Sunday, March 05, 2006

The latest...

I realize that it's been almost two months since I updated my blog. Sorry. I find that I don't even think to update it anymore, and when I do, there is nothing to report. However, I'm sure you will be thrilled to know that there are a few new quotes in the random quote generator. At least you only get the best, or rather worst of my life, so hopefully it is somewhat entertaining.

This week has been lovely. I had four tests, three of which were on Friday. I started out with a Database test, which was an Aguilar test. Keep in mind that Dr. Aguilar was greatly distressed that the average on the test was so high (83%). Apparently his reputation for long, ridiculously hard tests is tarnished forever. (Poor him...) After that was over, I managed to make it through the rest of the week, just in time for a Biblical Literature II, (Programming) Language Structures, and Data Communication (i.e. - Network) tests. Needless to say, my brain had the consistency of a milkshake by the end of Friday, and I'm happy to have that behind me.

Friday evening was interesting. I had told people on my floor that I wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner after suffering through such a wonderful week. Sadly, when I went to make the dinner call, no one else seemed to want to join me in my quest for a meal fit for my stomach (and a king). After sulking because I was going to have to go alone or face certain digestive failure in the DC, a few people trickled back from "dinner." Luckily, the DC did what they do best, and served up a meal that a dog wouldn't eat. So I convinced my roommate and Bissell to head out for some real food.

Since I had been tethered to campus all week, I decided I still needed to get out for awhile. So I planned a route that hit some curvy roads and headed out. However, Indiana would not have of me discovering these jewels. After stopping half-a-dozen times to look at the map I had made, I gave up trying to decipher the worthless "750 E" road signs. Maybe I'm misinformed, but I believe it is a crime to name a road using words in Indiana. I ended up just making it up as I went along. Ninety miles later, I reluctantly pulled back into Taylor's parking lot.

I have another week of pure insanity lined up. On Monday, I have a Data Communications project due. On Thursday, I have a meeting with TJ Higley from the IT Department (for another project I'm involved in). On Friday, I have a parser due for Language Structures, and during the week I get to set up a server for my Data Communications class. If I make it through this week, I'll be ready for Spring Break, but I'll have to wait.

So that is the latest. I promised myself that I would work on my Programming Languages project, but I haven't been able to focus at all today. So here I sit, blogging.