Monday, November 12, 2007

Cheap vs. Cost Effective

I like nice things - there is no way around it. This probably makes me come across as spoiled or picky, but I'd like to point out that I generally buy the good stuff once instead of cheap stuff multiple times. Do I still spend more in the end, do I save money, or is it a wash? Who knows! There are just certain things that don't make sense to skimp on in my mind. As Dr. Adkison would often say in class, "When you go out and buy your first car, for heaven's sake get a radio in it. You can skip the navigation system, but don't brag about all the money you saved by buying a car without a radio. No, no, no, oh my. Folks, that's just stupid!"

My landlord decided to buy the cheapest refrigerator I've ever seen and it just blows my mind. I've seen dorm fridges that make more efficient use of space and it doesn't even have an icemaker. Based on some quick research, the average icemaker costs between $50 and $150. Given that the average life expectancy for a refrigerator is somewhere around 10-15 years, it's a small investment. If that's too much to ask, couldn't we at least get some trays that aren't cracked so badly that I have to trade a finger for a shattered ice cube?

Please people, for everyone's sanity, buy cars with radios and refrigerators with icemakers.


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