Tuesday, March 01, 2005

How's this for secure?

At Taylor, the things that really irk me usually stem from administrative policies. You'll rarely hear me complain about a teacher (with the exception of Dr. Muchiri) or a student on campus. That's actually the reason I created this blog - for stress release. Funny though, this rant is about the government. Get this e-mail:

As part of a federally legislated information security program, the Information Technology department will be requiring changes to network account passwords on Tuesday, March 1. Please note that there is no need to change your password before March 1. If you do, you will still be required to change it on that day.
Please begin considering your new password based on the following rules with which it must comply:
* Passwords must be at least eight (8) characters long.
* Passwords must contain three (3) of the following four (4) items:
- Upper case letters (A-Z)
- Lower case letters (a-z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special characters (space, !, @, #, $, etc ... )

Ok, so perhaps this is a small thing to rant about, but when the heck did the federal government decide that it was a good idea for me to change my password?! Honestly, I don't know what we're paying them for and I usually don't ask questions, but how long did congress mull over this one? It gets better though. Taylor decided to make a password security checker. Check out a few of these password security levels:

  • "abc123": What are you stupid?
  • "password": Moderately Secure
  • "Password": Strong
  • ""secretWord": Uber strong.

The ironic thing about all of this is that it has actually created a less secure environment. It has been the discussion of everyone on campus. I've heard professors say exactly how they have changed their passwords. So while I'm in a sharing mood, I added a semi-colon to the end of my old password. If you have that password, you are more than welcome to use it. Heck, if you want to check my e-mail and frame me for terrorist activities, my computer is almost always on. Click on "Entourage" in the Dock, and you can e-mail to your heart's content. Rant over.


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