Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Life Update

Wow. It seems as if something crazy is always underway. This week was certainly no exception. Friday, life decided that everything should happen at once. At 1:00, I had to give a speech in Interpersonal Communication, 2:00 I began registration except that I had a test in COS 250. So I worked on scheduling at 3:00 instead. This in itself has been a mess. I've worked through three different schedules, and each one seems to blow up in my face. Perhaps I should just decide on a major and give up the whole flexibility plan.

COS 250 still 0wnZ my soul. It's ridiculous - every weekend is consumed by it and many weeknights too. If Blacksheep and I aren't working on a lab, we're working on a machine problem. Either way, it translates to 8+ hours of pure fun. And if that isn't enough we have other work - reading interactions, tests, machine problem designs... bah. If all of computer science was like 250, I would have dropped it by now.

Aaron (my roommate) got back from home today. He goes home nearly every weekend to see his special lady friend. This weekend it was prom. Unfortunately, when he came back his back really started to hurt. I mean really bad - he was practically in tears. It didn't go away and his brother took him to the emergency room - we'll have to see how this one plays out.


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