Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday + Discrete Test = Taste of Hell

Today I took the worst test ever. By worst, I don't mean, "those essay questions seemed rather vague and the multiple choice - totally tricky!" Worst as in the test was logically equivalent to an apocalypse - death, hell on earth, angels on horses killing people, basically the works. Perhaps you feel that this is some sort of exaggeration - would I ever? Never, that's as blasphemous as a politician bending the truth. About 50 minutes after class was over I handed in my test. I knew that if I got everything right that I had answered, the best I could manage was a 70. To add insult to injury, Professor Aguilar asked me which question (not plural) I was stuck on. I simply answered, "too many of them." To which he replied, "oh really, all the questions were really straightforward - except the last one." Lovely, thanks a lot - I feel better now, really. To avoid a sarcastic outburst that would hex me for life, I quickly fled the horrid class.

So, what does that have to do with an odometer? Well, if you know me, you didn't actually need to ask. To vent, I went out driving and listened to the driving mix that Julie burnt for me. Naturally, I grabbed a digital camera to document my car's 60k anniversary! I have nearly doubled the mileage on it since I got it. (Which is happy!) It was somewhat soothing, but taking curves marked at 35 at about 60 made everything better. (Mumble: "Stupid test.")

Since it's related, I'm having doubts about my major again. I really thought I was past it, but the combination of Digital Tools, Accounting and Discrete in one semester have really played with my perceptions. Most of the Accounting seems to be coming naturally and the Digital Tools is a blast. Discrete, required for my CompSci major is just tainting my view of the major. I keep trying to tell myself that one class is not the major, and is certainly not the field. That, compounded with people working on me to switch, I'm torn.

Well, I wonder what else is in store for this week...


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