Thursday, March 10, 2005

Technology rant./Alias blasphemy.

Perhaps technology never made a direct statment that it will simplify my life, but why shouldn't it? Take for example e-mail. What can e-mail do to simplify life? If you've ever been on a college campus, you know that you get at least 5 e-mails a day. Most of them are from the pesky all-campus mailing list that you can never seem to unsubscribe from. Regardless, you can click on an e-mail and quickly scan it's contents. Pop quiz: Does the following e-mail interest you?*


In an effort to maximize university preparedness for the upcoming tornado season, the Department of Campus Safety is respectfully requesting that you become familiar with the attached Tornado Disaster Plan for Taylor University.
For those of you who have telephone-tree calling responsibilities in the plan, I suggest that you print two (2) copies of the document and keep one (1) copy in your home.

Regardless of your answer, you were able to pick out the pertinent information quickly. (Or ignore it completely.) Heck, when e-mail was invented**, they came up with these nifty, main idea encompassing tags for e-mails called the "Subject" field. I can look through my e-mail in 10 minutes and sort out the important black-market Viagra ads from the unimportant "You are failing Expository Writing..." e-mail.*** Quick and simple, I move on with my day - you move on with ours. If we are destined**** to cross paths we do.

So what the heck does this have to do with anything? I had made an appointment with myself to watch Alias. My PA thought that that same timeslot would be a lovely time to schedule a floor meeting. Wrong. I kindly informed my PA that I had a prior engagement (which was completely true), and that I would be unable to attend. He quickly gave me the run down of what I was going to miss. He asked why I was going to miss, and I told him that Sydney (Jennifer Garner) and I had a weekly appointment. That didn't go over so well.

"Alright, you've made two incredibly pointless rants about nothing," you say. Congratulations Mr./Mrs./Miss Obvious. (Refer to the first post that lays out the ground rules.) I was informed that I would be fined if I didn't go to the meeting. The meeting which I had already heard the details of, which I could easily tune out when I went, which was after "business hours," which interfered with my plans, and which could have been sent in an e-mail. Honestly, where's my sick day or my "Get out of jail FREE" card?

So rant, rant, rant. Who cares? Actually anymore I don't. Bam Bam was feeling charitable he let me tape it and I have since seen it. Oh well, one more rant added to the site. (I'm all about volume.) With that, I'd like to leave us all with a quote from Michael Lewis' book NEXT: The Future Just Happened...
Change is inevitable, so you might as well pretend to love it lest you be taken for a doomed species.

* By citing the above e-mail I in no way meant to offend anyone or make light of tornadoes. Tornados are highly dangerous and everyone should read the complete e-mail. The PDF attached to the e-mail contained information that should be printed out by all Taylor students. If you expect to check your e-mail for instructions during the Tornado drill, you are endangering your life and the lives of others.
** Probably by Bill Clinton working side by side with the inventor of the internet, Al Gore.
*** [Sarcasm].
**** I actually have nothing to say here.


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