Friday, September 23, 2005

Good/Bad Gas and Miscellaneous Stuff

I'm going to attempt to get in some sort of rhythm for blogging - consistency for Nate, never! Anywho, it seems like I spent all day working and only knocked off a few of the items on my to do list. I really am feeling apathetic and it's pretty early in the semester for that.

I did some pretty depressing calculations tonight to avoid doing statistics (you'll see the irony in a minute). Assuming my car's average gas mileage is 30 MPG, and I continue to drive 10,000 miles a year, I will spend approximately $900 on gas (at an average price of $2.70/gal). Compare that to a year ago (assume about $1.79/gal) when it would cost me about $600. I can't imagine what people are doing that have to commute daily. On the flip side of this depressing news, I filled up my car tonight in fear of Hurricane Rita. Rumors are flying that gas will go up $0.50/gal tomorrow. I thought that getting Plus (89 Octane) for the price of Regular ($2.65/gal) wasn't bad. The great thing is Phillips 66 (warning: advertisement) is a supplier of Top Tier Gas! I'll let you check out the specifics, but let's just say your car will love you.

My first test is tomorrow, well actually today (Friday). Wish me luck. It looks like I will be stuck here another weekend. Something amazing had better happen this weekend. Oh wait, I can already foresee it - my giant to do list.


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