Friday, April 01, 2005

Spring Break

Spring Break has been a sad excuse to procrastinate. That isn't to say that I've done nothing. In fact, I have been keeping quite busy. I won't bore you with the details, but thus far I bought new shoes, went to my church's Easter service, partied at Jennifer's, hung out with Brad, chilled at Joey's house, and worked two days at Family Pools. All these activities were ways of avoiding my latest Expository Writing paper. Without a doubt, John Perry's essay, Structured Procrastination, was written about me. Heck, my name is part of procrastinate.

On another note, in an effort to continue avoiding my paper, I got the quote section of the site up and running. I only have about 15 quotes so far, but expect more as time goes on. Now that it is a quarter till 1:00, perhaps I will get to work on that paper. Why am I nocturnal?


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