Sunday, May 15, 2005

Bhone Controversy

Ahh yes. Controversy has graced the halls of the usually quiet, undisturbed Bhone. On Friday, Bergwall's sixteen current and upcoming "Personnel Assistants" all disappeared for a secretive meeting with the hall director. Upon their return, they acted slightly brainwashed and denied various aspects of the meeting's existence or reason... at least until the e-mail:
Dear Guys,

There is a mandatory meeting this Sunday night (May 15th) at 9pm in the Student Development office (basement of Chapel). Please do everything you can to attend this meeting. It is regarding next year’s housing. I realize this is very vague and you may have questions. I ask for your patience and all your questions will be answered Sunday night. This is why it is extremely important for you to be at this meeting.


James Kim
Bergwall Hall Director

Speculation runs rampant in the dorm rooms. We've all signed our housing contracts - they wouldn't move us around would they? Why must the meeting take place at 9:00 PM on a Sunday - the night before finals begin? What will come of this dubious meeting? As 9:00 PM approaches quickly, we only know that we shall soon find out. Check back for an update!


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