Friday, March 18, 2005

Major change... no pun intended.

COS 250 (Data Structures) will be the death of me. I'm sick of tests where I just flat out don't have enough time to answer the questions (specifically COS 250). Why am I slow?

Well on to the real reason for this post. I've been considering changing majors. I'm just not enjoying school very much right now. It has been quite awhile since I've enjoyed school, and I want that to change (especially when it costs $26k+. Perhaps I'm just in a melancholy, emo mood, but shouldn't school be fun? Shouldn't Taylor tailor my experience so that I enjoy my classes? (All these poor puns make me sick.) I went ahead and had a meeting with the communication department because I am considering switching to the New Media major with a Computer Science minor. Essentially, New Media is similar to Mass Communications with a digital twist. I would get to work with the Adobe Suite - Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc. and digital video and audio. I think it could be fun. Perhaps more fun than I'm having right now. I don't know what to do. It seems like I kind of enjoyed COS 120, and COS 250 is not supposed to be a picnic. It is the Computer Science weed-out class. From here the topics narrow and could be more fun. Should I stick it out? I'd appreciate another point of view...


Anonymous said...

hey kid...i was there just a semester ago. G.chem was my weed-out class and i pansied out. it wasn't that i didn't want med school bad enough..i don't think i truly wanted it at all. things won't get easier, but they should always be fun. the weed-out is always a bitch, but there should be some element keeping you there...find something, or it's not worth being stuck somewhere you hate and will eventually hate years from now. if you find you want to stick it out..all the more power to you! if you're so completely miserable right now that you can't function at all (i.e. me, last semester)'s not worth it...don't sell your soul.

3:06 AM  

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