Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Discrete Math Proof

Out of my frustration comes great creativity:

Premise: I will lose my scholarship over my failing grade in Discrete Math for Computer Science (MAT215).
  • Since this is the case, I've decided it will no longer be worth it to attend to TU.

  • Thus, I will have to go find a job for a college dropout while putting myself through community college.

  • Which means that I will have to drive my Civic until it has 350,000 miles on it.

  • At that point (somewhere around 2035), I will still be single (since Discrete never taught me how to disprove the Proof That Girls are Evil) and in poor health (for a man in his late forties).

  • Which leads me to believe that at that point I will have nothing I wanted out of life.

  • This will cause me to move to Germany where I will work as a groundskeeper for the Nuremberg racetrack so that I can be close to my dreams.

  • And it will be at that point that I will point the finger at Discrete Math and think, DISCRETE RUINED MY LIFE!
Therefore: Discrete is bad.

How's that for a proof?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

TU Taylor Alert:

I had hoped a bad week was behind me. More or less it is. Mostly more since this is my second bad week in a row. As a result of the digital camera fiasco I was up all night on Monday, in time for my second Stats test. You probably can see the domino effect already. I recieved my Stats test back and my test grade went down while the class average went up.

As much as I wanted to remain mad, Dr. Geisler turned our tests back in IAD (finally). I was thrilled to know that this was the best test of his that I've ever taken. So I was very satisfied, and I went on with my day.

Have you ever noticed how "plans" never proceed as planned? I think everyone should refer to them as arrangements from now on, that way if they go off track the "plan" wasn't affected. (Does that actually work, or have I just created some literary mess?) This week I had planned on getting away for at least part of the weekend. I wanted to avoid the TU Homecoming scene - mass amounts of people I don't know who filling up our parking lots and increasing the wait in the DC - and escape from the place causing me mental distress. However plans changed and no one could coordinate with me for my trip to Fort Wayne. Namely, Blacksheep had to hang out with Bam Bam on Friday and 10-Speed had duty all day Saturday.

So... I had hoped for an excellent meal on Friday night but not only had 10-Speed left campus for Muncie (after telling me he would be available Friday night) but everyone else decided to eat in the DC or eat fast food. After declining a trip to BK, we settled on Pizza Hut. Othwise very little happened, and Friday night was less than amazing...

Saturday: My anti-drug. Again, I was going to get away from TU and I wanted someone to come with me. For a little while I had roped Sheep into coming with me, but then he decided he needed to get work done and so he ate in the DC with everyone else. I declined everyone's attemps to get me to go, at least until they got back to report that the food was better than usual. (In other words good, but hardly spectactular.)

I finally decided I couldn't take it anymore. If no one wanted to come with me that was fine. So I got in my car and drove to Indy. I wish I had an amazing story to tell, but I literally drove away (to the soothing sounds of Three Days Grace), stopped for ga$, read some for class, ate at Quiznos, and drove back. It was refreshing to get off campus, although not quite what I had wanted.

Ahh yes... the image. Since Taylor has clamped down on security measures, I've decided that the university needs to have a universal system for alterting students to the dangers that lurk on campus. This system called the "Taylor Terror Alert System" is modeled after the Homeland Security Advisory System, but reflects Taylor's unique needs. It even corresponds to the distance that PA's can be from campus in each stage. I encourage you to make it part of your daily life on campus and perhaps we can lobby for it to be put on portal.