Friday, April 15, 2005

Week Reflection

It certainly has been a full week. I'll briefly outline it for you, then comment and wrap this one up to upset the recently wordy post balance.

  • Monday

    • Machine Problem for COS 240 (Business Application Design)
    • Rough draft due in Expository Writing about my "Academic Discourse Community"
    • Lab due in COS 250

  • Wednesday

    • Quiz in COS 240
    • Essay due in Expos
    • Test in Interpersonal Communication

  • Thursday

    • Machine Problem due in COS 250

  • Friday

    • Quiz in COS 240
    • Quiz in Expos
    • Reading Interaction due for COS 250

To keep it interesting, I will resist rambling about various aspects of the week. I think you can see how fun it has been. Just enjoy the specs below:

Tests: 1
Quizzes: 3
All nighters: 3
Consecutive days awake: 2 (but with limited functionality)
Record sleep ratio: 6/41 hours

P.S. - I do not in any way endorse my sleeping habits...


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