Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Detroit Auto Show Without the Hoes

Well my floor managed to do it again. I had a brilliant idea and no one cared enough to even to even blink. As soon as J-Term began, I suggested to 10-Speed that we plan a floor event to visit the 2006 Detroit Auto Show. Of course he praised the idea and mentioned that it would definitely be a ton of fun, but promptly dropped off the face of the earth. I e-mailed the floor to invite them to come along and gave them an approximate schedule for when we would go and what all we would do. Needless to say, no one went for it. I somehow managed to fill my car for the trip, so we went.

So on Saturday, Bam Bam, Patrick, Blacksheep, and I all journeyed to Detroit. It was an amazing weekend. After I sat in all my dream cars (Civic Si, S2000, G35, M3, 350Z, and TSX) and walked around Cobo, and then headed back to Bam Bam's house. His dad treated us to dinner at BW3's and we watched The Island. Then after church on Sunday we headed back to Taylor. It was an excellent weekend and it's unfortunate that many more weekends at TU don't achieve the same level of greatness.

(P.S. - If you turned down the invite, you are a ho.)

What happened to me?

So much has happened to me in the last few months and there is nothing here on Nate's Nukes to document it. This won't be an especially funny post, but it will give you an idea of what's been up.

Thanksgiving Break: I never would have made it to the end of the semester without this break. Unfortunately, it didn't qualify as a quality break. I had so many people that I wanted to see and so much stuff to do, that most of it never happened. Everyone was busy, so plans just fell by the wayside. Thanksgiving Day it snowed and so we ditched plans to visit my aunt and uncle in Columbus. This was quite a disappointment since it was one of the few opportunities I had to get out of the house. Break ended, and it was back to the semester.

End of Sophomore Semester: This semester was my toughest yet. It wasn't that everything I had going was super hard, but there was so much of it to balance. For example, Jay and I literally spent the week before finals (and the bookend weekends as well) working on our semester project. We didn't even have time to take the breaks that we needed to stay sane. I pulled about three all-nighters during the week and I think Jay pulled four. It was grueling, but in the end it was worth it. In the interest of keeping this short(er), I'll leave it at that.

Discrete Final: Going into the final, I knew I was in trouble. In fact, things looked pretty hopeless. The week before November began I made a request for a tutor for the class so that I might have some chance of salvaging my grade since things obviously were not getting better. After hearing nothing, the week before finals week I got an e-mail that told me I had a tutor that was willing to work with me before the final. With 80% of my grade already determined, things looked bleak, but I knew I had to make an effort. I met with my tutor for about five hours before the test and it was instantly evident that he should be teaching the class. To make a long story short, I didn't pass. However, I was pretty proud of the grade I managed on the final. While it was in line with my other poor test grades, it represented the toughest material that I missed the first time around. I suppose Dr. Aguilar had the last laugh when he didn't pass me, but I went out with a fight. I showed up the final completely dressed up (dress pants, shoes, shirt and tie) and delivered my one line eulogy: "I didn't feel it would be appropriate to attend my own funeral in jeans and a t-shirt." Oh well, I'm still looking into my options for taking the course again...

Christmas Break: During Christmas Break I managed to catch up on the lost sleep of the fall semester, but I also managed to make it out for some late night partying. I attended the Family Pools and Spas Christmas Party shortly after I returned home. It was good to see my extended "Family". I also managed to see most everyone from WGBC, a few people from Central, and even Ryan made an appearance. Christmas itself was pretty dead. Our family spent Christmas Day with my grandparents and great aunt. Due to a shipping fiasco, we didn't even have a Christmas tree, so it was another pretty weak excuse for a holiday. I'm not saying it wasn't good to be home, but things were pretty dead.

Family Pools: I ended a chapter in my life on a very bittersweet note. I told Becky that I would not be returning to Family Pools this upcoming summer. I have decided that I need to move on and gain experience in the computer field in preparation for my required practicum. I'm really going to miss working in the store because the girls there are my extended family.

PowerBook: Yes, even my laptop gets a heading in recent events. My PowerBook demanded that I share some of my new found wealth from Christmas. I don't normally cave to such demands, but in a moment of self-destruction, my laptop burnt out one of its RAM slots and effectively stole the money my grandparents gave me.

My Car: What is a post without a mention of my child? Remember how obsessive I am about parking? Remember how I always say trust no one when parking and you avoid lots of dings? Remember how you always point out that I'm far too paranoid? Remember how much I hate you? Yes, I think you can see where this is going. I let my guard down for just a day when my grandparents visited. I thought about moving my car but your taunts reverberated in my mind. You know what? I was rewarded with a ding from my grandma.

J-Term: Not much to report here. Astronomy has been treating me well with no homework. The early mornings are rough, but I've managed to deal with it so far.

So that's a brief run down of what's been going on. I probably wouldn't have bothered writing this if I didn't need to get away from Taylor so badly. I'm currently sitting across from campus in a parking lot in my car. It's getting cold so I'm going to call it a night and head back to the dorm. Until I write next (next millennia?), keep it real.