Sunday, March 06, 2005

Good weekend with a twist.

My roommate invited me home this weekend. I had a lot of work that I needed to at least get started, but getting off campus was irresistible. So I caved with a condition. I decided to drive separately because Aaron could not come home until sometime after 1:00 on Sunday. If I drove I could get back Saturday night and have some time to get work done. I could work on my "Linked-List" lab for COS250 with Blacksheep, and still have time to prepare for the week ahead.

I had a good time. On Friday night we watched Dragonheart and ate Pizza, Mac & Cheese, and chips with meaty cheese dip. Good stuff. We got up around 10 on Saturday to go paint-balling. It was my first time ever, so I was less than amazing. Again, it was fun. I even have a nice welt on my back. That night we decided to go see Constantine. My little review on the movie was that it was just alright and was rather inconsistent. I'm sure that you could draw out conclusions and parallels, but I'm not convinced. If you go see it, go to the first matinee for the discount rate and be sure to stay for the credits. I found out that there was another scene after the credits which puts an interesting twist on the movie. I wish I had seen it.

We got back from Constantine, and I was pretty set on going back to the dorm. Then I could sleep in and work on homework. 10-Speed convinced me that we should just stay the night and get breakfast at Aaron's house, then leave and get back to Taylor in time for lunch. I caved. To make a long story short, we got back just 20 minutes before Aaron did. We didn't leave very early, stopped for lunch, stopped at a Dick's Sporting Goods that was going out of business, and stopped for gas. We came across a gas station that was offering 10 cents off the price of gas with a car wash purchase. I didn't think it was a bad idea. I was saving $1 on gas and getting a much needed car wash. Everyone else had the same idea. We sat in line to enter the wash for about half-an-hour. On the positive side, I drove in a semi-aggressive manner (faster acceleration/highway speeds/full load) and got 34 mpg. Yay!

So now I'm back at Taylor (oh goodie) and am feeling just a little stressed since I am way behind schedule. So I'm going to go code my lab with Blacksheep. Labs always prove to be frustrating.


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