Sunday, May 01, 2005

The end is near...

On Friday, I went and saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I was surprised - it wasn't at all what I had expected, but I enjoyed it. My favorite character was none other than Marvin, the manic-depressive robot. I would recommend seeing it as long as you are ready to laugh and aren't in an overly analytical mood!

The semester is wrapping up - I only have to suffer through two more weeks of classes. I'm up late blogging simply because I'm stressed and I need to release some tension. I have all sorts of work ahead of me. The biggest item on my to-do list is a 10-page paper due next Monday. With the semester coming to a close, my grades are becoming virtually finalized and unfortunately, I've had a string of bad ones. It seems as if I can't catch a break.

As usual, Sunday afternoon/night will be devoted to COS 250. Jay and I have the formidable task of implementing a Graph ADT. If you think you know what a graph is, you probably do. However, you probably don't understand what a graph is in computer science. Suffice to say, a graph is a list that contains a list or a matrix. Sound simple? It is for the most part, until you try to implement one in C++. I can just imagine the pointer mess we get to deal with!

Sorry this post isn't all that amusing. I'm not feeling all that cynical or sarcastic. In fact, I'm feeling downright tired. So until my next post, auf Wiedersehen!


Katie from 3b said...

Fresh're right, i like this a ton better than xanga. your layout is very cool. and i noticed you got your link working. thanks so much for all the computer help lately. Honestly, i owe you and jay some ice cream or something.

3:02 AM  

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