Thursday, May 19, 2005

Finally Finals are Finished!

Oh boy it was a fun freshman year. I just wish it would never end. In actuality, there is good news - I survived finals. They were rough, but I made it. I'll run down the list briefly:

COS 240 (Business Application Programming) - For the final we were required to make a database editor for an Access database using Visual Basic .NET. Truthfully, I wasn't all that worried about this final. I had paid attention in class and understood most of what was going on. However, Microsoft in all their imperfect glory decided to smack me down. Twenty minutes into the final, I finished my application's interface. I had made a small error so I clicked undo (because I am lazy). Microsoft threw an error at me! (And said, "Ha ha!") It hurt and really wasn't very nice. I calmly saved and exited the program. When I reopened the file I was delighted to see that VB had discarded all of my work. I showed Dr. White and he didn't understand what had happened, but encouraged me to keep working and start over. About 40 minutes later (1 hour into the final), I had redesigned the interface and had a good chunk of my code working again. I compiled and, "Ding, ding! Round 2!" Thanks VB. To shorten the story, I lost my work again and was quite disenchanted with good ol' Bill Gates. Twenty minutes after the final was over I submitted my final solution. Too bad my grade wasn't a little higher.

HIS 170 (History of American Immigration) - I walked into this final twenty minutes late (see above) and didn't have any extra time to cram new stuff into my head before walking into the venus student final. Who knows how I did, my test scores were never very strong in this class.

CAS 120 (Interpersonal Communication) - I studied hard for this one and it paid off! I was very happy to get a 99% on my final. Boo yeah!

COS 250 (Data Structures) - I never got to see a realistic estimate of my grade before the final. This was particularly frustrating since the prof had promised us grades before the final. Dr. Geisler didn't grade anything (no surprises). The test confronted me with some very tough questions about things we hadn't really covered in much detail. Again, tests have never been my strong point in this class, so who knows how I did. (I just hope someone didn't study for hours and destroy the curve.) I was perturbed to find that the first question was, "Was Star Wars worth it last night?" If he even went to see Star Wars and disregarded our grades as a result.....

ENG 110 (Expository Writing) - The "final" was our research paper. I was satisfied with my grade on it - especially considering my "8-10 pages" was actually 7.25 pages with 2.3 line spacing and extra spacing between the characters. During the finals period I happily filled out the surveys to let Dr. Muchiri know just how horrible her class was.

So it is all over. I'm very happy about that. It's been fun, but COS 250 sucked the life out of me. Time to move on to bigger and better thing, as a sophomore.


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