Saturday, September 24, 2005

Friday & Facebook...

I don't really have much new to report, but for the sake of over-blogging, here goes. After a few days of pure apathy and general unrest, Friday came. If you haven't seen what that does to me, lets just say it involves general euphoria, scary levels of giddiness, and random outbursts such as, "I want a Tickle Me Elmo!" Good luck explaining that one.

So tonight I was determined to have a weekend that was non-retarded. More or less I succeeded. I didn't get to see the Transporter 2, because thanks to 10-Speed's procrastination (which is my job, by the way) we now have to drive about an hour-and-a-half to the nearest theater still showing it. Regardless, I managed to get 10-Speed out of hall duty so that we could get some grub at Bamboo 8. It wasn't horrible, but I've had better Chinese. Then after sitting around for hours on end, I watched Elektra with some of the guys on my floor. I don't care what any of the reviews said - with a winning combination of Jennifer Garner and ninjas, how can you go wrong?

The only other news is I'm finally on the real Facebook. Look me up, be my friend, ask me on a pick-a-date.


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