Friday, August 26, 2005

Summer Summary/(Summery?)

Well I'm pretty ashamed at the lack of posts I made this summer. Let's be honest - the majority of it was laziness. However, that said, I postulate that my blood pressure is lower at home. In order to make up for it, just slightly, I will summarize my summer.

I began summer with a cleaning frenzy. My mom decided that spring cleaning was just more fun with me around, so she rented a Rug Doctor and we shampooed the carpets. This in turn delayed my unpacking because I had to empty my room before I moved in. To keep this short and sweet, I consequently never fully unpacked.

The next week I began work at the pool store for my third year. Generally speaking I enjoy working at the store. My coworkers keep me amused and the customers usually keep us busy. I managed to work outside as a service guy several days, which was a nice change of pace. At the end of summer my salary went up in the form of a bonus, which I appreciated greatly.

Early in August, I went on vacation with some guys from Taylor. It proved to be a good week, but you can check that out in my last post. When I got back from vacation, I sent my car off to be bandaged from all of Taylor's hail and she's like new again!

At the tail end of August, I packed up to head back to Taylor. More than packing, because I never really unpacked, I spent time frantically checking off a to do list. I formatted a laptop, updated anti-virus, reconfigured our network, and made winter preparations for the pool. Sounds thrilling, huh?

Otherwise, I spent a lot of time chilling with friends. Most of the movies on my list, I watched with Brad - we made it tradition to sit down once a week and watch a DVD. (We wanted to break-in his surround sound.) I also went boating with Brad twice. In fact, I learned how to kneeboard. I was satisfied with my summer, but now it's back to work!


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