination. Somehow, I don't think it's a good idea. Only the rough draft is due tomorrow so what the heck, why not? Anyways, brief update. I love my Expository Writing professor. [Thick, blatantly obvious sarcasm.] (I really hope she isn't an avid reader of my blog. I could be in trouble if she is.) She is proof that a PhD stands for "Piled High and Deeper." She is convinced that we need to cite sources for our memoirs. I will provide this opportunity for you to prove me wrong. How is that proper writing? A memoir stems from my experiences. Would you like me to cite the conversation I had with my friends as an interview? Just because I read someone else's memoir doesn't mean that I have to cite it as a source for my memoir. I didn't use any of their personal content as my own. This type of thinking would mean that I will have to cite sources when I write my will and do my taxes. Imagine that on my W4:

Works Cited:

Smith, Ernie. Personal interview. 14 April 2005.

United States. Internal Revenue Service. 14 April 2005 <>.

What else? How 'bout that History of American Immigration test today? Oh my. That was oodles of fun. At first I was terrified about it. Who wouldn't when they saw the three page study guide?! I slowly worked through it for about three hours and thought I was in decent shape. Then I saw the six pages of the test. Uh-oh. It's too soon to speak about how I did, but lets just say I thought the essays were the easiest part. Oh well, it's history now, I can't change it. [Har har.]

Now my favorite topic. If you've ever met me, you know that "I made the switch." Yes, Nathaniel B. Smith is one of those pesky Macintosh owners. It turns out that I'm not immune from the insanity of owning a computer. I can't claim to deal with the joys of spyware or have ever experienced a virus on it, but Macs can be moody too it appears. For the past week or so my available hard drive space has been fluctuating. I'm not talking 5 MB or something easily accounted for, either. Three days ago I had 2.9 GB free. Two hours ago I had 2.1 free. Twenty minutes ago I had 1.58 GB. Lovely. That's my life.

I'll just tack this little advertisement on this post. Since I am a Blogger and not a Xangaer I can't join nifty blog rings (hate on me all you want, but I can host my own blog and edit the CSS stylesheets... yadda yadda yadda). However, Blogger updated their comments so you can now leave your name and website in the comments. Feel free to link to your Xanga in your comments.


Anonymous said...

you and your history puns...haha...hang in there, idk if it will get better, but you never know when you'll be a monkey's uncle...and that monkey ends up a millionaire!
-peace out, ash

4:01 AM  

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