Sunday, February 27, 2005

Amazing weekend: Part 2

I got back from my Pick-A-Date about an hour ago. I went with one of my floor mate's sisters. It was interesting because we didn't know each other all that well, but worked out really well. I think she had a good time. First we went to Biaggis, an Italian restaurant. Then we were supposed to go to a play at a church in downtown Fort Wayne. It was about the civil rights movement, but we didn't go there. Our car got lost because the directions we were given led us to a closed road and the church wasn't well marked. Another couple couldn't find parking - the lot was packed and there was no other parking within a block, so we met up to decide what to do. We had already missed over half-an-hour of the play and assumed that we couldn't get into the auditorium until intermission. In essence we missed half the play. We considered our options, and we went to see Hitch. I would highly recommend seeing it! It was very funny and had some truth to it.

This has shaped up to be an excellent weekend. Tomorrow should be interesting - I have a machine problem, a lab, and other various homework. Fun fun. It is definitely time for me to go to bed. It has been a long day - I made two "Pick-A-Date Mix" CDs, took 10-Speed to Marion to pick up GT4, went on the pick a date, and ended it all by blogging. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

glad you worked out that water temperature issue...jules and i didn't really clear up our lack of sleep issue. anyway, have you seen As Good As It Gets? b/c your cd creation reminds me of Udall and his musically programmed trip.
peace out

1:53 AM  

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