Friday, March 18, 2005

Peon me.

It finally happened. I could not deal with Dr. Muchiri any more, and I confronted her in class. About midway through class she started making generalizations about the class' performance on the essay she had graded recently. At this point, I had given up taking her crap - poor explanations and incorrect teaching were not going to drag my grades down. I explained to her how what she was asking for, didn't really fit with our writing piece. I had taken charge, and the rest of the class followed my lead. A guy two seats back said he was unclear as to the requirements regarding our external sources in the memoir. Dr. Muchiri continued to dig herself deeper by stating that it was our fault. One by one, other students joined in. Dr. Muchiri's voiced reached an uncomfortable tone and volume. Another student chimed in, "Why don't we solve this democratically? Then we can see if there was miscommunication on the issue." Reluctantly, Dr. Muchiri gave in. Five students raised their hands to acknowledge that they had done the assignment as Dr. Muchiri had intended. One student who had her hand raised, and was very attentive in class decided to clarify her position. It turns out she had only written the paper relating the sources by chance. We had won the war, but the spoils were worthless.

After class I decided to clear the air with Dr. Muchiri. If I left things as they were, it would not be good. I apologized for any offense she had taken to my argument. Dr. Muchiri was only able to retort, "I wasn't offended." Regardless, I spent another 15 minutes discussing my paper with her. She said she would reread the paper and consider all that we had discussed. We'll see. I'm not expecting much, I'm only a minion in her dictatorship.


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