Thursday, June 30, 2005

Salute to Summer Movies:

It's late and apparently I'm in a blogging mood. (I've written three entries in under a day.) So here is a compiled list of most of the movies I've seen since I've been home.

I'm sure there are about a half dozen more, but that's all I can remember.

(Updated: August 31, 2005)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Have you ever put a whole lot of effort into your work only to find out that it wasn't received well? Well that kinda summed up my evening yesterday and my day today. Without getting into technical (and incriminating) details, suffice to say I went out of my way to complete research for someone only to have them not use it. The time I researched would have been better spent sleeping or cleaning up my room which still isn't unpacked completely. I guess that all I can do is move on...

The other news is that my hail damage will finally get repaired! A guy is coming to work tomorrow to see the damage on my car and see what all needs to be done. I'm rather excited about that at least!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Updated room...

My Sony HDTV baby went back, but I returned from Canton with a leather couch and a 24" Sony WEGA. Overall I'm happy with it. There are no excuses from my parents now, because I can carry it all by myself. It's really funny because my dad wasn't too keen on the idea of me getting a leather couch but he spent several hours on it watching my new TV, so I think he's warmed up to it.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

It's been too long...

I can't believe my last post was over two weeks ago. I'll let you interpret that any way you like - laziness, apathy, happiness, busyness, or perhaps the world has finally ceased being retarded. I'll fill you in on the latest.

Work keeps me on my feet. I don't really have stable hours - I've been switched between the late and early shift so much I can't figure out when I'm supposed to be working. I certainly appreciate the income. I enjoy working in the store, but somehow it sucks all the energy out of me. My sleep habits are fairly erratic; I sleep a few nights with little sleep, then sleep for twelve or more hours - and with no pattern to the alternation. As a result, I still haven't unpacked all my stuff from college.

I decided it was time to make a larger purchase, and I've been torn between a TV and a couch. I found a great deal on a Sony 32" TV, but it was too big. I bought a 27" Sony on Friday, but it is too big for my TV stand, but fits well in my room on some other furniture. I can't decide whether to keep it or take it back. I thought I wanted to go HD, but I wonder if for now I should save and get something smaller/cheaper. My parents have reservations about moving the TV to college since it weighs nearly 100 pounds. At the same time, I also know where I can get a great deal on a leather reclining couch. Choices, choices.

Oh well, as usual, I'm writing this very late at night and need to go to bed. I'm tired - goodnight!