This page was last appended and updated Wednesday July 28, 1999. This page
contains emails received from November 30th, 1998 until July 5th,
The teak cabinetry in older Cal 31s, i.e. 1979, 1980, models has more finish:
lathe-turned work and cabinet doors. The keel also seems deeper than in mid-80s
models, which are also longer, fore and aft. I've heard that manufacturing
switched to RI and FL around 1980.
I'd be glad to correspond with other owners, to discuss a whole bunch of
On this page I also have a link to the Cal 25 Fleet page, a page dedicated to
the preservation of the Cal 25. Mike Hoffman
While returning from the Coastal Cup race this year a potentially lethal
incident occurred. As all of you California coast sailers know, Point Conception
is the battleground of colliding currents and winds. Always a bouncy ride, this
year saw broken booms and thrashed sails during the race. The same conditions
existed when it was time to take PERPETUAL MOTION, a Cal 31, back home to the
Bay Area. This boat had been carefully prepared and equipped for this ocean race
in challenging conditions. All proceeded as planned as we motor sailed up the
Santa Barbara channel.
The swell grew increasing large and steep as we approached Pt. Conception.
Just as we encountered the wind shift line we went over a particularly steep
wave. The boat fell several feet and "belly flopped" in
the next trough. Not the worst smack the boat had taken, but still bone jarring
and rig shaking. The Skipper was putting on his foulies at the time and said
with complete calm "We are taking on water!". The three of us looked at
each other with that "nooooo" look. By now the cabin was flooding rapidly. Ice
coolers, emergency life raft, shoes and anything else on the sole of the cabin
was now floating.
The owner/skipper dove in to the cabin and started yanking access panels,
sail bags, fenders and all the other carefully stowed stuff out of the way. He
started in the stern, looking for the huge flow of seawater pouring in. In the
meantime I started steering for the beach (5 miles away) while the remaining man
madly pumped. The raft came out on deck as we all made eye contact. In a couple
of more minutes we were going to need that raft if we didn't stop the flooding!
As the water reached the settee level the skipper worked his way to the forward
through-hulls that served the head.
The through-hull had been pushed right through the hull, tearing off the
reinforcement fiberglass pad. Close inspection of the fitting and pad showed
that the original hole had been cut oversized. To fix the problem the boat
builder had simply resigned in the bronze fitting and slapped some glass cloth
over the inside of the hull as reinforcement. That would probably have held,
except for the hull paint that wasn't removed before glassing on the pad. Resin
doesn't stick to paint very well and as the boat smashed down on the water the
hydraulic pressure punched in the fitting.
This incident occurred in daylight and clear skies. It was windy (21kts and
rising) with 10-12 foot seas but nothing unusual for the ocean. Had this
occurred at "dark 30" we might have lost the boat because the flooding would
have remained undiscovered until the off-watch crew floated off their bunks.
My wife and I hope to join the list of LiveAboards and cruisers next year
after my retirement. Mike and Nancy
Dan, I was just on your Cal web site and really appreciate the information
you have collected. I have an opportunity to buy a beautifully maintained,
loaded, 1978 Cal 2-27 for around $8,000. It's not the boat I had in mind--I tend
to like the older traditional boats like the Bristols--but it's VERY nice and
very roomy.
I currently have a 1993 Precision 23 (for sale, if you know anyone looking)
that I love, but my wife will no longer sail on after of an encounter with a
storm followed by gusty 36 knot winds. You see why I'm asking the questions
above? The more comfortable my wife is the more sailing I get to do.
Thanks for any input you might have. Chris Collins
Note: I received a jpg file from Bette, notebook.jpg, but it was only 2k and
looked like the very corner of some Cal docs. Something went amiss with the jpg
between here and Newport Beach, Bette. Sorry about that. Dan
By the way, We are finding our Cal 33 to be wonderful beyond our
expectations. We operate in and out of Narraganset bay in Newport, RI and it
just loves heavy weather and passes many other sail boats even in a light
Steve Seal is a rigger in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has every part I
have ever needed for a Cal 20 I have been sailing Cal 20's for 21 years). Some
of the parts like the rub rail may be able to be used on other Cal Boats. His
address is Steve Seal, 1327 Sherman Street, Alameda, CA 94501. . . (510)
521-7730 . He is honest as the day is long and comes with my highest
Thanks for this web page. Brian Cleverly pointed it out to me. - Chris Barr,
Boston, MA
I loved your site. I am a new, last June, owner of a CAL 25. It was built in
1984. I was very interested in your history and photos.
The boat, reflections (new name), needed and still needs a lot of clean up
and maintance. But I love to sail it. I have encountered two problems to date. I
am large 6'3" 290#, there is no good place to sleep. I am too long for the V
birth and too wide for the sides. Even my wife has trouble on the bench seats.
So . . . FIRST THING, find where the water is getting into the core and get
it sealed! Then repair the crack by whatever means is best. I had a nasty crack
under my stern pulpit, near the top of my transom caused by water leaking into
the core around an engine dorade vent. I made a cardboard template of the shape
of the transom top, used the template to cut a 10" x 4" x 1/8" thick stainless
plate large enough to cover and strengthen the crack, welded a short piece of
tubing onto it for a flagstaff mount, bedded it in 3M 5200 securely over the
crack with 26 stainless bolts. I drilled the bolt holes around the edge of the
plate, thru the top of the transom, about every inch or so, countersinking the
bolt heads into the 1/8" plate. It looks like a beautiful flagstaff mount or
maybe a step plate. Whatever, it looks great and is stronger than original.
I sail in the gulf out of Shell Point, near Tallahassee where I live. I
bought the boat this last year from the original owner and it is in excellent
condition. Just bought a new 9.9 Honda for it which I would recommend to anyone
for fuel economy and quietness. Good luck and keep up the good work. Gil
I saw the E-mail you received from Dave Bowers regarding his Cal 40 and the
modifications he made to make her more comfortable for cruising. I wonder if he
would mind if you passed along his E-mail address so I might get in touch with
him. I would love to get pictures of his interior so I might get some ideas.
I also have some information and line drawings with specs you may be
interested in. I have to have them photocopied and then I will E-mail or snail
mail them to you. I have the original engine manuals also. Let me know what you
are looking for and I'll see what I have.
I've been looking for a site like this for awhile and was lucky enough to
stumble across a reference from another site. I now have you bookmarked and I'll
be dropping in give and take. Thanks, thanks, thanks! Rob
Dan, I just found your site and it is great. We have a
1968 Cal 40 #139 "MANANA". We are the third owners and the name has not changed.
We bought her 4/4/92 and are in process of getting her ready to head down to the
Islands and south america. She is docked at Watergate Yachting Center in
Clear Lake just south of Houston Tx. We have done some updating down below but
have not change much from the original plans. We also are opening the Quarter
berths with openings from the cockpit.
There is a scanned copy of my Dad's drawing now posted at that site. Rod
Johnson,"NODROG" 1970 Cal 21
I recently purchased a Cal 40 (#35 or #36-don't know for sure) and I'm trying
to get as much info as I can. Also looking for ideas and suggestions to upgrade
her into a more comfortable cruiser...she's virtually original.
If anyone would be kind enough to send, fax, or e-mail the article/issue I'd
greatly appreciate it. I'll pick up any costs involved. Thanks, Rob Stiglitz,
eMail: Fax: (718) 368-4510, Address:59 Avon Rd.,
Hewlett, NY 11557.
Dan, Hi, I came across this site while searching for information on Cal
boats. It is a very interesting site with a lot of information. Thank you for
taking the time to develop such a neat place to visit. Anyway I have a Cal 21
that I have a few questions about the original setup. I noticed that Angela
Hunter Richardson (posting 24) stated that she had copies of the original specs.
I would be interested in obtaining a copy. However her e-mail or even standard
mail address were not included. Would it be possible to obtain either so I can
contact her? Also in posting #27 reply 2 Rod Johnson "NODROG" stated he had a
drawing for the centerboard trunk plug and that he had a 21 originally owned new
by his father. I would also like to contact him concerning the original method
of raising and lowering the centerboard and a method for locking it in place
when lowered. Again no e-mail or address was supplied. I would also like to
contact him. So either would be appreciated.
Good morning to Mr. Dan Dalrymple from the great Pacific Northwest. 1/4/99
from Jacqui MacConnell (age 51), and her son, Orion Adair MacConnell (age 13).
Bellingham, Washington
Hello Dan. Your pages are remarkable.
There is a Lapworth designed Cal 33 (1972) for sale in my town that greatly
interests me. And it seems overpriced for what's on it, and for what is not.
Asking $24,900. Atomic 4. Budget is a concern. Particularly as I can see so much
needing fixed or replaced, or just properly re-installed.
Basic boat, basic design: good, good. This design even has a slight skeg for
it's rudder. My purposes would be safe, comfortable, accomodating, and, as we
learn more, fast sailing. Mostly buddy-boating until my son and I are competant
skippers. Later, overnight San Juan gunkholing with Orion and his chums.
Possible club racing on Wednesday and Thursday nights, and then, if we're still
into it and the sun hasn't set yet, the oceans lie open to us from here........
Alaska, the Queen Charlottes, whatever. I've been pick-up race crew, first mate,
and go-along cruiser for fourteen years. Have also just passed the Coast Guard
Aux. basic safety class. But never been Skipper, solo. And I'm very respectful
of that difference.
I will fax stuff on her to you. There are two things you could do for me, if
you are willing. Zero rush. Zero obligation. Tell me anything you already know,
or can point me toward, in terms of this Lapworth model (not the beamier 33
built later in the 80's), and the company or Lapworth career histories.I would
love to read a couple anthologies, if available. Thanks in advance should you
have the time and interest for the challenge. Mr. Dalrymple, a grand new year to
you and yours. Thank you again for you appealing site. Hope some of my leads are
new and pleasureable to you.
Thank you. Sincerely, Jacqui MacConnell, and son Orion
I had Zest for 23 years and wrote a newsletter for many of those years. It's
a bit wierd to see a short write-up about myself on the net. I raced and cruised
the boat continuously, and maintained her in perfect condition. I do know a lot
about the boats and am always available for advice. I also
still know the Pete Ebeling who was referenced in my old newsletter. He still
has Cal 24 #21 (now in Brooksville,Maine), which he baught new as a kit
in 1959. He was a personal friend of both Jack Jensen and Bill Lapworth.
There are several details in your page that I think are inaccurate, but it's
too late right now to think about them. I'll send a mail
in the future. I share your enthusiasm for Cal boats (even though I now have a
J/30). Steve Cole Seal Beach, CA
She has been through a couple of name changes, including "Nauti-cal", a
dreadful pun on the prior "Zero-Zero" and the manufacturers name, but easy to
get crew T-shirts for. She currently calls herself Juniper.
I would appreciate any further news of her adventures. Bye, Hugo.
Great page! Keep up the good work. Gil Boettcher Cal 24 "Moderation"
As far as the info I can provide to you on the Cal 40 (specs., line drawing,
etc.), I will take the papers to work on Monday to
photocopy and will drop them in the mail as soon as I can. Ed Note:
Thanks, I received the information and line drawings, dd) I also have some info
on Bill Lapworth that may be interesting, which I'll also include. Again, thanks
for the info and the web site. Rob
We currently sail out of Simons Town, about 15 miles North of Cape Point. Can
anyone confirm the above story?
I am currently reworking the Tech Tips and there are 2 new tips regarding
this subject. Stay tuned, as I will post the notice via the SJ23 distribution
list. -- Bob Schimmel, Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada, San Juan 23 Internet
Fleet: This list sponsored by
PEAK,Inc., ISP and Education Center, Corvallis, Oregon
Your web site is GREAT. Thanks for taking the time. If you can help me please
send to John E Mail address "" Thanks John
Hi. Just browsed your Cal page. I recently purchased a
Cal 2-27, my first boat. I am very happy with it. I have one of the few
2-27's which came equiped with an outboard rather than the inboard, which is
interesting, because it gives you a ton of storage where the inboard would have
been. Editor's note, I'm thinking of switching to a 4
cycle outboard myself. I'm having problems buying reasonably priced parts for my
original gasoline, 15 horse, Volvo Penta, 4 cycle, MD 10A engine.
I have searched all over the web for info on these models, and was glad to
stumble on your page. I added my name to the Cal 2-27 newsletter group, but have
heard nothing. I am going to try to join the Owners Group, do you belong or have
any info on them? Simon
Greetings: I love your website. It is really informative.
I am looking at a RI built Cal 39 circa 1986. Have you
personally heard comments on the quality of the construction from this facility
compared with the previous facilities? The older boats seemed to be
exceedingly stoutly built. Is this true of the RI incarnations as well? Thanks
for the input. Bill Kusmik
Hello: I have been following your website. It is very informative.
I am looking at a Cal 39 (1986) which was built in RI. Are
you aware of any information concerning the quality of construction at this
facility? I am aware that the original models were stoutly constructed
and I was wondering if that was alao true of those manufactured in RI. Thanks
for your input. Bill Kusmik
Dear Dan, Found your page this evening and think it is great! I am on the
West Coast and we have about 50 members in our Association. Perhaps we could get
together and create a listing of all Cal 2-27 owners in the U.S. With the
internet we might be able to do some cool stuff. Regards, Jim Taylor "Uncle
George" Hull # 56
Dan, A Cal 24 owner just led me to your webpage. I am
the Steve Cole who was the "guru" of the class for a long time. I had Zest for
23 years and wrote a newsletter for many of those years. It's a bit wierd
to see a short write-up about myself on the net. I raced and cruised the boat
continuously, and maintained her in perfect condition. I do know a lot about the
boats and am always available for advice. I also still know the Pete Ebeling who
was referenced in my old newsletter. He still has Cal 24 #21 (now in
Brooksville, Maine), which he baught new as a kit in 1959. He was a personal
friend of both Jack Jensen and Bill Lapworth. There are
several details in your page that I think are inaccurate, but it's too late
right now (tonight) to think about them.
I'll send another email in the future. I share your enthusiasm for Cal boats
(even though I now have a J/30).
People want to read about the Cals. There's very little on the web about them
(is why I started this site). I keep adding my site addresses to any and all
search engines that doesn't list them since hundreds of internet users search
for information about Cal Yachts daily. Even though I haven't touched the
website for the past several months, the number of user hits on the site
increases daily.
Thanks for the email, looking forward to more of them, Dan Dalrymple,
Wooster, OH
Dan, I was just on your Cal web site and really appreciate the information
you have collected. I have an opportunity to buy a
beautifully maintained, loaded, 1978 Cal 2-27 for around $8,000. It's not
the boat I had in mind--I tend to like the older traditional boats like the
Bristols--but it's VERY nice and very roomy.
I currently have a 1993 Precision 23 (for sale, if you know anyone looking)
that I love, but my wife will no longer sail on after of an encounter with a
storm followed by gusty 36 knot winds. You see why I'm asking the questions
above? The more comfortable my wife is the more sailing I get to do.
Thanks for any input you might have. Chris Collins
One of the reasons I like smaller sailboats is the fact that it's easier to
simply change a sail than to reef it. So the first thing I'd probably do is drop
the main completely down or possibly change my main. Yes, I do have a "storm
main" cut down from an old mainsail. (good winter project, saves the good
My next step would be to change the jib to the 110 (gotta go on deck for this
task) and continue under jib only. If she blows up any more than this, I would
pop my storm jib, and motorsail using the storm jib to steady the boat.
Actually, I've done just this, several times. I'm not one for spending much time
fussing with sails during a blow, so like I said, usually wait too long, then
take a major step. My 70 square foot storm jib, sheeted in
tight, works great, along with the engine. It helps the boat's speed but
mostly it is a godsend for steadying the boat.
I remember reefing the main a couple times but both times I reefed at dock,
then went out in stiff winds. Once was in Nassau, though, and I only put in a
single reef at dock, only to find that we soon needed a double. Ended up
motoring under storm jib only, then after 10 hours, hiding in the safety of a
little horseshoe shaped island called Whale Cay (pronounced key), near Chubb
Cay. Laid in there for the next 16 hours while she blew so hard that we
sometimes heeled more than 40 degrees lying under bare poles at anchor. It was
nice though, no waves but plenty of wind. Really made the rigging hum. We had 20
minute anchor watches but slept great.
About the pounding in a chop, everything pounds in Lake Erie chop... The old
Alberg type hulls, narrow hulls with the long overhangs and the slack bilges
were the best boat ever for Lake Erie chop but the same long overhangs and slack
bilges used up all of the interior room... so to get an interior the size of a
Cal 2-27, you needed to buy (and pay dockage for) an Alberg 35.
I guess what I'm saying is: I enjoy my Cal 2-27 as much as I enjoyed any boat
I've ever owned. I would recommend the boat to anyone. $8000? I've paid $50,000
for boats that I didn't enjoy as much as my Cal 2-27. Oh, and I also trailer my
Cal now. No, I can't launch it at the local ramp but I bring it home in the
winter and will probably take it south next winter. The boat is only slightly
over width, legal height wise, and pulls easily with my Chevy 3500 1 ton pickup
and the gooseneck trailer that I built. dsd
Subject: Propeller for my cal 2-30 Date: Monday, December 28, 1998 2:02 PM
My reply:
Joseph, I can't help much but Yanmar will... Send them your
engine model number, boat weight, LWL, LOA and the fact that it's a sailboat and
they will tell you what prop you need. They might need to know your transmission
model for the gear reduction ratio, but the model number of the Yanmar unit
should tell them that. Where did the prop come from? Make sure that the rotation
of the prop is correct. It will be marked on the hub as either RH (right hand)
or LH (left hand). Your Yanmar manuals will tell you what rotation prop you
need. They cannot be switched!
From: "Jim Haddox" To: Subject: web
page Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 11:17:51 -0800
Dan: Interesting web page, I enjoyed reading. As a fellow sailor "on the
hard" for the next couple of months, the only sailing I get to do is on the web.
I read with interest your article re: boat on Lake Erie. I'm 54 years old
and looking forward to retirement in 5-10 years. I want to be able to lock up my
house about this time of the year, leave MO and put my boat in the water in FL
and sail to the Bahamas for 3 months. Anyway it's my pipe dream. Your article
added fuel as to what type used boat (I'm not taking the bite on a new boat) two
of us can live on for 3 months. YFI: we now sail a Capri 25 out of Boulder
Marina in IL but I live in East Central MO. We enjoy racing our Capri and turned
out to be a ringer in a lake wide regatta we entered. The only other time I
raced last year, I ran aground while leading. We started racing too late in the
year to become a factor in the standings. There is next year (new sail and
whisker pole which cause a 2nd. place in the regatta I mentioned). My home
page is if you care to visit. Regards and good sailing.
To:; Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:04:45 -0500 (EST)From: Received: from by (IMOv18.1)
id DCMCa19752
(We're) Looking at a cal 33 it is either a 1972 or 1974 model. can anyone
tell of what problem areas to look for ? any specs on this boat ? What would be
a fair price ? thanks
From: "Sercis" To: Subject: cal info.
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 19:10:11 -0800
Some Cal 27 info from Owners Guide , Displacement with 7 1/2 hp Westerbeke
gas inboard 5,400 lbs., ballast 2,500 lbs.
I have a Sail & Rig Plan for
my 1974 "California 27 (T/2)" dated 13 January 1972, by C. William Lapworth but
too large for my scanner. Launched Jan 1975
a Cal 27 T/2 Owner, Mike
To:; Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:24:40 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:24:33 -0500 From:
Christina & Les McDermott X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04
[en]C-bls40 (Win95; U)
I have the owner's manual for the CAL 28 made in 1985. If you need
information from it, send me an E-Mail. Les McDermott
Received: from by (IMOv18.1) id IXBEa23166
for; Thu, 28 Jan 1999 02:12:32 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 02:12:32 EST To: Mime-Version: 1.0
Hi. Just browsed your Cal page. I recently purchased a Cal 2-27, my first
boat. I am very happy with it. I have one of the few
2-27's which came equiped with an outboard rather than the inboard, which is
interesting, because it gives you a ton of storage where the inboard would have
I have searched all over the web for info on these models, and was glad to
stumble on your page. I added my name to the Cal 2-27 newsletter group, but have
heard nothing. I am going to try to join the Owners Group,
do you belong or have any info on them?
Am attaching a picture of my boat. Simon
From: Vaughan H. (Hugo) To: Subject:
Cal 24, Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 1:26 AM
Hi, I am looking for some history on my Cal 24. She
seems to have started life as Zero-Zero, sailing out of Hawaii, through the
Panama canal to the UK. From there she made for Cape Town. Like the Dove, which
stopped in Durban, her crew then switched to a bigger boat to pass Cape Augulas
at the South end of Africa. We currently sail out of Simons Town, about
15 miles North of Cape Point.
Can anyone confirm the above story?
for Thu, 4 Feb 1999 19:41:48 -0700 (MST)Message-ID: Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 20:44:30 -0600 From:
Marie Edison X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 (Macintosh; U; PPC)
I have finally connected with your page. I love
finding out about its history. I have a 1982 Cal 25-2 docked at Hamilton Creek
on Percy Priest Lake in Nashville, Tennessee. I've owned the boat for 2 1/2
years and have just has a bottom job including fiberglassing the keel. I've
tried to get on a ques/ans page to find out what the tuning specifications are.
I have some original data, but not the tuning tension. Can you direct me to this
info? Thank you. Marie
Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1 ComNet Build) with ESMTP id MAA13007 for; Sun, 7 Feb 1999 12:23:10 -0500 (EST) Received: from ( []) by
(8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id MAA17957 for; Sun, 7 Feb 1999
12:23:09 -0500 (EST)
Any suggestions as to where I can purchase a rudder and tiller for my 1986
CAL 22?
for ; Sun, 7 Feb 1999 12:43:12 -0500 (EST)Received: from (]) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id MAA05738 for; Sun, 7 Feb 1999 12:44:57 -0500 (EST)
Hi Dan, Just a note to say how much I enjoy your web site on Cals. I have a
Cal 21 and love it. I was wondering how often you update
the site. I have created a web site for the Cal 21 and try to update it once a
month or more, but find it harder every time to come up with meaningful content.
It's address is"
I especially appreciate the history of Cal bit. I was wondering if you have
recieved any info on the original Cals of the 60's like the 28. I have found one
thats for sail and haven't any idea of it's sailing characteristics. It appears
to be a short lived model, was there a problem with them or was it just replaced
by the 27? Thanks, Richard Fuller, Ruta...Bagas - 74 Cal 21
From: "johnsmith" To: Subject:
sailboat reviews, Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 12:51:22 -0500, X-MSMail-Priority:
Normal, Feb. 7, 1999
I thoroughly enjoyedyour reviews of the many sailboats you've owned,
particularly those on the 27-footers as I am in the market for one. I just sold
the third boat I've owned, a Catalina 25 which I owned for
10 years. It had a swing keel which was prone to failure, four times in 10
years. My last few years I just left the weighted board up and suffered
with the slide to windward.
I am looking at moving up to a 27-footer, Catalina, Com-Pac, Island Packet,
Pearson and Watkins are all contenders although a friend recently informed me to
eliminate the Watkins as a poor hull design. My first
choice is the slow but thick and reliable Island Packet if I can find one in my
price range. Your review of the Cal 27 gave me another to think about. I
sail the west coast of Florida out of Crystal River, from Cedar Key to the north
to Tampa Bay to the south. I'm anxious to broaden my horizons to the Florida
Keys and Bahamas, where I have chartered several times. Thank you again for the
interesting info. Kevin P. Mulligan
My reply to Mr. Mulligan, a fellow clansman:
I too, like the Island
Packet but very expensive! My choice of my Cal 2-27, "imp" lies mostly with it's
trailering abilities. The 9 foot 3 inch beam seems to satisfy law-enforcement
officers on the highway. The 6700 pound dry weight seems OK for my Chevy 3500
and the gooseneck trailer that I built.
If you don't require trailering, there are several larger Cals that can be
purchased for a fraction of the price of an Island Packet.
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 21:41:44 -0500 From: Robert W Becker
rwbecker@InfoAve.Com Subject: Cal 27 "Black Hawk" To:
Hello Dan, I really enjoyed your Web page. I'm the
owner of a 1979 Cal 27, Hull #603, "Black Hawk". I've owned Black Hawk for about
5 years, it's been a wonderful boat. Black Hawk has been the perfect Pocket
Cruiser here on Lake Norman, NC. I've attached a Photo for your
Thanks for the Great Web Page, Bob Becker - Charlotte, NC
for; Mon, 8 Feb 1999 09:02:06 -0500 Message-ID: Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 09:05:01 -0500 From: "Niemczuk
I think the picture that you say is a CAL 25 is actually a CAL 20 which is a
miniature of the CAL 25. The telling difference is that the CAL 25 has 2 large
windows in the main cabin and the CAL 20 1 large window.
John Niemczuk, CAL #1655
for ; Thu, 11 Feb 1999 19:19:01 -0500 (EST)From: Received: from bf533k5 (
[]) by (8.8.8/8.8.5) with SMTP id TAA21158 for; Thu, 11 Feb 1999 19:20:13 -0500 (EST)
Just found your web site Great info wish I had found it last year.
I'm looking for a stern tube (the old one has cracked and
the holes holding it to the boat have become enlarged. Can anyone tell me where
I can find a replacement (new or used) the shaft is 1". Any sources would be
appreciated. I'm located near Annapolis, Md.
From: "Don Williams" To:
Subject: Old Cal homepage, Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:55:48 -0600
I've been looking all over for something like your home page. It's great!
I have a 1968 Cal 20, hull number 1327. I was looking for
replacement parts for it several years ago and ran across a web page,
// (Editor's note: this site is no longer
here, dd) that had technical specs and replacement parts for the Cal 20
and I believe other models as well. I recall the name of his company as being
Seal's and Spars Rigging. This guy was located out in the Bay area (I think).
Anybody know of this guy or if he's still around?
I did order a replacment part from them which arrived without any problem.
The only snag is that was back in the Fall of '95. I have tried to access their
page several times since then and it's nowhere to be found. After reading many
of the postings on your page, I think that I may be able to offer a suggestion.
I'm pretty sure I have an old invoice with contact information for this guy. He
claimed to have a pretty decent inventory of spare parts. I'll see if I can find
the info and get back to you.
Question for your page: After seeing so many postings regarding rub rails, I
was wondering myself if it is possible to recondition the rub rails (after
thorough cleaning)with something like acetone and then sealing with ArmorAll or
comercial sealant?
I too would like to replace or recondition my rub rail
for my Cal 20.
I would also like to know if anyone has any comments regarding replacement of
the rub rail system all together. What I would like to know is this: do I weaken
the structural integrity of the top deck / hull joint by removing (grinding off)
the protruding lip that the rub rail attaches to? I have thought of grinding
this off and running a strip of glass fabric and resin to smooth over the joint
and then replacing with a commercially available aluminum and rubber strip. Any
From: "Don Williams" To:
Subject: Found Steve Seal's for you!!!!!!!! Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 15:21:44
Dan, After sending my last e-mail to you and mentioning that I'd try to find
Seal's Spars and Rigging's home page or contact info, I
ran a search just for the company and an article with Steve Seal's address and
contact info popped up! I tried giving him a call and actually reached
him. I told him about your Cal home page and gave him your e-mail address and
contact number. He should be giving you a call. His web page is apparantly still
inoperative, but he will get it going again (especially after I told him about
all the requests for replacement parts for Cal's that I saw on your bulletin
board). He has replacement parts for Cal's and is very
familiar with the boats since he used to build them. He knows Bill Lapworth
personally and used to sail with him and Jensen.
His contact info is: Steve Seals, Seal's Spars and Rigging, 1327 Sherman
Street, Alameda, CA 94501, Phone numbers are (phone/fax): 510-521-7730 HE HAS REPLACEMENT RUB RAILS!!!!!!!!
Just thought you'd get a kick out of that since I saw so many requests for info
on that. His prices are pretty reasonable and I have purchased from him once in
the past. He seems like a pretty decent guy. Hope this helps and thanks again
for your work on the home page.
Fair winds and clear skies! Don Williams, or , (972)870-0886 Cal20 #1327 "Azul"
From: "thelawfirm" To: Date: Mon, 15
Feb 1999 20:20:54 -0800
Hi, I really enjoyed the information on your sight. I am an attorney in Los
Angeles, California trying to help a friend recover from an insurance loss for a
Cal Jensen Sailboat. They are basiclly trying to get $2000 from the insurance
who is denying the claim. Do you have any information on
the head thru-hull fitting of the 1973 Cal Jensen 20. The insurance is denying
the claim and they (insurance company) claims it is the thru-hull fitting that
caused the sinking rather than weather. The sinking took place in Marina
Del Rey in March last year and the boat collected water after 2 weeks of storms.
Do you have any literature that would support or rebut the claim of the
insurance. I would think that if a thru-hull was bad a boat would sink in
minutes rather than float on the water for 12 months (insurance claims that the
thru-hull was bad for over a year) and then sink.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
From: chris barr To: Subject: Re:
Question 9. Looking for info on Cal 31. Date: Monday, November 30, 1998 8:39 PM
I'm a Cal 31 owner, a 1980. It's got a Universel diesel #5416, 16 hp, and a
135 Genoa.
The CQR anchor is too big for the anchor locker. I'd be glad to hear about
anchor storage solutions. I've seen a large Danforth hooked to the pulpit of
The teak cabinetry in older, i.e. 1979, 1980, models has more finish:
lathe-turned work and cabinet doors. The keel also seems deeper than in mid-80s
models, which are also longer, fore and aft. I've heard that manufacturing
switched to RI and FL around 1980.
The 31 is actually 31' 6" and it's not a bluewater design. It's tender, heels
way over going upwind at 15 kts. The cockpit is not large, thanks to a roomy
salon, which also has cabinetry port & starboard of the companionway, so no
quarterberth. Its PHRF rating ranges from 156 to 165, which is on the fast side
for a cruising boat. Practical Sailor Magazine's review was very favorable.
About 360 were produced from 1979 to '85 or '86.
I'd be glad to correspond with other owners, to discuss a whole bunch of
questions. - Chris Barr
From: chris barr To: Dan and Karen Dalrymple Subject: [Fwd: Things that go "POP".]Date: Wednesday,
December 02, 1998 9:29 AM
What I want to know is the year this was made - was it a Fla. or Rhode Island
boat? (Editor's note: I think that Chris is referring to the year of the Cal
that popped a thruhull. He wants to know if it was built by Jensen Marine or by
a later owner of Cal Yachts. GOOD question, since there seems to be shoddy
workmanship involved.)
From: John Foster To: Subject:
Sailing Info...Date: Monday, December 14, 1998 6:33 PM
Nice job with the sailboat info, keep up the good work! Hopefully I'll see
you up on lake Erie this summer, I just need to finish my 20' homebuilt.....
Regards, John Foster, Dayton
From: Richard Fuller To: Subject: Cal
21 keel plug Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 12:50 AM
Hi Dan, I see you posted Rod Johnsons note about his Cal 21 keel plug drawing
being on my Cal 21 web site but that you couldn't find it. Sorry I didn't mean
to bury it, but it is there. It's in the "Upgrades" page towards the end. It's
an "upgrade" to me because mine didn't have it when I bought her 7 years ago.
Also.. there is a typo in the address for the site. "caldonia" should be
caledonia. (the e is missing).
On a different note... I sent an e-mail asking if you or anyone else knew
anything about the first Cal 28's (67-69 I beleave). displacement, measurments,
sailing ability... I guess it was one of the ones that got lost during your
upgrade. Thanks, Richard Ruta...Bagas Cal 21
From: Mitch Moses To: Subject: CAL 34,
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 3:32 PM
DAN, I found your web page. I am considering buying a CAL 34. Can you call
me, to talk about a few specifics? 1-800-988-5782. This is a work # My name is
Mitch Moses. I'm in Tulsa, OK. Thanks
From: John Yacullo To: Subject: Cal
9.2 Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999 7:54 PM
Looking for sailor who race the Cal 9.2 to compare notes. I have been racing
a Cal 9.2 for 10 years on Lake Michigan. email
From: Robert E. Fistick To: Subject: Faryman
diesel for your Cal. Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 10:11 PM
Hi Michael -- I have a Faryman diesel in my Cal 2-29 (1979) that I am taking
out soon. It is being replaced with an electric wheel motor here at Solomons
Island in the Chesapeake. The Faryman is in OUTSTANDING condition. I bought the
sailboat last year from a very elderly couple who had taken very good care of
the Cal and engine. It had been reconditioned in 1997 and everything goes with
it, including transmission, diesel tank, exhaust system, etc. This is a very,
very good deal!!! If you're interested, act quickly. I plan to advertise the
engine in the Washington Post soon. This engine has had very little use. It has
many years of life left. This is the deal of a lifetime! Let me hear from you if
you're interested. Bob Fistick 301-884-4395
From: Tim & Karen LeRoy To:
Subject: For Sale - Cal 28. Date: Saturday, February 20, 1999 11:12 AM
Cal 28, 1968 - 5 sails, Eagle sounder/knot meter, VHF, diesel inboard,
Dickenson stove, completely rebuilt teak galley, dingy. $18,500. 250-758-0196
Vancouver Island
From: To: Subject: CAL 2-29.
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 1:02 PM
Question #49 good or bad on the Cal-2-29. I have owned a 1974 2-29 for ten
years and have loved every minute of it, the boat has not needed any major
repair, I have had normal maintenance and no unexpected problems- I would buy
this boat all over again. The diesel Eng. starts every time the rig has held up
well, the windows have leaked but that is normal and easy to repair. This boat
sails at a nice speed and carries my family of 4 all over the Chesapeake bay for
weeks at a time.
I have a question of my own- I have been racing this boat fore 5 years and
would like any information on setting up the boat for best results.
From: To: Subject: Cal. Date: Tuesday,
March 02, 1999 1:30 PM
I enjoyed reading about the history of Cal boats. You did a very nice job. I
have also used your web site to locate a rub rail for my Cal 33. Thank you.
I have a brochure and some advertisements from One Design & ....... that I
can send you if you are interested. Having actively raced this Cal on the Great
Lakes for the past 27 years, I consider myself an authority on the 33-1.
"Andicapp", US33530, built at Jensen Marine, hull #25, has had one of the most
succcessful careers of any yacht raced on Lake Erie. She is commonly referred to
on the west end of Lake Erie as "the blue hemorrhoid". She has won the
prestigeous Interclub Series twice, The Lake Erie Race and has been the Erie
Yacht Club "boat of the year" three times. She is still actively raced and will
be entered in the Trans-Erie Race, Interclub Series, and Bay Week (Put-in Bay
She was purchased new from Howard Boston, Boston Sailmakers, in July 1972 who
had planned to race her in the "Mac". Since then she has averaged 30- 40 races
per season ( over 1000 miles/year) . As you can imagine, with this much sailing,
everything that could fatigue already has. We have made some interesting
repairs, refits, modifications, involving Bill Lapworth and the Geugeon Brothers
that I would be happy to share. Although she has undergone several refits, she
has had major renovations in the past three years.
It was very nice to hear you praise Bill Lapworth. He and his wife,Peggy are
delightful people. They visited me in Erie a few years ago. I agree with
comments regarding Bill's talent and the history of Cal and the Cal 40. Please
feel free to contact me any time. Best regards, P/C Christian Wolford, EYC
P.S. Let me know what format you want the scans in and I will send them right
From: anthonyb To: Subject: Cal 35 Mark
II. Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 9:40 AM
I have a 1983 Cal 35 that I've owned about a year. It's a great boat and
sails very well. l live in Miami and have passed many a newer (and sometimes
larger) boat in offshore conditions. About the only bad habit the boat has is
pounding in certain head seas when close-hauled; but bearing off just a bit
solve that. With a 6' draft fin keel the boat can really keep moving in a
My question is: This particular vessel started life in Sausalito as
"Shearwater" and has been named "Heartset" since 1990. She did the Pacific Cup
at least once and I'd like to find our how she did. Does anyone out there know?
Also, I'm in the process of peeling the gelcoat and putting vinylester resin
on because of gelcoat blisters. There seems to be two gelcoat layers on this
boat, one blue and one white, and the total thickness is quite bit more than
normal. Was his standard procedure when these boats were built? Thanks for any
help! Best regards, Tony Battaglia
From: To: Subject: Reply to Atomic 4
with no power. Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 10:36 PM
Having an Atomic 4 that has no power is as common as having an old sailboat
with an Atomic 4.
These engines are very forgiving- they are also tempermental. Unless you are
very familiar with how your engine sounds, it may be firing on only 3 cylinders.
It may also run on all 4 when it is first started and idling at the dock but
when a load is put to it, a plug may foul. To test for this, in both nuetral and
while in gear, pull off the spark plug wires one at a time and then lower the
cap slowly over the plug until the spark jumps from the wire to the plug. You
can hear it clicking. If you pull off a plug wire and the engine sounds the
same, chances are one cylinder is not firing. This may be caused by oil from the
crankcase getting by the rings to the spark plug - called "blow -by".If your
engine is badly warn this may be the case. This may require new rings to be
installed - a fairly big job.
To determine if this "blow-by" is serious, a simple test called a compression
test can determine if the fit between the cylinder and the piston is OK. If the
compression test shows good compression, the next common problem with the Atomic
4 is that it does not run hot enough. If the thermostat has been removed (often
done) put a new one in. Also try a new spark plug and some "Restore" (one of the
few oil treatments that work well). A "make it work" mechanic may also suggest a
washer under the bad spark plug to lift it slightly. It is also possible to have
a heavy carbon build -up that is reducing the power. After warming it up, run
the engine in nuetral, at full throttle, for five minutes. If you hear a sudden
jump in RPM throttle back and then hde if there are people around.
From: To: Subject: posting #12 - Tuning Cal
28. Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 11:51 PM
I have owned a 1987 Cal 28 for the past 6 years. I love the boat. My family
does a lot of coastal cruising in the Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Long
Island Sound areas. I also race on Wednesday nights.
Until last year I tuned my rig by hand and it always worked fairly well. Last
year I purchased a "Loos & Co." professional tension gauge (from West Marine,
about $80) and found it to be very easy to use and got the tuning to be perfect.
You tension the rigging according to the diameter of the wire using a chart
provided with the gauge. The trick I have learned is to alternately tension each
side a little bit and re-measure each time. This keeps the mast plumb and
prevents re-tensioning after over tightening either shrouds. I start with the
top spreaders and finish with the lowers. It seems to work.
At the risk of sounding like a salesman for the Co. - I like this gizmo.
From: To: Subject: Cal 22Date: Monday,
March 08, 1999 2:56 PM
I currently own a 1986 cal22 and am looking to swap info and tales with
anyone with this size of boat.
From: Joe Brooks To: go2erie
Subject: Old Cal Web Page. Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 9:19 AM
Found the Old Cal web page almost by accident. Enjoyed it. I have a 1976 Cal
29, hull # 912. It was originally in the San Francisco Bay area, but was moved
to the Galveston Bay area of Texas in 1990. I have (someplace) the original
owners manual and brochure. I will locate them and make them available as
needed. With respect to engine replacement, I replaced the Atomic 4 with a
Universal 18 hp diesel. Had to replace the prop which was custom made in
Houston. The boat was extensively raced in the San Francisco area during
1985-1990. Won lot of races.
At the time there was a large Cal 29 club there. Just wanted to pass these
thoughts on. Thanks for the pages. Joe
From: Dave Few To: Subject: Cal Boats
3/8/99. Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 5:55 PM
Dan --Just reviewed your web site rather quickly and noticed a few things you
might want to correct. I will print it out, make my suggested changes and snail
mail them to you if you send me your address. I have quite a bit of literature
on Cal-20 thru Cal 230 Since 1968 we have owned 3 Cal 20's (one sunk at dock in
storm when boathouse broke loose on 12/14/88 and crushed it against the rock
levy). We also had a Cal 230, designed by Bill L. just for San Francisco Bay and
we won many races at a PHRF of 174, she was a great heavy weather SF Bay Boat.
Also owned Ericsons, a C&C-36 for 15 years, still own a Santanna-22 up the
Delta, and now also a little Cal 25-2 1980 with the Universal 11hp diesel.
Do you know if it is possible to buy the sea hood for the boat as is shown in
the 1980/81 brochure? The 25-2 is a very good little cruiser and we have also
enjoyed some success racing her in mom & pop division in interclub races at
National PHRF average rating of 222 for the Inboard. But alas on SF bay she is a
bit tender and we could definitely use a sea hood and maybe a dodger. Regards
Dave Few, Chablis IV Hull #255 made in Fall River MA.
From: Michael S. Clair To: Subject:
CAL 3-30. Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 8:34 PM
PHONE:207-799-3792, WORK PHONE:207-283-2900, FAX:207-283-8017. ANY HELP WOULD BE
From: mgute To: Subject: Cal's. Date:
Monday, March 08, 1999 11:30 PM
Keep going. Looks good and I'll continue to browse your page.
I live on Huron and sail a Cal 25. Still learning and fixing her up. Would
eventually like to work my way up to a 30' size. Love to sail!!!! Sincerely,
Marty Gute, Oscoda, Michigan
From: To: Subject: Cal 25 fleet in
Annapolis. Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 8:46 PM
Just wanted to be sure you knew about us -- we're at
We're written up in the March "Soundings." Gilbert Renaut, Racing POC,
Chesapeake Bay Cal 25 Ass'n
From: Claudia Adkison To:
Subject: Cal Ports (non-opening windows). Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 12:04 AM
Several months ago, I wrote looking for a lost source for Cal 2-27 fixed
Mark Heacox, the owner of Mark Plastics, worked for Go Industries, one of the
orginal equipment manufacturers of ports for Cal. I have found his quality and
service to be excellent and a perfect match.. You may reach him at Mark
Plastics, 369 East Harrison St., Unit G, Carona CA. 91719. Phone 909-735-7705,
fax 909-735-0701. No E mail. it is best to call him in the AM.
He passed along another source for original equipment parts that I want to
check before posting. He passed along the name of a former purchasing agent for
Cal who is still active and can help find a source for rigging etc. If correct,
this could be a great source for a variety of Cal Parts..
Anyone with questions may contact me at
From: Brad Abels To: Subject: cal
25, Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 1:35 AM
Am in need of a forepeak hatch for my cal 25. Looking for the original solid
fiberglass one. Any ideas would be helpful.
From: Chris Ackerman To: Subject: 1966
Cal 28. Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 5:47 PM
Stumbled across your page, great job. I have an old Cal 28, we've had her
since 1969 and love her. Always looking for more info on this great boat. Chris
From: Herb Wyer To: Subject: Cal 29
Engine Replacement Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 7:10 PM
Dan - Reference my Sat, 06 Mar 99 E mail, to you, Subject: Repower Elusive -
1978 Cal 2-29 Farymann A30 Diesel.
I have the same subject problem and questions as does Micheal R Durbanon Cal
on his Cal 29 Engine Replacement, that is listed in Old Cal Yachts Webpage, Q&A
Page #2. How can I get in touch with Micheal?? Herb (310) 830-3621 or (562)
982-6246. Many Thanks
From: To: Subject:
Jensen,BangorPunta,Ranger. Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 2:54 PM
I just found your Cal sailboat web page. It is excellent. I have friends that
have Cal/Lapworth boats, I will tell them about your location. I own a Ranger 23
designed by Gary Mull. Is there a web page similiar to yours about Ranger boats.
They were also made by Jensen then Bangor Punta. I know there are fewer Rangers
than Cals but hopefully you can give me some information. Thanks, Tim Erwin,
Dripping Springs, Texas
From: martin sievertson To: Subject:
Date: Friday, March 12, 1999 12:08 AM
It was a pleasure to stumble upon your website today. I'll enjoy visiting and
reading all the information you have posted about cal's.
I am the proud owner of a Cal 39. Presently in the midst of a major
renovation. most of the trim has been removed from the boat and stripped. I am
now in the midst of revarnishing. only one or two more coats to go and I'll
start putting pieces back in place. Next on the agenda is a complete rewire!
This weekend, time permitting I should have a new aluminum fuel tank
installation complete. Last spring I haul her out, stripped the old crazing
gelcoat to bare glass and repainted the hull with a linear polyurethane. the
list goes on and on....
I do have some original sales brochures and specs.
If you're ever in the Seattle area I would be pleased to take you out for a
sail. Keep up the good work. let me know if you need any information that I may
have. Martin Sievertson
From: J.R. Dicks jrdicks@FLASH.NET To: Subject: Cal's!.
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 10:36 PM
Hi, I was wondering if you have been to any of the other websites about Cals?
The main one I use (and learned about yours) is This is the National
website and there is also a SoCal page as well. I am going back to your site now
and check out the rest of the info. J.R. Dicks Cal 25 # 745 "Banana Wind"
From: Matt Mayfield To:
Subject: Cal25 Date: Friday, March 12, 1999 1:29 PM
Not sure if you know this, but there is a Cal25 web site at
Matt Mayfield
From: To: Subject: great page. Date:
Saturday, March 13, 1999 3:18 PM
Liked the page. I own a Cal 2-29. I spoke with Lapworth about 3 months ago
over the phone. He is very friendly and still likes to talk about the Cal. He
expressed great disappointment about the dwindling American sailboat industry
and especially the demise of Cal's owners/suppliers.
I called Bill in order to get a full copy of his plans for my Cal 2. He is
most interested in continuing to assist Cal owners in maintaining and upgrading
their boats. If anyone needs his address, email me. I'll have to retrieve it
from my office in NYC. I'm sure he would like to get more involved with Cal
owners and continue their great sailing tradition.
From: To: Subject: Cal 20 motorwell
plug. Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 8:12 AM
Does anyone have a spare Cal 20 motor well plug, lower, they are willing to
sell or loan so I can make a copy? I have a '72 vintage Cal 20, "Manana II" that
I am restoring. Also, have owned "Satori" Cal 46 hull #3, since '82 when I
bought her from Jack Jensen's estate. Have lived aboard and cruised since '88.
Tom Vandiver E mail
From: To: Subject: Q's on the 1972 Cal
20. Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 11:26 PM
I purchased a 1972 Cal 20 this last summer that was in need of ALOT of TLC.
After checking out the wood inside & all the deck fitting attachments I decided
to go for a complete overhaul. I have completely dismantled the boat ( even
split the top from the bottem ) & am in the process of reconstruction. I have
added one layer of woven roving & two layers of fiberglass cloth three feet wide
along the inside of the bottem & added some wood stringers for more strength. I
am in the process of building new bunks, v-birth & a small galley.
I am considering taking this boat on an extended cruise & am seeking advice
on other modifications that would make the vessel stronger & more sea worthy. I
am considering adding an inner forestay for a cutter rig or storm jib. Also
considering another set of shrouds about 18 inches fore & aft. Any ideas would
be greatly appreciated. Email =
From: To: Subject: FARYMANN DIESEL
PARTS. Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 8:02 PM
From: Michael Vining To: Subject:
cal owner. Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 11:48 AM
Editor's note: There are several suppliers for Cal Rubrails listed in these
Q&A pages. I don't know how good or bad any of them are. Be careful sending
large amounts of money to unknown persons. Use your Browser's "search" feature
and search these Q&A pages for "rub rail", also try "rub rail".
From: To: Subject: Cal 20 Motorwell
Plug. Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 5:37 AM
Anyone know where to get one? (motorwell plug for a Cal 20) Or if I may
borrow one long enough to make a copy? Of course, I can pull my boat out of the
water and make one, but, we sail year round in Florida. Tom, "Manana II", or 850-455-8830
From: Marie Edison To: Subject: Cal
25Mark II tension. Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 10:59 PM
Does anyone have the specs on tensions for shrouds and stays for the '82 Cal
25 tall rig? I've just had a new bottom job and need to set the tensions
correctly. Marie
From: To: Subject: Cal 39's. Date:
Saturday, March 20, 1999 1:11 AM
Great web page Dan. What do you know about Cal 39's? They were built over an
extended period and I guess modified along the way. Are there particular
features good or bad pegged to specific years? Their phrf ratings indicates good
speed And appear to be strong, traits typical of other cals. However that's all
we know about them. Any specific info you or some other resource might have
would be appreciated. Is there a Cal 39 group? Thanks in advance, Jim Hayes
From: Susan Pilver To: Subject:
About the photo of the old Cal 25... Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 7:21 PM
When I spotted the photo of the Cal 25 on your website, I was surprised to
find that it featured only two windows on a side, as opposed to the three per
side on every Cal 25 that I have come across. My question is this; is the boat
in the photo not actually a Cal 2-24? Essentially, the 2-24 is a slightly scaled
down version of the 25.
There are some differences, however. The most obvious difference is the
window configuration: two windows per side. another notable difference included
a dagger-shaped steel keel with a slight bulb on the bottom, as opposed to the
undershot fin on the 25. The transom was more pinched on the 2-24 as well.
In most respects, the two boats had many similar features, most notably the
ingenius removable transom "door" meant for providing a place to mount the
outboard motor, not to mention the same full-width "flat-top" deck.
Please let me know if you can find more information on the Cal 2-24. I would,
among other things, like to know the years that this boat was produced. Thank
you, Michael Altshul
My Reply: From: Dan and Karen Dalrymple To: Susan
Pilver Subject: Re: About the photo of the old Cal 25...
Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 7:26 AM
Hello Michael Altshul, Years ago I probably grabbed this photo from the web
somewhere, I don't even remember where. Most likely from a "for sale" page. When
I first started this page, I was getting my photos anywhere I could find them. I
remember that the text called the photo a Cal 24.
I used the photo, branded it a 24, received an e-mail from someone that told
me that the photo was of a Cal 25. He seemed to know what he was talking about
so I changed the text to read a Cal 25.
Your email is probably correct. You know more about these boats than I (for
sure). I will enter your email text in my Q&A section.
Subject: Reply on the Cal 2-24 picture Date: Sunday,
March 28, 1999 12:29 PM Dear Dan and Karen; Thank you for responding so promptly
to my inquiry and observations with regard to the Cal 2-24 photograph. You may
go ahead and use my full name, and if you want, my previous reply on your web
page. (You can handle that as you see fit). I thank you for your willingness to
improve the accuracy of your web page. I can imagine that getting all the
information correct must be difficult at times, as there are probably many
differing opinions concerning certain aspects of the old Cal boats, yet it may
be difficult to verify some of the information through the use of documentation
due to the age of these boats, and the fact that Cal boats are no longer being
built. My last sailing experience, as it turns out, was on a Cal 40 (about ten
years ago, before I moved away from the Connecticut coast). The wind was
moderate; about a fifteen knot sustained wind, and the boat handled beautifully.
She was easy to balance, and was absolutely no trouble during the various
maneuvers that were carried out during that sail. An absolute gem of a boat. I
hope very much to have another opportunity to sail such a boat. Again, thank you
for your time and reply. Respectfully Michael Altshul -
From: Michael S. Clair To: Subject:
CAL 3-30. Date: Saturday, March 20, 1999 6:44 PM
PORTLAND,ME 04106, 207-799-3792, 207-283-8017 FAX
From: Charles S Major, II To: Dan and Karen Dalrymple Subject: Re: dates on Cals for sale. Date: Monday, March
22, 1999 11:40 PM
Thanks for the do a great job with the website...I hope you
keep it going...we all appreciate the effort.
From: To: Subject: Orginal owner's
manual. Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 9:20 AM
Dear Dan: My wife and I
bought a Cal 33 ( CABS0091E687 ) last August. We love her. She is named "Second
Wind." Her home port is Narragansett Bay near Newport, RI. I was lucky to get
the original owner's manual. Let me know if you need any of that information.
She was surveyed in August and passed with flying colors although work will
be needed to bring her back to the shape we want to see her in. It's like owning
an old Mustang convertible classic. In October I took her out and she in on hard
in Warwick. Hope to get her back in the water in mid April. ( eternal optimist)
I became aware of at least two other Cal 33's in this area of about the same
vintage. I met the nice owner of one who has been a great help and the other is
for sale in East Greenwich and has been for some time. It's in great shape but
the man is asking too much.
I like your web site and thanks for the great information. Jim & Geaorge Ann
Redden - Gadget75@AOL.COM
From: Provensal, Bill To: Subject:
Cal 48, need to replace bow pulpit, please help. Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999
10:40 AM
My single tubing bow pulpit needs to be replaced. Does anyone know where I
can find a company that manufacturers similar shape for current boats?
From: Blaine Williams To: Subject: 1969
Cal 34 Question. Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 6:44 PM
I had written a question some time ago and could not determine if you were
able to answer it. The cap that connects my rudder post to my tiller is damaged,
and I was looking for a replacement. Do you know anyone who carries old Cal
parts? Please answer if you have some time.
Thanks, Blaine Williams, 1969 Cal 34 FlyAway, Rome, Georgia,
My reply: From: Dan and Karen Dalrymple To: Blaine
Williams Subject: Re: 1969 Cal 34 Question. Date: Friday,
March 26, 1999 8:58 AM
Blaine, Sorry about the fact that the Old Cal Yacht website gets so neglected
but I only work on it as time allows. I leave it up since there is practically
nothing on the web about Cal Yachts.
The cap that you mentioned will be near impossible to find anywhere in
today's market. Have you looked at the same part on newer sailboats to see if a
newer (more available) part could be adapted to your use?
You don't mention how badly the rudderpost cap is damaged? Is it still
usable? Could it be repaired by welding then re-machining? As a last resort, you
will be forced to take the item to a reliable machine shop and have them
fabricate another one for you. They could machine one from any material that you
like including bronze, stainless steel or even titanium if you prefer. What
material is the old one made from? Word of caution: don't let the shop confuse
marine bronze for brass. Brass is a very inferior metal when compared to marine
bronze. Titanium would be the most expensive material to use. It would be
extremely strong and would last forever in any condition but my-oh-my would it
be expensive! .
The best and cheapest way out would be to adapt a newer, more available part
to your use (perhaps with minor machine work). The machine work will not be
cheap but it will cost less than spending hours trying to locate one of these
exact parts in today's market. Dan Dalrymple, editor of the website:
From: Andy To: Subject: I need
your mailing address. Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 9:52 PM
I have a 1969 cal 29. Hull number 20. I have owned her for about 12 years. I
live aboard, day sail, cruise, and actively race. I have done significant
structural improvements just to keep the old girl going and competitive.
I would like to mail you a photo or two and also the original brochure from
october 1969. The 2-29 is exactly the same hull and rig the only difference to
my knowledge was the 2-29 had a nicer interior and a wheel. Both boats rate the
same across the country in phrf. I have won numerous races in the southern
california area. Last year we won the annual newport to ensenada yacht race. We
were 1st in class and 2nd overall. I have a boat neighbor who has an old cal 24.
One of the original 24's. He also like myself is in love with his boat. He has
done lots to his boat too. I go sailing with him it's a great boat. Andy Horning
From: Andy To: Subject: Rub
Rails. Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 10:03 PM
There is a company called Wefco in Santa Monica California that makes the
rubber extrusion for cal 29 - cal 25 - etc.
From: Claudia Adkison To:
Subject: cal parts. Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 11:12 PM
Earlier this year I asked if anyone knew where I could get original equipment
non opening ports for my Cal 2-27. I finally found the source for the ports and
some other things.
For ports: Mark Plastics, Contact : Mark Heacox, 369 East Harrison St, Unit
G, Corona, CA 91719, Phone: 909-735-7705 fax: 909-735-0701 ( no E mail)
He worked for the company that was the origial equipment port manufacturer
for cal and the various brands made by the various ownerships of Cal. No credit
cards. send check, he sends windows. It worked for me and the quality is first
rate. call him in the AM as he is out much of the afternoon.
Mark also provided the name for a former purchasing agent for Cal who knows
the source for all kinds of original parts. I have not used him and can not make
any claims for this source. Contact D&R Marine at 508-644-3001 and ask for
If you would like more info about the ports, contact me @
From: Dan Sadler To: Subject: Cal 33.
Date: Sunday, March 28, 1999 6:05 PM
I have a 1986 Cal 33. I also have one copy of the original brochure. The
brochure includes a comment that would lead the reader to the conclusion that
this model was designed by Peter Boyce at C.Raymond Hunt. Do you have any info
on this model? Would you like me to scan the brochure for you?
From: Askew, Larry To: Subject: Cal 40.
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 2:20 PM
Cal 40 for sale. Located in Annapolis,MD. Fully restored 1995. Total up
date.North 3DL inventory. five spinnakers, three mainsails, six headsails.
Nothing over 4yrs old. 1997 winner Chicago/Mackinac Race. 1998 winner Maryland
Governors Cup. Second high points CBYRA 1998 & much more. The best "cupcake" in
the country. Ph. Larry Askew, 410/626-2053. $150,000.
From: W. R. Decius To: Subject: Cal
27. Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 7:38 PM
Dear Dan....Great web page. I have a very nice 1971 Cal 27, pop-top model. I
keep it at the Vallejo Yacht Club in Vallejo California. I would like to talk to
people who have or had such a boat. Can you aim me in the right direction?
I would be pleased to talk about the boat to anyone. If there is any way I
could add to your knowledge on that specific boat, let me know. Dick Decius (In
Napa, CA)
From: To: Subject: Cal 20. Date:
Thursday, April 01, 1999 1:22 AM
I came across your page on the Cal 20 while doing a Metacrawler search. FYI
the Crescent Sail Yacht Club in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, has about 14 Cal
20s. I have one of them. We race one-design on Wednesday night (June through
August) and Sunday morning (Mid-May through September. There are several other
Cal 20s in the area.
My boat (1057) is in the shop right now waiting to have the hull and deck
painted(Awlgrip). Some of our fleet has been restored, but most are not. For the
most part they are all in pretty good shape. The design has held up well. It's a
tough little boat. Most of us have had some deck problems. John Young, Grosse
Pointe Woods MI
From: To: Subject: Question 28 Date:
Thursday, April 01, 1999 1:32 AM
How high is a CAL 20?
On of the guys in my fleet lives down the street from me and he has his CAL
20 in his garage. Send an e-mail to him with your question and I'm sure he will
respond quickly. His e-mail is John Young
From: David Sasak To: Subject:
Cal 27. Date: Sunday, April 04, 1999 11:34 AM
Dan: Great web page(s)! Well done! I have a Cal 27 question that I would
appreciate your insight on. I looked at a Cal 27 Mark 3 yesrerday in Sandusky,
Ohio. The boat is a 1984 model, with furling and the Yanmar diesel. Decent
condition overall, but had two areas of cracking on the deck that cause me some
concern. The one is at the starboard end of the traveler - a longitudinal crack
just below the traveler itself. I anticipate that the traveler will need to be
taken up and re-sealed, and the crack routed out and filled with epoxy. The
other crack(s) are just starboard of where the tiller comes thru the deck. There
is one larger crack about three inches long, and three or four smaller ones.
There does not appear to be any weeping from the cracks, and there is absolutely
no sponginess to the deck surface in the area. Unfortunately, fixing these will
be more difficult, as they extend from the white deck surface into the beige
colored non-skid. Did you note any evidence of this problem with your boat? Is
it typical to Cal boats? I would appreciate any input that you may have, as I do
like the boat, and the size fits our needs well. Thanks!
Best regards, Dave Sasak
My reply:
David, I don't know where you're from but I think that
you're getting very close to my territory. I'm thinking that the boat that you
just looked at is in the same marina that I'm in, Sandusky Harbor Marina, and is
being offered by Adventure Yacht Brokers. I was also there Saturday. I drove
directly past that Cal several times yesterday. Matter of fact, the photos of my
boat that are on my website were taken in Sandusky Harbor Marina.
My Cal is a 2-27 (the model that preceded the Mark III) of 1974 vintage. The
Mark III is a touch smaller in actual size and weight than my 2-27 but it is
probably quicker. Any glass problems that would appear on the 2-27 would not
necessarily appear on your model. My boat, being 25 years old, has plenty of
These cracks, as you call them, could you pour water into them thru the hull
into the boat? or are they simply surface cracks? All fiberglass boats get
surface cracks after a few years. My 25 year old Cal has a crack that you could
pour a large McDonald's coffee into the interior of my boat in less than 3
minutes (no kiddin'). This is my third year for this boat and I'm just getting
around to fixing it now. The past two-year fix has been four inches of white
sail tape.
If we're thinking of the same boat, it's probably OK and the price is right.
I've admired it but have never been aboard. Let me know... Dan Dalrymple, editor
His reply back: Dan: You are correct as to the boat - it is at Sandusky
Harbor. As to the cracks, neither area appears to be cracked thru to the
interior. If the one area did not extend into the molded non-skid, repair would
be relatively easy. All else on the boat appeared to be decent, although she had
some water below due to not being covered, and the hatch board was not secured.
Thanks for your input - I'll let you know what happens. Regards, Dave
From: Norma Perez To: Subject: Re: Very
Informative Web Page!.. Date: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 9:01 PM
Hello! we found your page very informative and interesting: CONGRATULATIONS!
My husband used to own a Cal 20' a long time ago. Do you have any information
about that particular one? I would love to know more about it.
Looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience. Norma Perez/Bernard
From: William Sicard To: Subject: Cal
34 brouchure, Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 5:23 PM
Dan, I saw someone sent you a copy of a CAL 34 with line drawings but it has
not been added to the page yet. I assume it was a scanned electronic copy. I
wouldn't ask you to rush the update to the web page but could you email me the
attachment? I would love to see it. Bill Sicard
From: Patrick Wroble To: Subject: Cal 27.
Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 12:58 AM
Dan, I'm looking into a Cal 27 and am trying to get an idea what they might
be going for. What did you pay for your 74' Cal 2-27 and when did you purchase
it? thanks, Patrick Wroble
My reply: Patrick, decent 2-27s are going for about $5000 to $12,000 on
Yachtworld now.
From: To: Subject: Cal 27. Date:
Friday, April 09, 1999 1:27 AM
Hello, I just purchased a Cal 2-27 with a Farymann diesel. You mentioned on
your web page that the Farymann had problems yet you were not too specific
beyond power and corrosion problems. Is there anything else I should be aware
The engine was recently overhauled (new starter, piston, water pump and fuel
pump) and has only ten hours since the work was done. You also mentioned access
doors to help with storage and do you find the ice box large enough for extended
trips. Your advice would be appreciated. Harry
From: Gansheimer, Craig To: Subject:
Atomic 4 removal. Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 2:28 PM
Hello, I'm planning on taking out the Atomic 4 in my 2-27 next weekend(for a
rebuild) and I was wondering if you could give me any tips. It looks like it
will fit ok, but I'd hate to get everything undone and then not be able to get
it out. I was thinking about using a halyard along with a block and tack to lift
it out of the boat. I'm not sure how to get it out of the 'engine room' though.
Any pointers you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -Craig
My Reply: From: Dan and Karen Dalrymple To:
Gansheimer, Craig Subject: Re: Atomic 4 removal. Date:
Saturday, April 10, 1999 9:41 AM
Yes, it will come out thru the hatch just fine. The best way to pull an
sailboat engine is by using a halyard. I weld up a "C" type apparatus to bridge
around the cockpit floor in order to get a direct pull on the center of balance
of the engine. This metal apparatus helps with the removal and even helps more
with the install. The engine/tranny should weigh about 325 pounds, an easy
weight for a main halyard and a good winch. Dan Dalrymple, editor.
From: brent To: Subject: boat
antenna. Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 3:53 PM
I saw your post on a CAL Q&A page and noticed the call sign. I am wanting to
put some HF on my cal25 and I was wondering if you knew of any decent antenna
designs for sail boats. tnx es 73, Brent, N5CLK
From: jim moore To: Subject: join?..
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 6:32 PM
I would like to rejoin the Cal owners club. I'm looking to go from a "82 Cal
25 to a Cal 30 - 35. Does anyone have a favorite? Jim
Editor's note: No Cal Owners Club here, sorry about that...
From: To: Subject: Cal-40. Date: Tuesday,
April 13, 1999 12:41 AM
Dan, Since 1992, I've been the overly proud owner Melee --- Cal-40 - hull
number 10, which since about that time has been located a stone's throw from the
Los Angeles Yacht Club where we have been members for some time.
The Cal-40 IS IS IS the finest boat ever to come into existence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some time ago, Jim Eddy (who's had a Cal-40 since God formed the oceans) gave
me a list of what appears to be all the Cal-40 commissions. It indicates very
early, if not original owners. This may help some owners who are unsure of their
hull numbers etc.
I would love to see this list used as a starting point for an effort to
identify all current Cal-40 owners and their locations. Let me know what you
think of the likelihood that this would lead to more Cal-40 racing.
I understand that your fax number is 330-698-6403. I'm going to fax this list
to you. (Editor's note: I received this list but need to re-type it into a text
file to get it on the website. Another next winter's project!)
Your website is a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob Schaeffer Jr
From: J E Thornton, Jr To: Subject:
cal-34. Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 7:11 AM
We have a 1968 Cal-34 Hull #136. Wonder if you have a drawing - specs etc.
that could be shared? Thanks, J E Thornton,
Editor's note: Yes, I do have quite a bit of data on the 34s. I'll try to get
it all entered this coming (soon) winter.
From: RUTH SUMMERS ruth.summers@Ebay.Sun.COM To: Subject:
Cal 29. Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 6:23 PM
Our web page is listed on Good Old Boats. I just got an email from a guy with
a Cal 28 !. I am going to email him about the Good Old Boats and your page. Ruth
Summers, Sec/Tres. Cal 29 Association
Man who says it cannot be done, Should not interrupt man doing it. Ancient
Chinese Proverb.
From: To: Subject: Cal 9.2. Date:
Tuesday, April 13, 1999 11:55 PM
Hi, The Cal 9.2 is a great boat. I have hull no.33. The boat is light it has
a PHRF of 165. it's hard to sail to this rating. I added a 300 LB bulb to the
keel this was a great addition. I race Williwaw on the local Friday night races
this boat is a lot of fun.
I have all the original manuals for the boat. Rui
From: Richard Spangenberg To: Subject: CAL35
Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 1:15 PM
CAL 35 Info I have put some pictures of the CAL 35 Mark I and Mark II up on a
web site for you. I also received fax of the original Mark I bochure with copy
that can be taken of it as well. If I get a chance I'll type it up for you.
There are one or two htm files at the url ref. One is a for a sale listing with
a lot of specifications that may help you. It is fairly descriptive. CAL 39 MKIV
Info I also have some of the orig brochure info on the CAL 39 MkIV and some
photos. If you are interested, I'll see about posting it for you. You can
download the CAL35 stuff at Let me know when you do,
so I can remove it. Also, let me know if you want the 39 info. Thanks, Rick
Richard Spangenberg President & Managing Director InfoTech, Inc. PO Box 31235
Greenwich, CT 06831 Phone: 203-531-9275 Fax: 203-531-4830 Email:
From: Brian Graves To: Subject: CAL
sailboats Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 1:26 AM
I've been searching the net for a CAL website for a long time. I own a 1968
CAL 34 (hull # 23). I have some CAL literature that the previous owner gave me
with the boat that I will send to your fax number, (330)698-6403. Let me know if
this fax number is no longer valid. I sail on Lake St. Clair in the metro
Detroit area.
From: To: Subject: Need Cal. spec's on Hull
# CAB70292037 6 Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 11:15 PM
Please help me to identify a Cal Hull # CAB70292037 6. I would appreciate any
information on this hull #. Year built, length, any spec's. Thank you.
From: To: Subject: No Subject Date: Sunday,
April 18, 1999 3:26 PM
Dear Dan, What a great web page!! This site may prove a savior for me. I have
the chance to purchase a Cal at a great price. It, however, will require a great
deal of work. The price is still less than the project boat that it is. At this
time there is some confusion as to just what the boat is. One person has said
that it's a Cal 28, another believes it to be a Cal 29 and I have no basis upon
which to make a guess. I E-mailed you a very terse request for information on
the hull # which is:CAB70292037 6. It has an inboard engine but I can't tell, at
this time what brand it is or it's size. The interior cloth has de laminated
from the sides from bow to stern and that appears to be the single greatest
problem. I'm sure I'll find many more!! I would so appreciate your help and any
ones help in identifying the boat and I'm sure to be asking for advice pretty
soon. Thank you again for this wonderful web site. Yours truly David Clauss
From: Tim/Moira To: Subject: Date:
Sunday, April 18, 1999 7:40 PM
We have a 1978 Cal 3-30 - still a beauty. As we are sailors who are getting a
little long in the tooth, we have decided to set up the sail hoisting etc. so
that we can do it from the cock pit. The raised section of the deck poses some
problems. Anyone who has brought everything back to the cockpit? Set up jiff
reefing? Any/all ideas would be great. Moira O'Brian, Vancouver, Canada
From: Dave Wilson To: Subject: Cal 24.
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 10:05 AM
I enjoyed your web site! I found it by looking for specs on a Cal 24. There
is one for sale down here in Texas but I have not been able to get the owners on
the phone. I have a question if you wouldn't mind - are all the Cal 24's fixed
keel or did some of them come with a centerboard? I have no idea what year this
one is but I'm sure it is early 70's since they only want $2000 for it. Thanks
Dave Wilson
From: To: Subject: Cal 27 specs.
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 8:00 PM
I have a 74 Cal 27 (I think type one, it only has a short cabin top, and not
a full flush deck). I would like to get the specs, including full rigging specs.
It has a strange forward mid stay that looks like it stabilizes the mast. I need
a set of sails if anyone has any.
Also, has anyone put a bowsprit on one, ore does this move the sail center
too far forward.
From: Denise Soultanian To: Subject:
Lapworth. Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 3:36 PM
Hi, I'm wondering if you'd know where I could find more information on a
Lapworth that was built in 1950. It is a 36 foot wooden sloop...that I think was
built as a racer. One of the builder's names was Chapman and the other was an
Armenian name....but I forgot it exactly.
It is a beatiful boat! I'm living on it and would like to buy it soon, but am
wondering about it's history. Also I'm thinking of glassing over the hull and am
wondering if I could find a source for advice on the that. I'm in the Bay Area
close to San Francisco. Thanks for any help! Denise
From: To: Dan and Karen Dalrymple Subject: Re: Cal 27
specs. Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 5:10 PM
It's defiantly not a 2-27, the cabin top ends just aft of the mast, the
original book mentions a pop top, but the boat I have has a f/g coach house with
two forward facing port holes. The beam is about 8', is this a unique layout? So
you have any pics of a type 1 With regards to the stay, thats what I would have
thought to, but there is no easy way of adjusting the tension.
From: Michele R. Berrong To: Subject: Cal
2-46. Date: Saturday, April 24, 1999 3:21 PM
Greetings! Great Cal site! I am with a San Diego brokerage and have a Cal
2-46 listed and wondered if you know of any Cal owner websites? (I'm
specifically interested in Cal 2-46 owners, obviously, but any help you could be
would be much appreciated!!) Michele R. Berrong, Bower & Kling Yachts, (619)
From: Andrea Pohland-Davis To:
Subject: Cal Rub Rails. Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 3:15 PM
Dear Mr. Carman, My husband and I are the proud owners of a 1969 20' Cal. We
too are in need of a new rub rail for our boat. The marina where we keep her has
informed us that the Cals' from this era had "special" rub rails which are no
longer manufactured. In researching rub rails on the internet I discovered your
invaluable site and obtained a lot of very helpful information. I would very
much appreciate any additional information you could give me on your friend with
the rubber extruding business who extruded a new rub rail for your Cal '70.
I am also very interested in learning more about this "space age" material
that does not become brittle in the sun. We did discuss replacing the original
rub rail with a wooden rub rail but we really would like to keep the boat as
close to its original style and condition as possible. Thank you for any
assistance you can provide. Very truly yours,Andrea Pohland-Davis
From: To: Subject: 1966 Cal 30 (Mark1?)
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 9:14 PM
As usual, when I read about the venerable Cals, I see nothing of the
performance cruiser Cal 30. Mine is Hull No. 90, from 1966, which has been
fitted with Harken roller furling and a brand-new 20HP Beta Marine diesel within
the last year. I'm preparing to do some off-shore cruising for a couple of
years, and I really feel I have the best boat for the job. Same type of boat
that appears in the book "Cruising 101" by Sullivan & Donnelly. By the way, I
have 100 feet of 3/8 HT chain with 300 feet of 5/8 nylon rode up in the bow, and
obviously it's just too much weight for this cutaway keel type of bow. Any
ideas? --Bill Morris on "Saltaire" in San Pedro, Calif.
From: mark j falcone To: Subject: cal
25.6 ... Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 10:09 PM
Dan: I enjoyed your web page. I was wondering if you could tell me where
could find more information about a cal 25.6...I have been looking at one for my
first sailboat weekender purchase. 1982...What is your opinion of this boat ?
Any information would be greatly appreciated. Mark from Maryland
From: Carole Danek To: Subject: cal
30. Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 10:09 PM
we are restoring a 30 ft. cal from the bottom up. we would like to talk with
anyone with a cal 30 . any help would be greatly apreciated.
From: Tom & Simone Young To:
Subject: Sailboat page Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 10:00 PM
Hi Dan, I enjoyed reading about your favorite sailboats for Lake Erie. I
share many of your impressions. While living in Baltimore in the early 80s, I
raced an old CAL 27 with a bunch of friends(I think the boat had a pop top). The
boat sailed very well, but the thing that I remember is the huge interior. We
regularly raced to another port with 6 or 7 crew and all slept aboard. (Come to
think of it, I don't remember if we ever really got any sleep)
The following two years, I crewed on a Catalina 27. We raced this boat hard
and did extremely well (BOTY twice). I was really impressed how well the boat
sailed considering the conservative design and the age. I think this boat, even
today, is probably the best value available in any size. It is solid and still
looks pretty modern and you can but one for about $5K. I think the visual
differences between old and new Catalina 27s are more apparent than you suggest.
For example, the old 27 has a near vertical transom.
In the early 90s I moved (back) to Lake Michigan, where I purchased an '84
CAL 24. This was a great little boat. We mainly daysailed and cruised her for
weekends. The few times we raced, we did pretty well with her old Dacron sails.
I agree that the finish work on the CAL was a notch below the Catalina. I also
felt like the hull was not as solid. The storage lockers had cheap plywood
covers and the interior was covered with carpeting. Overall, though, we really
enjoyed the CAL and even cruised her one year with our newborn son. Then we
decided we needed more space.
Our next boat was a Sabre 30. Another great boat, but pretty rare on the
great lakes. Ours came from Massachusetts. We owned this one for 5 years and had
some great times with our two young kids. We sold her today.
Our new (used) boat will be a 37 foot Tartan. We decided to go for more
comfort while the kids are growing. I hope we like the size. I'm sure I will
miss the ease of handling a smaller boat, but it sure will be comfortable out in
the big lake.
I hope I haven't bored you with this account. For some reason I felt like you
may find it interesting. By the way, one manufacturer that you have overlooked
is C&C. My family has owned three models: 29, 34, 35mkIII. All are excellent
boats with good looks and performance. They probably tend to get a little out of
"Chevy" category, but some good deals can be had. Happy Sailing! Tom Young
Editor's note: I never get tired of reading about Cal Yachts and sailing in
general. dd
From: Marie Edison To: Subject: Cal
25-2. Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 10:37 PM
Is there anyone there answering questions? Would love some help on finding
tension specs in shrouds and stays for tall mast rig Cal 25 II. Can I connect?
From: Wayne Cassady To:
Subject: Cal Sailboats. Date: Friday, April 30, 1999 3:29 PM
Your web page is great. It is good to see the high level of interest in Cal
sailboats. I own a Cal 33, 1986 model. I have quite a bit of information on Cals
since I have been interested in them for at least 15 years and owned our current
boat for 10 seasons. Our earlier boats were O'Days, so the progression was
Our Cal is sailed on Kentucky Lake in the western part of our state. It is
similar to a small version of the Chesapeake bay with 50+ miles of fetch up to 2
miles wide with literally tens of smaller bays and hundreds of coves.There is an
active sailing club there and there aren't many race events that we have not won
with the Cal 33 or on a friend's Cal 24.Great boats.
From: Karen Norwood To:
Subject: ice box upgrade. Date: Friday, April 30,1999 10:04 PM
I would like to up grade the ice box in my cal 29 (74 posb??) I may even
consider a refer unit... if I can find a top loader to fit. I don't want to
damage the interior wood... can anyone tell me how to gain access to present
icebox insulation and dead space.... without taking cabinet area apart ????
I love my cal 29. I got it at very good price 8K !! which allowed me to start
a complete refit and I am just finishing. I don't want to alter the interior
wood if I can avoid it
From: Andrea Harris To: Subject:
Cal 2-30. Date: Saturday, May 01, 1999 11:08 AM
Hi Dan. My name is Dave and I live in northern california where I am looking
at a 1971 Cal 2-30 for sale. I am trying to find the total mast height for a
standard Cal 2-30 because this rig has been modified. Even the dimension from
the top of the boom to the deckhouse would help. If the mast height has been
shortened from standard then I probably won't buy it. I am also wondering if it
is common for the shrouds on these boats to rub against the lifelines.
The dealer back in the 60s and 70s for many boats in the San Francisco area
was a man by the name of John Berry. I have tried to contact him but have not
been succesful yet. His dealership, I am told, often ordered cal 2-30s with a
smaller sail plan. This boat is one of those. Their were apparently two
sailplans offered by the factory; the standard, and the masthead rig. This
"small rig" appears to be a standard rig with the I, P, and E, modified to 24.5,
38, and 12 feet respectively. The previous owner did some further changing of
these dimensions so he claims the I is back to the original 37 and the P is now
35.9. My informatin shows the stadard Cal 2-30 as I = 37, J = 12.3, P = 35, and
E = 13.5. Changing the boom is not a big deal when I am ready for a new main
I am curious if the shrouds and spreaders for the small rig are placed
differently than the standard or masthead rig. Lastly, how did they come up with
a P of 38 feet? was the mast taller then standard? Anyway, any information you
can give me on this would be appreciated. Thanks, David W.
From: Joe Nelson To: Subject: Cal 40.
Date: Saturday, May 01, 1999 11:51 AM
Dan, thanks for the great press on Cal 40s. We have hull #15 in our lives and
think "Chinook" is about as good as sailing gets. Joe Nelson
From: Gary f. Di Vito To: Subject: Web
site, etc. Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 8:06 PM
I enjoyed your site very much, It's interesting to read the quesions and
comments particularly. It's also gratifying to discover so many happy Cal
owners!. I sail out of Rock Hall, Maryland, on the Chesapeake and there are not
many Cal owners-especially 34s.
I own a 79 Cal III, to which I have made many upgrades, and some interesting
(I think!) modifications both above and below. For example, I havae installed a
Furlex reefing system; all sheets and halyards are run aft via deck organizers,
with a dedicated self-tailing winch for the main. There are two self-tailing
primaries set on either side of the wheel , all so that I can single-hand with
ease. There is also an Auto-helm autopilot (the best investment I've made.)
I have also added a deck fill for the water tank, so it is no longer
necessary to drop a hose through the hatch and lift the v-berth cushions. Also,
the shelves in the v-berth havae been enclosed for better and neater storage.
I have been recently considering adding a staysail. There is an eye welded to
the mast below the steaming light. I have read articles on converting sloops to
cutter rigs, and they have stated that fixed or running backstays were
necessary. Would they be necessary in this instance?
From: To: Subject: NEED HELP WITH CAL 35
TOE RAIL Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 10:24 PM
We have a 1982 CAL 35. I would like some suggestions on how to 'rehab' the
aluminum toe rails. The metal is oxidizing and the hull becomes very dirty over
the course of the season. Cleaning and polish has not worked. I'm considering
painting it as a last resort but would welcome alternatives.
From: Ray Maroofian To: Subject: cal
34. Date: Monday, May 03, 1999 11:39 PM
Where can I get info on CAL 34 MK III and current value? Your prompt
attention to this matter is appreciated. Thanks
From: Stephen Parnell To:
Subject: cal 28. Date: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 12:25 AM
I have recently bought a cal 28 with a universal atomic 4 motor. I really
need information on this. I am also looking for a new or used atomic 4 motor for
mine, please if you can send information to this address. thank you!
From: To: Subject: Cal Yachts. Date:
Wednesday, May 05, 1999 5:36 PM
Hey, great WEB page. I've got plenty of experience with Cal boats, but am new
to the Internet. I had a Cal 20 for 4 years, and now have a 1979 Cal 25. I spent
18 days on a Cal 34 mark III some twenty years ago, and worked at a sailboat
rental in Marina Del Rey in the 80's that rented Cal 20's and one Cal 25. Glad
to know there are others who admire Bill Lapworth's work.
Anyway, the picture you have of a "flat top" Cal 25 is, I believe, actually a
flat top Cal 24. I could be wrong, but there seems to be only one main cabin
window and a small window for the head, while all the pop-top (what I have
always referred to them as) Cal 25's I have seen (which are dozens as I have
sailed in So. Cal my whole life) have two main cabin window and a window in the
head. Also, the sliding top that pops up to provide standing head room does not
appear long enough or have enough sections (3) to be a 25. Can't see the
headstay, but I'd bet it was a 7/8 rig.
But hey, I didn't write just to try and show off -- there was an e-mail from
someone asking if anyone had stepped a Cal 25 mast. Well, I haven't yet, but am
about to drop mine to replace the standing rigging. I couldn't figure out how to
respond to the e-mail. Any advice?
Now all I have to do is figure out how to get back to your WEB site. I wish
computers were as easy to handle as sailboats.
From: To: Subject: Cal 24? I still don't
think so Date: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 5:44 PM
I just sent you an e-mail explaining that I thought you had a picture of a
Cal 24, not a Cal 25. Then I looked at your Cal 24/25 whatchamacallit (page?)
and saw the e-mail from the guy who supposedly corrected your previous opinion
that it was a 24. I think he is wrong. I am familiar with the original Cal 24
that Robin Graham sailed as the first Dove. However, there were a few flat-top
Cal 24's built that looked a lot like the ubiquitous Cal 25. I think you were
correct to begin with--it's a Cal 24.
From: Audrey Schnell audrey@darwin.EPBI.CWRU.Edu To:
Subject: Cal 21. Date: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 6:39 PM
We just purchased a 1972 Cal 21 and could use any kind of help you can offer.
We are learning how to sail. So far, we have the mast up on the boat (in the
driveway) and that's as far as we have gotten. Where can we get a diagram for
rigging the boat? Also, we are not sure of how to raise and lower the keel. Any
advice you can offer to beginners will be very much appreciated. Thank you very
much. Audrey and John Pasternak, Cleveland, Ohio
From: Michael Galvin To: dan dalrymple Subject: Cal 2-27 Rub Rail. Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 4:17
Dan, I am a happy Cal 2-27 owner in Muskegon, MI and have corresponded with
you before. I wonder if you can suggest some ideas for replacing the rub rail.
Two seasons ago my old rubber rail came off while we were in a storm in Lake
Michigan. I was able to find a replacement rubber rail from Wefco Rubber
Manufacturing in Canoga Park, CA. Already this season I tore the new rub rail
when we hit the square edge of a piling on our dock. Hard to explain, but the
low lake water levels placed the rub rail at just the wrong level, leading to
this mishap.
In any case, I wonder if you have done any upgrading or replacing of your
rubrail. I imagine you have the same set up as me, with a rubber rail which
snaps over a flange on the hull-deck joint. I thought perhaps I could fashion a
more durable wooden rail. Any thoughts?
By the way, you might enjoy peeking at my web site, It has one picture of my Cal 2-27, Miss Adventure,
and a bunch of pictures of my construction of a dinghy. Michael Galvin,
Muskegon, MI
From: Gina Downin To: Subject:
Cal 27 for sale. Date: Friday, May 07, 1999 5:32 PM
My beloved Cal is for sale. She's an older model 1971, but completely rebuilt
with loving care.
Work includes West bottom, kelly green Awl-grip topsides, mahogany rubrail,
cherry & ash cabin sole and interior woodwork, new spreaders, solar panel, large
sail inventory, new tiller, custem anchor platform, and more... . She's a joy to
sail & comfortable for cruising with 2-4 people. The boat is in Annapolis, MD.
The engine is an Evinrude 9.5 (long shaft). The engine was just rebuilt with new
rings, water pump, ignition system (new coils, points, ht wires, condensers,
etc),rebuilt lower end, and gaskets.
The boat's specs are as follows; Beam- 9', water line- 22'3'', Disp.- 5500
lb, Ballast- 2500 lb, LOD- 27'4", Sail inventory-110% working jib, .5 oz
spinnaker, 130% genoa, 1.5 oz spinnaker, 180% genoa, Blopper, 120% top-jib (nice
off wind), Main, stay sail, drifter, Tall-boy
Asking $7,000. Contact me at (301) 277-3847 Thanks, Thomas.
FROM BRAZIL. Date: Saturday, May 08, 1999 12:52 AM
From: To: Subject: cal 25. Date: Sunday,
May 09, 1999 11:02 PM
i own a 1980 cal 25 with an o.m.c. inboard.i have the original owners manual
and the master carpenters certificate.this boat was built at costa mesa ca. (200
kalmus drive)by bangor punta marine.if this info would further your research i
would be pleased to copy and forward it.thanks for the page. regards don
From: copy center 2 To: Subject: cal 28.
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 10:39 PM
I am always looking for any information anyone has on a cal 28. I would
greatly welcome any information you have on it to be sent to the following
e-mail address thank you for any thing you can send
to me. Also if you know where I could get any more information please send it as
From: Eikenberry, Peter To:
Subject: Posting #18 Cal 27 & Ranger 26. Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 2:03 PM
Both Cal and Ranger were made by Lear Siegler Marine who had Bill Lapworth as
a designer. Lear Siegler was owned by Bangor Punta. The also owned O'Day, Jensen
Marine and several other companies that made powerboats.
They got out of the business in the mid eighties. It's very likely that your
Ranger may have been designed by Bill Lapworth, or was a knock off of the CAL
27. The Cal 27 was actually 26' 6" I don't know what year your boat is. They
built several versions,1971 through 1976 the Ranger 26 was 26' 3" They didn't
build it in 1977 or 78. 1980 & 81 the Ranger 26 was 25' 6". The records I have
shows they didn't build them after 1981. Some of this came from A Sailor's Guide
to Production Yachts by Roger Marshall published 1986 by Hearst Marine Books,
some came from the BUC Used Boat Price Guide 1905-1981 published by BUC
Research, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sorry it took a year to answer your question but I just discovered this site
while researching Bangor Punta. Peter D. Eikenberry Sr, Recreational Boating
Product Assurance Division, U. S. COAST GUARD, G-OPB-3 , ,, (202) 267-6894 Fax
(202) 267-4285
From: John Mitchell To: Subject:
Cal 24, approx 1984? Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 12:43 AM
Purchased the above Cal at the end of last season - Fall 98 - from a Maritime
Academy with absolutely no drawings, amuals, layouts, etc. Your web site has
been great in filling in some of the blanks but had to have someoneelse put the
boat up for the Winter very quickly and now I'mm trying to find a diagram of the
standing and running rigging for reference as the pictures on the web page are
indicating to me thar I may have some hybrid form. Any help, or suggestions
would be much appreciated as it's getting time to get it in the water and the
guy who took it appart has no clue. An E-mail to would
be great - Thanks - John Mitchell
From: To: Subject: Cal 28. Date:
Wednesday, May 12, 1999 12:27 AM
I have a copy of a sales brochure of a 1960's Cal 28 that I'll fax to you. I
currently own a 28, outboard powered which I have had for 6 years now. I have
yet to find the hull no. anywhere on the boat. The CF no.'s are what is used for
my hull no. on the title. The boat is a pleasure to sail. You have a great web
page I hope you can add to it as information becomes available.
From: To: Subject: Wanted: Cal 20 Book.
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 2:40 PM
Just "stumbled" on to your web page while doing a Cal 20 search. I am looking
for "coffee table" books or other pictorials featuring the Cal 20. I need this
for a gift to give to a long time Cal 20 owner. Any help would be appreciated.
Great web page you have there. Lots of data and user friendly. Spent last
week visiting friends on the west coast. Saw many old Cal's being worked on and
being prepared for the summer. Thanks, Stan
From: Matt Shannon To: Subject:
CAL28 Information. Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 2:28 PM
Hello. I found your web site via the CAL Email list. I have a great deal (or
at least I think I do) of information on the CAL28. It is in the form of most of
the original sales material and manuals. Is this the type of information you
want for your web site? What is the best way to get it to you. I have a scanner
and would be happy to create electronic copies of any info I have. Please let me
know... Thanks, Matt, 1987 28' CAL "Lady T"
From: To: Subject: Cal 40. Date: Thursday,
May 13, 1999 6:07 PM
I'm getting ready to make an offer on a Cal 40, it needs a lot of tlc but the
hull appears strong, one of the very early hulls. The gas engine is not working
and probably won't (I'm tending towards replacing with a small diesel). The
sails are old, except for a relatively new 155 jib, mast hasn't been pulled in
over 10 years, appears to have some galvanic problems, hull was painted over 10
years ago and is peeling.
If she surveys well, which I think she will, do you have any ideas about what
to offer for her without a broker. I'm thinking new LP paint job, roller
furling, lazy jacks, since I love to sail but am getting older, new diesel, new
main, maybe recut almost new jib for roller furling; any guesses on what it will
cost to recondition this beautiful but sadly neglected cal 40. Perhaps more
important, what are the questions I should be asking about cal 40s? Are there
certain recurrent problems, certain leaks, certain rigging problems, etc? Bob
From: To: Subject: more on cal 40. Date:
Thursday, May 13, 1999 6:12 PM
I'm so excited about my finding this cal 40 I just asked all the questions
about that I forgot to complement you on your web page. I haven't looked
extensively yet but I would hope there would be some sharing of problems that
have occurred over the years and what the solutions have been. If you can bring
me up to speed in a hurry with some websites or other owners, I'd appreciate it
as I don't want to let this one get away, but I don't want to sell the farm to
buy her either. thanks, Bob
From: To: Subject: Original spec
sheets. Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 6:21 PM
Dan, I have some old(er) dealer spec. sheets, price lists and photos for
California 20, California 30 (dated 1962), and California 24. Interested? If you
say you will be good with them and want to keep them, I can send you the
originals (they are not museum pieces, come on...) or I can send you good Xerox
copies. Your choice. Let me know. Thank you for your site. I am not a Cal owner,
just a surveyor. Pierre Helias, Marina del Rey, CA
From: Paul Duval To: Subject:
Question regarding prop on Cal 2-29. Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 10:17 AM
The prop on my Cal 2-29, Farryman Diesel is fixed 2 blade "Federal" 12" dia
with a 12" pitch. I do not know for certain if this is the original prop, or
even the optimum pitch for this boat/motor. Any opinions? Paul Duval, E-mail: Homport: CPYC, Winthrop, MA.
From: Dave Bowers To: Subject:
WEbpage on my CAL 40. Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 7:16 AM
Hi, I am the fellow you quoted as still in love with his CAL-40. I also have
worked up a web page. Might be of interest.
The boat is now for sale. Regards, Dave Bowers, Pungo
Marine - . 250 Pungoview, TEL(252)964-6190
FAX(252)964-6153, Belhaven, NC 27810 Alt Tel for messages (800)526-8800
From: David Hutzelman To: Subject: No
subject. Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 5:34 PM
How do I get in touch with the Cal-Pearson "company" ? they don't appear to
have a web site - Dave. David Hutzelman, 12415 Woodthorpe Lane, Houston TX
77024, Tel: 713-464-6603, Fax 713-464.8887, Email:
From: David Hutzelman To: Subject: No
subject. Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 5:47 PM
Please disregard my last request -- I found the information in the FAQ's --
From: To: Subject: Cal 40. Date:
Thursday, May 20, 1999 12:30 AM
I have sailed a number of different boats and I am interested in the Cal 40.
I am just now beginning my search---- your web page is great--- you have put
alot of work into it. Thanks
From: Cullitons To: Subject:
Cal-29 ?'s. Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 1:07 PM
Any advice or information appreciated. I have never sailed before but have
always wanted to learn. Recently a friend steered me to a 1971 Cal-29 for sale
that I could probably pick up for about $5,000. The boat is in fair shape with
all sails and 30 hp atomic-4 and sea worthy. To me it sounds like a great deal
but my question, is this too much boat for me? I have searched the web including
your site and can not find too much on the Cal-29 specifically. What are the ups
and downs of this model and is there anything I should look out for? I will be
learning to sail this boat on Lake Erie Initially. Thanks in advance for any
advice or information you can offer. Daniel Culliton
From: To: Subject: (no subject) Date:
Thursday, May 20, 1999 8:56 PM
From: The Paul Family To: Subject: CAL
22 - 1985? Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 6:08 AM
Dear Mr. Dalrymple, May 24, 1999. After briefly looking at your Web site, it
became apparent that you know CAL sailboats. Can you help me identify a CAL boat
that I may buy, and estimate a price range that might be reasonable?
I'll try to make a long story as short as possible. In 1993 a friend of mine
named Susan "acquired" a CAL 22, though she knew almost nothing about sailing.
She has kept up the boat, recently making $300 in leak repairs. Now she realizes
that she just is not interested in learning to sail the boat, as she now has a
small child. She knows that I want to buy a similar boat, so she has asked if I
want to buy her boat. I have sailed her boat a couple of times, so I a vaguely
familiar with the boat. However, she and the boat are in Atlanta (on a man-made
lake) and I am currently living in Saudi Arabia, but am about to move back to
Atlanta. Susan THINKS the boat is a 1985 model. She was told that the hull
number is CABTOO34C585, but she doesn't know where to look on the boat to find
the number. In looking on the Internet for pricing of a 1985 CAL 22, Nadaguides
does not list that size for that year, so we are not even sure if CAL made 22'
sailboats in 1985. The boat has a 1989 Honda engine, so Susan suspects that the
boat might have been made in 1989. Susan and I both want to establish a fair
price, but neither of us knows what that should be.
The boat has a roller jib, and has a depth gauge (that "sorta" works and is
thus unreliable), It also has two other gauges: wind speed and boat speed. Are
there any other accessories that might effect the price?
Do you have any idea WHERE on the boat Susan can look to confirm the hull
I can tell by the volume in your Web site that you are a busy man on this
volunteer project. I was/am so excited to find out about your love and
enthusiasm for CAL sailboats. For now I will probably be sailing almost
single-handedly (with my 8 year old son), so the 22' is the most I/we can MAYBE
handle. Hopefully, eventually, I can step up to the 2-27'. Thank you so much for
your time and interest! Lynn Paul
From: To: Subject: cal 2-27 Date: Sunday,
May 23, 1999 5:36 PM
Have a comment and a question about the CAL 2-27 1. Atomic 4 is supposed to
put out 30 HP at 3500 RPM 2. If the Atomic 4 is functioning correctly how fast
should it push a CAL 2-27?
From: W. R. Decius To: Subject:
Cal-27 Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 11:02 PM
Dan.......I love your web site and read with interest all about the Cal
boats. Mine is a 1971 model of the pop-top. Of course that is the Cal-27. The
original as far as I know. Mine is number 60 and I am the fifth owner. I have
fixed her up very well and she looks almost like new. Originally she had a
Czechoslovakian one cylinder diesel engine which, I am told, wouldn't push her
against the current. I have since put a 15 hp, four cycle outboard engine on her
stern. My wife and I use her throughout the San Francisco bay area and berth her
at the Vallejo Yacht Club.
I enclose a couple of photos of her if you care to see them. The photo of her
sailing was taken at Raccoon Strait in SF Bay. With best regards and thanks for
the web page. Dick Decius
From: iuyiuyi To: Subject: Older Cal
Yachts. Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 8:59 PM
Dear Dan, I really appreciate your web page! I own a 1969 Cal 29, hull # 16.
I grew up in So.Cal about 5 miles from Jensen Marine ,Costa Mesa during the 60's
and 70's. I always thought that someone should write a book about Lapworth and
Cal Yachts and their impact on the sailboat industry. I've had the privilege of
sailing on Cals 20,21,25,27,2-27,29,3-30,34,36,40,2-46 over the years.Like you I
also aspire to own a Cal-40 someday especially after reading about owners like
Stan Honey from San Francisco.My Cal 29 is optimized for solo sailing and light
air efficiency.It's easy to modify a Cal for different situations without
compromising the basic boat.
I look forward to your continued efforts to document the Cal legacy. Rick
From: ANGEL E. ACOSTA To: Subject: Cal
9.2 meter, Head Liner. Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 9:38 PM
In the pursuit of finding the origin of various deck leaks I have had to
remove the original plastic headliner. The headliner was in less than acceptable
condition to begin with and during the removal process it cracked in a couple of
places. My wife and I are planning to completely redo the interior including the
headliner now. I would like to know if any other Cal owners have replaced the
headliners and if so how. Everyones advise would be greatly appreciated.
From: To: Subject: Gord Kerr Cal 28
Info. Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 9:13 AM
I own a Cal 28 1986 have done many things to bring it back. Let me know your
questions. FALLEN1022@AOL.COM Fred
From: To: Subject: posting #6 reply 1
Jack Schincke. Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 9:23 AM
Need to know handicap approx for a Cal 27-3 with tall mast and deep fin keel
Beats me all hollow ... I have a Cal 28 -2 with shoal draft my HC is 192 Cal
27 over 200 doesn't make sense to me. Fred
From: The Paul Family To: Subject: May
25. Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 3:11 PM
Dear Mr. Dalrymple, May 25, 1999. Thanks to information that we obtained from
your WEB site, I have determined that the boat I had asked you about is a 1985
CAL 22. Do you have a recommendation of a fair price for this boat, or can you
tell me where I might look for a fair price for it?
Thank for your your time! Lynn Paul
I had previously written: Dear Mr. Dalrymple, May 24, 1999. After briefly
looking at your Web site, it became apparent that you know CAL sailboats. Can
you help me identify a CAL boat that I may buy, and estimate a price range that
might be reasonable?
I'll try to make a long story as short as possible. In 1993 a friend of mine
named Susan "acquired" a CAL 22, though she knew almost nothing about sailing.
She has kept up the boat, recently making $300 in leak repairs. Now she realizes
that she just is not interested in learning to sail the boat, as she now has a
small child. She knows that I want to buy a similar boat, so she has asked if I
want to buy her boat. I have sailed her boat a couple of times, so I a vaguely
familiar with the boat. However, she and the boat are in Atlanta (on a man-made
lake) and I am currently living in Saudi Arabia, but am about to move back to
Atlanta. Susan THINKS the boat is a 1985 model. She was told that the hull
number is CABTOO34C585, but she doesn't know where to look on the boat to find
the number. In looking on the Internet for pricing of a 1985 CAL 22, Nadaguides
does not list that size for that year, so we are not even sure if CAL made 22'
sailboats in 1985. The boat has a 1989 Honda engine, so Susan suspects that the
boat might have been made in 1989. Susan and I both want to establish a fair
price, but neither of us knows what that should be.
The boat has a roller jib, and has a depth gauge (that "sorta" works and is
thus unreliable), It also has two other gauges: wind speed and boat speed. Are
there any other accessories that might effect the price?
Do you have any idea WHERE on the boat Susan can look to confirm the hull
I can tell by the volume in your Web site that you are a busy man on this
volunteer project. I was/am so excited to find out about your love and
enthusiasm for CAL sailboats. For now I will probably be sailing almost
single-handedly (with my 8 year old son), so the 22' is the most I/we can MAYBE
handle. Hopefully, eventually, I can step up to the 2-27'. Thank you so much for
your time and interest! Lynn Paul
From: W. R. Decius To: Subject:
Cal-27. Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 3:48 PM
Dan.......Thanks for your response to my e-mail on the Cal-27. You are keen
to note all of the things you picked out on the boat and engine. I shall ramble
on a bit and try to answer your questions. First point, though, is that I do
have the manufacturer's (builder's) original owner's manual. I shall send it to
you after retrieving it from the boat where I keep it in a water tight bag. To
be honest, though, it doesn't contain much real information. Although I believe
it has all of the things you ask about. The running rigging is specified and
sized. You will make your own judgement on its value. It will be some days until
I pick it up. I have replaced the rigging on my boat and went the next step up
in stainless steel wire size.
I'll talk about the outboard.....I am a traditional sailor, enjoying the old
style lines, and dislike having an engine hanging on the stern of a sailboat.
Having said that, however, I agree with you completely about the convenience,
space considerations, ease of maintenance, etc and therefore went for the Suzuki
four stroke. I paid $2730, including tax, with a six year full guarantee. This
was in January 1997. It is the 15 hp, long shaft, model. I then bought a stern
mount designed for the engine which weighs 107 pounds. This works fine and can
let you move the engine out of the water while sailing. (No need to tilt the
engine unless you want to) The 9.9 hp weighs about 92 pounds (approx.). The 9.9
hp is all that is needed to push the Cal. I went larger because I know my son
would want more power if he takes over when I am gone. The boat won't move any
faster because the hull speed is about 6.5 knots. The engine is quiet, uses
little fuel and I like it. I agree that the battery charge is less than enough,
but I dockside charge my two 12 volt deep cycle batteries.
But two things need to be understood; the fresh water flush design is awful.
It is OK for flushing in your driveway but not leaning over the stern of a
sailboat. I know that you don't have to worry about salt water. The other
thing.....the mechanism which locks the engine in the down position seems to
release unbeknown to the operator, and a reverse action on the propeller causes
the engine to fly upward, resulting in a banging action with no reverse thrust.
Very annoying. I continually check to make sure the lever is in the up right
position which is supposed to lock the engine down. I have removed the outboard
steering handle and tightened the screw to make the engine stationary. (That is,
no turning) All controls (throttle and gear shift) are done by cables passing
through plastic (pvc) tubing under the deck to the control panel at the front of
the cockpit. I control the boat with the tiller and the engine controls at my
right hand side. The handle is not really in the way but can be hit by a leg if
one isn't aware of it's presence. Backing the boat in calm water is effortless,
but in windy or rough water conditions with the engine revving up, the propeller
(being aft of the tiller) tends to draw the boat backward rather than allowing
the boat to follow the rudder. I account for this by getting backward way, then
putting the engine in neutral. The boat then follows the rudder very well. I can
back into my slip quite well. Someone else might prefer to use the outboard for
steering. I start the engine electrically from the control handle. One bad
feature is to dash aft to push in the choke after starting.
By the way, I installed a 13 gallon fuel tank under the cockpit floor rather
than having the portable fuel tank under the cockpit hatch which violated the
Coast Guard safety code because of venting under deck. I read the fuel capacity
gage on a panel.
I shall be glad to talk boats with you anytime. You may do with the photos
whatever you like. I shall send along another shot for some detail. The manual
will follow later. Dick
From: Alfred Poor To: Subject:
Question for Cal page. Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 5:03 PM
Cabintop traveler: Cal 29 Has anyone put a cabintop traveler on a Cal 29, or
similar boat? Any advice, recommendations? Any ideas of sources for a used
traveler with risers suitable for this use? Alfred Poor,
From: RAZ To: Subject: Tuning...
Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 11:35 AM
I bought a cal25 last august and when the mast was removed I failed to keep
track of shroud tensions. Next week when I raise the mast I do not have a clue
on setting the shrouds for a straight mast. Any help in this reguard would be
great. Could send any reply to . Thanks
EDITOR's note: You can ask 100 sailors this question and you'll get 100
different answers. So here goes. . .
I don't race, but here's how I
usually do it from scratch. Step your mast, adjust the turnbuckles "just good
and snug", not supertight. During this adjustment, constantly lay at the bottom
of the mast looking upward along the mast, and make sure mast doesn't get an
unwanted "bend, belly or kink" during the adjustment. Also continually sight
from the dock at the front/rear of the boat making sure that the mast is
centered In other words, snug up the wire rigging evenly and keep the mast
fairly straight. Onother way to keep the mast centered is to check the
turnbuckles opposite each other. They (opposites) should have about the same
amount of thread used.
Now, allow the boat to set for a week or two and the boat will bend slightly
into it's new loading (the boat can be sailed during this time). The stays will
"slack off" slightly. While at dock, adjust everything "good and snug" again.
Now take the boat out for a sail in a nice breeze. Head up on one tack or the
other. While on 1st tack adjust the leeward side stays about halfway enough to
remove the slack. Then head up on the other tack, firm up the other side stays,
again, sighting up the mast so as to keep the mast straight and even.
As for the fore/aft mast adjustment, always adjust with the backstay adjuster
slacked off. If you have forward/aft side lowers, I always keep the fwd lowers
slightly tighter than the aft lowers. Actually, I just tighten the fwd lowers
during the initial tuning, then just slightly snug the aft lowers after all the
tuning is completed. Tighten the fore/aft stays to the point that the set of
blocks in the backstay adjuster feel right. If you have fore/aft side lowers,
you should be able to pull some bend in the mast with the backstay adjuster.
Note: Initial fore/aft mast bend is learned thru the years. If you have new
crisp sails, you should probably use a fairly straight mast but if you're
running some old, blown out rags like most of my sails you may want a few inches
of mast bend from the start. Mast bend helps flatten a main and does not effect
the jib or genny. Mast bend can be easily seen by lying down on deck with your
head looking up the mast.
From: Todd and Ellen Mandeville To:
Subject: Cal 34 website. Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 7:51 PM
Dear Dan, We found your Cal Web site today. My husband, Todd, and myself,
Ellen, live and cruise aboard our Cal 34 Mandolin. Mandolin is a 1970 Cal 34,
the original design. We have just returned to California after spending seven
months cruising in Mexico. Thought you might be interested in our web page which
has all of our cruising trip logs, a Cal 34 line drawing and pictures of our
Please let us know what you think. We noticed you didn't have much info about
Cal 34s.
Todd and Ellen Mandeville, S/V "Mandolin" - Cal 34,
From: Scott Truesdell To: Cc: ; Subject: Cam Cleat. Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 6:48 AM
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 20:06:01 -0600 From: "R. H. (Dick) Laughlin" Reply-To: To: Subject: Cam Cleat.
I have a CAL25. On the bottom of the boom on the mast end there is a cam
cleat that goes through the bottom of the boom. One side is used for reefing and
the other side is used for the cunningham. Does any one know who made these
parts or where I can buy them? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Are the cam cleats mounted on a formed stamped stainless steel bracket that
wraps partially around the bottom of the boom? The cam cleats mounted
back-to-back on either side of the vertical part of the bracket?
If yes, the part was (still is??) made by Ronstan or NicroFico in Australia.
West Marine carries Ronstan parts and your local store probably has a Ronstan
catalog. --scott
From: To: Subject: Re: cal 2-27 . . .
Date: Saturday, May 29, 1999 10:49 AM
thanks for the information--looks like I have a problem--mine only goes 3.5
knots right now. Rob Hildebrand
From: To: Subject: posting 25 reply . . .
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 9:15 AM
I have a Cal 2-27. The Atomic 4 was replaced by a universal M4-30. This is a
25hp diesel and has more than enough hp. I attain hull speed at 2000 rpm with a
3 blade prop, use the origional strut and get an hour to the quart of fuel at
1900 rpm.
From: Tim/Moira To: Subject: Date:
Tuesday, June 01, 1999 12:49 AM
We have a 1974 Cal3-30. We want to lead the main halyard back to the cockpit.
The cowling poses a problem. Has anyone put their lines through this cowling- by
drilling a hole - or simply put the leads on the top of the cowling. Our concern
si that if we drill in the cowling it may cause leaks. Moira O'Brian of Lara
From: Smith, Dave To: Subject: posting
#53 . . . Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 11:11 PM
I also have cal 22 (1986). I saw my 1ST one about 1983 or 84 and wanted one
ever sense. I finely got one in 96. A company in RI had the molds and was going
to build them again, don't know if they ever did. (Little Harbor boats or
something like that)
I sail mine on SF bay and it is great boat for the bay. The only problem I
have had has been the toe rail, the life lines stantions and the rudder. I
re-bedded life line stantions and that fixed the leaks, but the other owner had
over tightened the bolts and cracked the top side (jell coat).
The toe rail screws were coming out so I removed the rail and drilled though
holes and bolted them through. They look great and will not come loose. I did
have to remove the teak "eye brow's" one was broken and I have not found a
replacement for it.
The rudder seam was starting to leak so I ground it even, dried it out, then
fiber glassed over the seam to seal it. It has not been a problem for the last 3
years and after a fresh coat of paint it even looks good. I guess you can tell I
like my boat. David Smith
From: Andrea Gillis To: Subject:
Cal 22 . . . Date: Saturday, June 05, 1999 11:59 AM
Hi. My name is Alex. My dad owns a cal 22. In a storm last year he lost the
rudder to the boat and he wants me to find a new one. If you have one he can buy
or if you now a place where I could go to help in my search could you please
email me? Thanks.
From: Amber & Art . To: . Subject:
No subject . . .Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 12:19 AM
I am interested in purchasing a Cal. What should I do to it to make it very
reliable for ocean crossings? Do I need to worry about a Cal for long ocean
Thanks for the tips. Are there any models of Cals that I need to avoid?
My reply: Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 3:07 PM
Amber and Art, You don't mention the size of the Cal that you are going to
use for ocean travel. I mention this due to what I call the "comfort level".
Many Cal 24s and 27s have crossed oceans but if I were to go, I would much
prefer a Cal 39 or 40 due to the way they ride, the increased speed, the supply
carrying ability of the larger boat, and several other reasons.
Cal Yachts were very well built. Hundreds of Cals have crossed oceans. There
are many Cals, right now, on oceans all over the world.
To make it reliable? Number one: Use good, common sense preparing for, and
during the crossing. Carry a good EPIRB, life raft, GPS. Double check all sail
rigging, chainplates and bulkheads before an ocean cruise. Cals had decent
rigging but if I sailed an older Cal offshore I would replace all mast stays,
halyards with new, a size larger. Carry plenty of fresh water (in separate
containers). "Go fast" sails are great but don't forget good storm sails. Keep a
good watch at all times looking for other boats but also for floating objects
such as floating empty containers lost from container ships. Reduce sail and
slow down during dark nights. Time your offshore trips when moon offers the most
light (full or nearly full moon). Dan Dalrymple, editor.
From: To: Subject: Cal 9.2 . . . Date:
Tuesday, June 08, 1999 8:02 AM
I have a 9.2, 1980 vintage. Structurally, there seem to be no problems. We
have even taken spreaders in the water broaches/knockdowns. We race the boat on
Western Long Island Sound where it rates PHRF 174. In the prevelant conditions,
-smooth water, light wind-we do pretty well, although the "modern" boats give us
problems often.
Glad to have found your site. Mike Robinson, "White Goose"
From: Fred Davis To: . Subject: Rudder for
Cal25 . . . Date: Saturday, June 05, 1999 12:49 AM
I need a rudder for a Cal 25. Mine is bent beyond repair - reef landing!!!
Located at Kaneohe Yacht Club, Hawaii. Thanks, Fred Davis
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:59:45 -0700 To: . From: "W.
R. Decius" Subject: Cal-27 . .
Dan.......I hope that you received my note (e-mail) to you discussing the
Suzuki out board engine which I use on my Cal-27. I talked about several things
to note when using the engine. Also, I told you that I have the original owner's
manual for the original Cal 27, pop-top model, built in 1971.
I have been holding a copy for you but find it inconvenient to scan it into
the computer. If you will send me a snail mail address I shall mail it to you
for whatever use you may find for it. I consider it a worthless document except
for the last page which gives the rigging sizes, etc.
Best to you, Dick Decius (
PS I had no trouble ordering new rub rail (original style rubber) from the
Richmond, California based boatyard named Bay Ship and Yacht. The yard contacted
a firm which bought up the Cal dyes for the rubber. I think it cost me $300 for
the length (all one piece) needed to do my boat.
From: John J Wandling . To: .
Subject: For Sale Cal 21 . . . Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 7:59 AM
Cal 21 Main, Jib, Genoa, Spinnaker - 6HP OMC Good Condition - Getting Larger
Cal - $1800.00 Norfolk, Va 757-717-7711
From: cedarholm To: Subject: Cal 28
Shoal Draft specs Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 11:09 PM I'm interested in Cal
28 Shoal Draft for sale in Maine and was looking for some specs (i.e.draft,
displacement)and/or comments on he boat, its handling, how trailerable is it
realy. You get the Idea. Much appreciated in NH.
From: John Teipen . . To: . Subject: CAL 27
. . . Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 7:31 PM
Thanks so much for you information on CAL boats. We are looking at Liberty
Doug McCance's boat at Carlyle Lake. As "luck" would have it there are Three CAL
27 MKIII for sale at the same marina!?
We are fairly sure a CAL 27 is a good boat for us. We are looking at an S-2
8.5 and a '87 CAT27 too. Your website and all the information has been very
helpful in determining what to consider in selecting the right boat for us.
Thanks for putting it all together!
Good Sailing! John
From: To: Subject: Cal 20 . . . Date:
Friday, June 11, 1999 10:07 PM
I have a Cal-20, sail # 783. The boat is in excellent, very clean condition,
new pulpit, 6 hp Johnson, running lights, depth sounder, ship to shore, many
sails. I would like to sell it somewhere around $4,000 - 4,500.00. The boat is
on Lake Saint Clair, east side of Detroit, MI. My phone # is (313) 885-2481.
Also, what other sites should I place an add? Thanks for your help, Pam
From: To: Subject: Cal 25 . . . Date:
Tuesday, June 15, 1999 1:46 AM
Dan, My wife & I were given, yes GIVEN, a 1966 Cal 25. sail #938. We sail out
of Long Beach, Calif. & are interested in communicating with other Cal owners.
We met one couple from Alamitos Bay, Calif. and would like to met more. Anyone
interested please email:
I have owned a Snowbird #2, Windrose 24, Columbia 39, Columbia 27. All good
boats. I really admire & appreciate this boat for her speed, agility and low
maintenance. My wife appreciates her flat foredeck, sunbathing you know. Have
hit your site twice now & enjoy the questions and info. Bob
From: Bond Charles R Civ 81MDSS/SGSI . To: . Subject: Cal Boat pages . . . Date: Wednesday, June 16,
1999 1:31 PM
Dan, Are you still minding this web-site??? All the responses I have seen
appear to be from 1998. (Editor's note: Sorry about that .
. . Sometimes I don't get these emails posted very quickly during the short Ohio
sailing season . . . )
In regards to what you call "flat-top" cal 24's, these boats were properly
refered to as Cal 2-24's. This indicated a "racing" configuration. The same
designation was given to the Cal 2-30 of that period (1968-1970). The picture of
hull # 92 wa quite interesting to me as I have been the owner of hull # 93 since
1970. She is currently out of service with very bad deck de-lamination and
weakness due to a long lay-up while I was overseas....but, I have every
intention of restoring "La Petite Chere" and enjoying her for many more years!
Please reply if this site is active as I have some questions...and maybe a
few answers if anyone is still interested! Ricky Bond
From: Bond Charles R Civ 81MDSS/SGSI . To: . Subject: Previous Message . . . Date: Wednesday, June 16,
1999 1:34 PM
Dan, I forgot to list my address:
From: Ian Wareham To: . Subject:
Cal 27-2 . . . Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 6:50 PM
West Sound Marina is looking for a prop shaft strut for a Cal 27-2 made in
1978 and we are not even sure where to start looking. Please if you have any
thoughts or suggestions email us at or phone us at (360)
376 2314. Thank you very much. Betsy Wareham.
PS This is the most informative website yet!!!!
From: To: Subject: Cal 30 for sale . .
. Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 7:49 PM
1968 Cal 30. RF, A-4, PW, Autopilot, LORAN, dark blue hull. Located
Milwaukee, WI. $15,900. Call 414-228-1573, 414-607-0060. E-mail
From: Sercis To: . Subject: Thank for
posting the great web pages . . . Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 11:00 AM
I enjoyed your web pages on the Cal sailboats. I have a 1974 Cal T/2 the same
hull as a 2-27 I think with a deeper keel. Lots of fun to sail. I have an
original blue print of the of the sail plan with the design date. Michael,
From: Smith, Dave To: . Subject: cal 22
(question 53) . . . Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 4:51 PM
I sent in a response to question 53 about 3 weeks ago and did not see it
posted. (Editor's note: Sorry about that . . . Sometimes I
don't get these emails posted very quickly during the short Ohio sailing season
. . . )
Here is my response to Question#53 (cal 22), by the way I did not see it
listed in your boat spec page. Do you need the data? The call 22 is an extent
boat, it can out sail all most all other 22-23's out there. It is also built
Answer to Question #53
The Cal 22 was built from about 1984-1986. It came in two basic types, deep
keel (3.5 draft), and wing keel (2.5 draft). There was also a tall rig. I have
the deep keel that I sail on San Francisco Bay. This is a good boat for the bay
with the bay's winds and tide currents, the boat is fast and dry. I do trailer
it to other sailing grounds but with the deep keel I have to find very deep
lunch ramps. I know of about 3 boats in this area and one of them is raced
around Santa Cruz and it comes in 1st quite often. I have an old sales pamphlet
and an owners manual, that I can copy. There is a sail loft in the SF area that
has can make sails.
I have added, a backstay adjuster using the split stay and some blocks,
traveler control, a topping lift, and brought all control lines to the cock pit.
I would like to hear form other Cal 22 owners. David Smith,
From: JOHN YOUNG To: . Subject: Cal
20's . . . Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 12:38 AM
Just thought you'd like to know that there are several CAL 20's still sailing
on Lake St. Clair. Crescent Sail Yacht Club in Grosse Pointe Farms has 13 or 14
of them in the water. They race one-design races on Wednesday nights June
through August and almost every Sunday morning from mid-May through September.
Right now there are at least three Cal 20's for sale in the Detroit Area. Two
are in this week's Detroit Metro area Trading Times. There have also been a
couple of ads in the Detroit Free Press recently. One ad says the boat is in
excellent condition and they are asking close to $5,000 for it. Most sell in the
$2,000 to $3,000 range. Condition varies significantly.
One of the Cal 20 owners at Crescent has his for sale. I think he is asking
less than $3,000 and that includes an excellent double axle trailer.
If you put this item in your CAL web page, please feel free to put my e-mail
address in there. Home phone is (313) 882-4286. Thanks. John Young
From: To: Subject: Main Mast for Cal 2-46
Ketch . . . Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 12:20 AM
I have a damaged main mast on a Cal 2-46 Ketch rig. Any information on
availability, interchangability or suggestions for finding a (preferably used)
mast would be much appreciated.
From: Ross Shefchik To: . Subject:
CAL 28 . . . Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 1:56 PM
I acquired a 1968 CAL 28 this spring with no info on this boat. With help
from some guys on my dock we got the rigging up and all the lines run. The boat
was fitted prior to my purchase with loads of Harken blocks and components and
we did figure everything out. However the main sail is really bad and would like
some info as to where to get the best for the money replacement. Also, can
anyone give me any history on this boat? It rides like a Caddy and looks great
otherwise. I understand Cal Yachts made an awfully tough boat back then.
Thankyou, Ross Shefchik,
From: Ross Shefchik To: . Subject:
item #24 . . . Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 4:03 PM
In response to Angie Richardson's question on welding the ear back on her
mast step: I brought my cal 28 step brk't in to work and had a welder re-heliarc
weld it and grind it back down flush. It seems to be doing just fine. And it
only cost me a can of Coke. I'm sure the aluminum casting molds still exist
somewhere on a dusty shelf right next to a pile of brk'ts. that hve been
forgoten about. Good luck trying to find one. Ross Shefchik, "The Rossness
From: To: . Subject: Cal 30 for sale .
. . Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 6:27 PM
Sent for sale ad on 6-16-99, havent seen it. Am I doing something wrong? Here
is the ad again. Please mail if you need more info. Thanks Rick Danielson
CAL-30- 1968- Atomic-4, Furling, A-pilot, LORAN, P-H2O, VHF, DS, Life sling,
CG equiped. Many extras. Dark blue hull painted a few years ago. This boat has
all the cruising stuff we all want and without spending a fortune to buy it new.
"REALITY" is located in Milwaukee, WI . and is for sale for the small sum of
$15,900. Use of slip is included for the balance of the season if needed. Reason
for selling? What else. Bigger boat of course. She's been to Burmuda twice.
Where do you want to go?
Contact: Bill Staat, 414-228-1573, or Rick Danielson, 414-607-0060. Also
E-mail at
From: Lawson Forrester To: . Subject:
cal sailboats . . . Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:03 PM
I have been searching around the net attempting to find something about Cal
sailboats and fortunately came upon your wonderful web page. I own a 1972 Cal
T-2 tall rig, that I purchased in 1974. The boat was originally designed as a
1/2 ton racer to be sailed on the California coast. The interior is the same as
the 27 however the deck has an unusual shape and mostly flat from the mast to
the bow. The design is great for working the fore deck. The boat is in excellent
shape and has never been out of Lake Lanier northeast of Atlanta.
In the late 1970's and early 1980's the big competition in racing on Lake
Lanier were the Cal 27's, the Catalina 27's and the Morgan 27's. The Morgan's
were the boats to beat with the Cal's next and tall rig Catalina's 27's last.
Perhaps you can help me in locating a rub rail for the T-2. The original was
damaged and now trashed. I never really cared for it cause the white rubber kept
fading and bleeding down on the navy blue hull. Do you know of anyone who may
carry supplies that will fit the Cal? Thanks for any assistance and keep on
writing about Cal. Lawson Forrester
From: Joel Mellman To: . Subject:
cal 27 . . . Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:25 PM
Dear Dan, Thank for putting the information about the Cal 27's on a web page.
We just bought a Cal 27 Mark 3 and were wondering about what Portsmouth the club
would give us. We were able to help them after reading your web page. Thank you
for your time with the Cal 27's. Sincerely, Joel Mellman, Elm Creek, NE
From: Strubeck, Doug Doug.Strubeck@GSC.GTE.Com To: .
Subject: Bulkhead? . . . Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:40 AM
I have a cal 33 1986 and am trying to understand your problem. Is the
bulkhead moving up and down relative to the hull or is the deck moving relative
to the bulkhead? I may not be able to help but I know that you will love the
boat. From stem to stern it is a great boat. Can I ask the selling price and
From: Strubeck, Doug Doug.Strubeck@GSC.GTE.Com To:
Subject: Reply to posting 32 . . . Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:43 AM
I have a cal 33 1986 and am trying to understand your problem. Is the
bulkhead moving up and down relative to the hull or is the deck moving relative
to the bulkhead? I may not be able to help but I know that you will love the
boat. From stem to stern it is a great boat. Can I ask the selling price and
From: Bernice Higgins To: Subject: Cal
29 Gas Engine . . . Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:54 PM
Dan, I hope you are still posting questions about Cal sailboats. I note on
your Old Cal page, it has not been updated for some time. If you are, I am very
interested in buying a 1976 Cal, but it has the original volvo penta MB 10A gas
engine. It seems to be running fine, but I am quite concerned that it won't for
very much longer. Should I be concerned? The engine is 23 years old now, how
much longer can I expect it to last if I keep up the maintenance? Do any of your
readers have experience with this motor for reliability?
My reply e-mail address is . Hope to hear from you. Geoff.
From: William Carrion To: Subject:
question 52 reply Cal34 III Sail plan . . . Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 1:05
This is in reply to posting 52 requesting sail dimensions for a Cal34 III. I
hope this helps.
- 100% Foretriangle 283.6 square feet
- Mainsail area 195.3 square feet
- I-41'-3"
- J-13'-9"
- P-35'-6"
- E-11'-0"
From: John Dauley To: Subject: Great
webpage . . . Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 11:06 PM
I own a cal 25 and have also owned a Cal 20. In the future I can see a cal
34. I just wanted to let you know what a great webpage this is. I am as
fascinated with these boats as you are. Thanks for continuing the legacy. John
From: Martin Taillefer To: Subject:
Cal 29 Engine Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 9:08 PM
Hello, I have a Cal 29 and fitted with a Volvo-Penta MD6A engine. It is not a
very powerful engine (10hp) however it drives my boat at a comfortable 5-6
knots. Here is a sample of the quality of the engine. Last January, my Cal-29
sank as a result of a bad thru-hull. The engine compartment was flooded. After
salvaging and replacing the oil and batteries ... the engine started !!!. I
tuned it performed some maintenance and I still use the engine today and it
performs like new. Go figure ? Hope this helps. Marty
From: Martin Taillefer To: Subject:
Cal 29 Question . . . Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 9:32 PM
I sent you a reply for the question from the fellow who had a rusted out
faryman engine in a previous e-mail. Sorry for the confusing.
I have a question now: I find that my bilge is filling up quickly. I have
monitored my stuffing gland/box and it is tightened at a reasonable strength.
While underway it drips at a rate of1 drip/3-5 secs ... alonside with the engine
off it drips 1 drip/20-30 secs. I am happy with these rates. I have looked at
all my thru hulls and none appear leaking. I had my boat out of the water in
Jan-Mar and all looked good. In addition, my bilge is VERY oily. Again, I have
monitored my engine while underway and ther is no apparent leak that runs to the
Here is my assessment of these problems and plesae verify if I am on the
right track.
1) High bilge level while underway perhaps a combination of all drains, head,
stuffing box, icebox. Is this normal accumulation of water. (Hard to taste
whether water is fresh or salty because it is so oily.
2) Oily bilge. My boat is circa 1977, when I bought it is had been neglected
for a few years. After several thorough inspections I have come to the
conclusion that the bilge areas that I cannot easily access or reach have
accumulated in oily residues and have imbedded into the glass. On some occasions
I have pulled out "clumps" of oily residue from the drain under the companionway
step. Is this an accurate diagnostic ?
3) Over the past three months I have attempted to eliminate dthe oil from the
bilge by scrubbing (in hard to reach places) and depositing detergent (Bold) in
the se areas. It seems to help as the oily smell is not as prominent. Am I on
the right track ? Thanks, Marty
From: anthonyb . To: Subject: Cal 35
Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 12:37 PM
Dan, Enjoy your page very much. I have a 1983 Cal 35 (one hell of a boat!)
which I sail in Miami and the islands, and would like to get in touch with other
owners to trade information. I'd appreciate if you'd post this for me. Good
sailing, Tony Battaglia
From: Steve Treece To: Cal Yachts Page Subject: CAL 28 . . . Date: Monday, June 28, 1999 2:32 PM
Greetings: I've enjoyed happening upon the Cal Yachts web page. I have a 1988
CAL 28 which I've owned since new and thoroughly enjoy. The boat is easily
single-handed and yields good performance. Would you know if VPP's are
available? I have the original brochure and an owner's manual and could make
them available if someone needed a copy. There have been one or two posts from
persons seeking such a boat. I do know of one for sale, a 1986 I believe, in the
Charlotte, NC area and believe it to be well cared for.
Thank you for any info you may have on VPP's. Steve Treece,
From: MacTavish, Stuart To: .
Subject: The Halifax Race . . . Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 9:46 AM
Hi folks: Any other "Cal-listers" participating in the Marblehead (Boston) to
Halifax race this year? I see there is a Cal 46 registered. I'll be temporarily
defecting to a C&C 37 (the shame of it) for the race but would love to have a
kool-aid or two with a any "Calafficianados" in the neighbourhood. Cheers,
Stuart Paladin, Cal 9.2
From: The Evett's To: Subject: RE Cal 20 . .
. Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 4:42 PM
I'm just about to buy my first Cal 20 but the boat is missing a rudder,
should I buy it and if so where can I buy a used rudder, I live in so California
thanks Richard
From: Steve LaFond To: Subject:
Just a note . . . Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 5:41 PM
Just bought a '73 Cal 21 Hull no 649. My first boat over 16'. The gent who
sold it to me clued me in to your site. Great job! hope you can keep it going
forever! With all the e-mails you get do you have a listing of folks by model??
I'd be interested in contacting other Cal 21 owners - if we get enough perhaps
do a little one design racing!
From: McKie Campbell To: Subject:
Re: Cals are fast! Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 6:35 PM
I just got back from the Spirit of Adventure - Around Admiralty race and have been catching up on all
the Cal-list entries that accumulated while we were gone. I couldn't help
writing to add that I think Cals are both fast and great!
On the first leg, 102 miles, we took second overall on both actual and
corrected (PHRF) time. On the 2nd leg we dueled back and forth with a C&C 34 the
whole race, but were the first boat to finish by 51 minutes actual and an hour
and 35 min corrected time. It wasn't quite enough to overcome the C&C's lead
from the first leg, but we clamed 2nd overall and won the PHRF contest for
highest finishes on both legs.
A friend and my brother-in-law and their sons crewed. We think the two boys
at 13 and 14 were the youngest participants ever in the race. Many, many thanks
to all of you who have provided great advice and encouragement as I have worked
on the Surprise over the last two years getting it back in shape. McKie
Campbell, Cal 3-30 Surprise Hull#16, Juneau, Alaska
From: Manning, David (DE) To: Subject:
PRICE OF CAL 2-27. Date: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 7:22 PM
I am interested in purchasing a new sailboat and a 1976 Cal 27 caught my eye.
Seems well-maintained. Inboard diesel and tiller steering. Any idea what a boat
like this might be worth? Anything in particular I should have checked out on
the boat? (i.e. failure areas).
I am a new sailor. How do Cal 27's sail? Fast? Sail well upwind? downwind?
etc. Is this a good starter boat? Thanks. Dave M.
Editor's reply:
My cal 2-27 sails GREAT!!! Being a 1974 model, it
can't sail with some of these new pancake flat, waterline length the same as
length over all, super light, high tech racers of todays "high tech ? " plastics
but in my opinion they are much safer . . . Some of these new designs are so
wide and flat that they will turn upside down and remain there for several hours
(or until they sink). Some of these new hulls are so thin that they "oil can"
even in moderate conditions.
For example: My 1983 Irwin Citation's hull was NOT a quarter of an inch thick
at the turn of the bilges. The hull was so thin that the noise below in heavy
conditions would scare a person half to death. Beating into the famous 4 and 5
foot "Lake Erie chop" would flex the hull to the point that the cabin sole
hold-down screws would rip loose. It's bad enough being in heavy conditions,
without going below and seeing your cabin sole ripping loose! I finally replaced
the cabin sole hold-down screws with a size larger (and twice as many) stainless
steel screws. This seemed to correct the problem but I still worried about the
hull strength.
So . . . give me the "good ole boats". When I look at new boats, I only
search up until 1980. I'll take the "heavy" boats of the '70s, thank you. You
know, the ones that put real fiberglass and resin in their hulls. As far as I'm
concerned, too many of the boats manufactured from 1981 and newer are
"tupperware on water". My 2-27 might be a little heavy but I feel at ease in 4
and 5 foot "Lake Erie chop). . . So? I'm old fashioned. The best 2 sailboats
that I ever owned were manufactured in 1974. A 74 Catalina 27 and my 74 Cal
From: To: Subject: Who owns the molds for
the Cal 40 . . . Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 6:45 PM
Question: Do the molds for the Cal 40 still exist somewhere? If so, who and
Also the phone number for posting #23 is wrong. ("Cal - Pearson Corporation,
7900 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 302, Bethesda, MD 20814, vioce tel 301-652-0008, FAX
301-652-0564. ") ... it is some sort of equity financing outfit. Tom Egan
From: Mark D. Sides To: Subject: US
Coast Guard . . . Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 9:31 PM
I just received my BOAT/US Magazine for July 1999 in which an article about
the financial plight of the USCG appears. As an example, the article touched on
the story (remember the hatchet job 20/20 did) of Morning Dew, a 1977 Cal 34 III
and sistership of my beloved Rozinante. It is disheartening to see a beautiful
boat with her belly ripped open and her guts hanging out but even more
disheartening to learn what a "victim" society we have become.
The $35 million lawsuit is the main financial burden facing the USCG
mentioned in the article. To top things off, I am wholeheartedly convinced,
after hearing several accounts, that the incident was due to lack of knowledge,
experience and seamanship.
The suit charges that they accidentally went out to sea at Georgetown, SC
instead of down the ICW. Though Winyaw Bay does get confusing, those little
yellow squares and triangles are on every daymarker that they are supposed to be
on. If one does not know to look for the ICW mark, having them in place is
The Coast Guard Group Charleston received a garbled message (enhanced by the
20/20 staff as explained in the article) responded and received no reply. Even
if the word "Mayday" were audible without a major television network's sound
filter system, CG Charleston is responsible for Georgetown SC to Georgia and has
been in on the action from Cape Fear, NC to Jacksonville. Where should they
begin the search?
I have a listing sheet from Berry-Boger Yacht Sales for Morning Dew from a
few months before she sold and her hardware, though adequate, was minimal. There
is a question of whether the VHF was working properly. Offshore in 50deg water,
a life raft may be justified. Though I advocate extensive Nav training (DR, DR,
DR!) and not relying wholly on electronics, a GPS may have helped, they're less
than $100! Most of all, The charts show the jetties coming WAY out to reach out
and touch someone. You HAVE to find the sea buoy and follow the channel; the
rocks are below the water at high tide. Does little good to have them if the
charts aren't open.
I've made the trip to Charleston In Rozinante several times and I have to
admit that it was a little eerie the first time after the Morning Dew incident.
I've termed it a "cake run" and still believe it to be so. However, the first,
second and third times I went into Charleston Harbour, I was on SOMEONE ELSE'S
boat; they had done (grammar doesn't sound right) this run over 20 times. The
first time I did the trip as the most experienced person on board, I timed it to
come in during daylight (a 16hr run).
The Cruising World Magazine Safety at Sea pamphlet that was sent out with the
latest subscription renewal listed seven thing that were the "recipe for
disaster". Though I don't remember the list I do remember thinking that all
seven were aboard Morning Dew. I do feel for a mother who has lost her two sons
and her husband. I wish it hadn't happened. But I don't want to be hurt by a
less effective Coast Guard that has to allocate $35 million of their budget to
the widow. Selfish, maybe. But if the coasties, because of lack of funds, can't
help in a future incident where, no matter how well I prepare, something goes
wrong. . .
* End of rant; point of story- Let the Coasties know that the majority of the
boating community is behind them. Let your State Representatives and Senators
know that the Coast Guard is a vital agency that must be funded based on the
future, where their roles as lifesavers, coastal defenders, educators and drug
and customs agent in co-operation with DEA are only going to become more vital
and more costly.
Mark Sides, Little River, SC, Cal 34 III (#58)
From: To: Subject: A sailing poem . . .
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 1:02 PM
The Gift Of Chance
- To live one's life without the space,
- To find what life's about,
- Is like trying to win an ocean race
- Without knowing how to sail a boat.
- But, if the race is long and full
- Of excitement known to be seen,
- Then one could learn about one's boat
- And find the knowledge through his dreams.
- So, to win the race and know one's self
- And to live a life that's full,
- Sail a boat around the world
- And live the stories few can tell.
- This is the dream of many
- And still yet, of many a man.
- What is missing is the heart of a sailor,
- And an adventurer who knows he can...
- Rise to the challenge of what's unknown,
- To search for what he wants
- to live a life that he calls his own
- And learn to take the chance.
- -abanico, 15 Feb 1998
From: ' ALLAN W. BART To: Subject:
Regarding that post in the cal 25. Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 4:27 PM
hi, I need to get a replacement center pole for my cal 25, this is the
aluminum unit that fits under the fold down table. well my boat is where it is
and i need to get a replacement while i am near the potential suppliers, does
anyone know the dim.(diameter and length? , allan
From: John Teipen To: Subject: CAL27 MKIII.
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 8:12 PM
Greetings, Thanks for all the great CAL information. We have purchased the
McCance CAL27 "Liberty". Your site was helpful in our decision to buy a CAL27.
Ironically, there were three CAL27's for sail on the same dock of the Boulder
Marina at Lake Carlyle. The McCance's boat was by far the best, with The best
accessories and the shoal keel is a great feature for Carlyle. I Have seen a
PHRF of 192 for the MKIII 5's keel on a California web site. Do you have any
information on MKIII with the 4' keel? Thanks again for the great CAL site! John
and Nora Teipen
From: John Teipen To: Dan and Karen Dalrymple To: Subject: Re: CAL27 MKIII. Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999
10:30 PM
Hi Dan, Doug was not without a boat for long. As you know he wanted to travel
more and avoid the marina expenses of a large boat. He purchased a Compac 23
which needed some TLC. The boat is sound. Doug has already sanded and painted
the bottom. It is trailerable so I think it fits his current needs. In a few
short weeks that Compac will be pristine, that's the way Doug is.
The standard draft on a MK III is 5.5' fin keel. We went out with Doug and
Sharon last Sunday on a sea trial and the knot meter indicated 6 knots at one
point. I was very happy with that! She sails steady and true just off the wind
with little effort.
We plan to spend the weekend with her and get to know each other. I look
forward to knowing Liberty well and racing her some.
Sorry to hear about the low Erie water table. Take care this season. Keep in
touch! John
Dan and Karen Dalrymple wrote: Hello John, I'm glad to hear that you have
purchased Doug's boat. Doug McCance helped me with this website as he furnished
the photos and information on his (now yours) pretty Mark III. I'm sure that his
boat was pristine plus. I hate to see Doug without a boat but people like him
usually come back to sailing.
I'm not sure about your 4 foot draft, is this the standard shoal draft for
the Mark III? What is the standard draft? If I were buying another boat it would
be shoal draft for sure. Shoal draft with the biggest diesel that would fit in
the engine area. Our Lake Erie is a couple feet down this year, lots of
sailboats are going aground and suffering terrible damage. A Catalina 320 from
our marina last week hit on the northeast side of Pelee Island and caused over
$25,000 in damage and towing bills. Dan Dalrymple, editor.
From: John Teipen To: Subject: CAL27 MKIII.
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 8:12 PM.
Greetings, Thanks for all the great CAL information. We have purchased the
McCance CAL27 "Liberty". Your site was helpful in our decision to buy a CAL27.
Ironically, there were three CAL27's for sail on the same dock of the Boulder
Marina at Lake Carlyle. The McCance's boat was by far the best, with The best
accessories and the shoal keel is a great feature for Carlyle. I Have seen a
PHRF of 192 for the MKIII 5's keel on a California web site. Do you have any
information on MKIII with the 4' keel? Thanks again for the great CAL site! John
and Nora Teipen
From: Blaine Williams To: . Subject:
Cabinet Handles. Date: Friday, July 02, 1999 8:52 AM
Dan, I am looking for the black plastic flush pull cabinet handles for the
cabinets and doors in a 1969 Cal 34. Nobody carries anything like that anymore,
and the company on the back of the molded plastic is in Denmark. Do you have any
leads on this? Blaine Williams, Rome, Georgia, (706) 236-4520
From: To: Subject: Cal 34 Date: Friday,
July 02, 1999 11:33 AM
Has anybody checked out It is a boat auction site I
stumbled across.....some interesting stuff. One of the boats for sale is a Cal
34 that sounds is the description:
Cal 34, equipped with all the stuff needed for days offshore. Universal
diesel w/less than 200 hrs, gps, loran, autopilot, depth, speed, temp, propane
oven and stove, jibs incl. 170, 160, 130, 100, storm; drifter; reacher;
spinnakers. All safety equipment including liferaft, epirb, etc. Really has all
the stuff needed for extended offshore cruising. Interior has seperate head,
shower, and forward berth. 29,000. Lloyd at 918-367-6242. Berthed in
Mississippi. Gary Robitaille, Whisper, Cal 35
From: Brian Cleverly To: Subject: Re:
Wet Core. Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 1:42 AM
Hi Bob, Bob/Dee Lakari wrote: During my recent 2-29 purchase the surveyor
reported wet core in the cockpit sole, the cabin roof on both sides of the
companionway hatch, on the foredeck, and in several other smaller places. He
determined this mostly by using a moisture meter. In addition the cabin roof is
"bouncy" in the flat area around the companionway. Can anybody tell me the deck
structure in those areas before I start cutting (in the Fall)? Has anybody
undertaken this project? Thanks for your help.
I've done a partial foredeck core replacement on a 2-25. The core was
high-density foam. I believe the 2-29 will be the same. I've also recently been
involved in a deck core (balsa) replacement on an Ericson.
No huge problem but it is a slow and messy job. I can't remember if the 2-29
has a full interior cabin liner like the 2-25, but if it has you'll have to do
the replacement from the top. If you are able to get at the bottom deck skin (no
liner) that would be the easiest way to go. Otherwise you have to remove the
deck skin to get at the bad core.
I would recommend you cut the skin around the edge of the non-skid pattern as
it is easier to hide the repair join that way. You should be able to determine
the bad core areas by "sounding" the deck, then drill some 1/4" holes around the
perimeter to determine the actual area of damage. If you're lucky, it will only
be small areas (mainly around deck fittings) but if not, you'll have to lift
large areas of skin (not a fun job).
We'll be waiting to hear all your "trials and tribulations" on this job, and
if we can assist in any way don't hesitate to ask. Regards, BC
From: wlbeck To: Subject: No subject.
Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 4:28 PM
I just came across a 1974 cal 24,can anyone give any info. on this boat?
please e mail me at thank you.
From: To: Subject: Have used Yanmar
sb12 engine for sale. Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 2:17 PM
Dear Sir, I would like to sell a engine, it was rebuilt in 95, I would like
to ask 1250$ or best offer, comes with control panel and harness. Thanks
From: Leonard, Thomas To: 'Cal List' Subject: More Toilet Talk. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 8:37
OK, PC here's your chance to tell me to stick my head in the flusher again.
Actually this is for any Cal 31 owners that still are using the bladder type
holding tanks.
A few weeks ago I ordered a 16 gallon "V" shaped tank from Ronco Plastic,
they have a complete catalog on the internet and I ordered their B-125. They are
an interesting company to deal with, first they don't accept credit cards so
they sent it UPS collect, Second they make each tank to order. I faxed them a
sketch of where I wanted the fittings and that was how they made the tank. I
have two 1 1/2 inch threaded holes for the intake and pump out and two 1inch
threaded holes for two vent lines, Third they charged me less than the price
listed in their catalog, I got the tank with modifications, four threaded
elbows, and shipping from Calif. to NJ all for $98.
This weekend I finally had a chance to install it ( who else would attempt a
job like this in 100+ degrees like we're having in the east) and it went in with
out having to cut, twist or bend anything. The hoses hooked up perfectly, I had
to drill two holes for the 1 inch vent line into the anchor locker. The hardest
part was making a bed for it, this is one place that you really want to be
careful. When its full you have almost two hundred lbs. of you know what and you
don't want that coming loose in a storm.
That went so well that I started my next project, moving the circuit breaker
panel from the rear bulkhead to the first opening to the left of the wine rack,
thank God that I enjoy this.... Tom Leonard, Blue Chip III, '79 Cal 31 # 52,
Nyack,N Y
From: ALLAN W. BART. . To: Subject: Have
to rebuild roof of Cal 25. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 9:20 AM
Hi, It is apparent that I will have to rebuild the areas of my roof that have
the plywood under deck structure, has anyone done it on a cal 25 and could you
give me some of the details; materials cost, plywood thickness and type etc.
thanks, Allan Bart
From: Dick Sanders To: Subject: Re:
Furling Frenzie. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:58 AM
Roger, Mineral Spirits (Paint Thinner) will soften silicone but will take
about six hours to work. Just soak and forget for a while. No clue as to the
maker or brand. Dick Sanders, s/v "Snuffy", Cal 34, 1968 #112, Watkinsville, GA
--- Previous Message --- Roger Boyle wrote: Yikes! I don't know what to do.
My furling is jammed. I tried to remove the one piece barrel "A" from the fixed
base "B" (see attachment) so I could slide it up the foil "C". No go!. It was
attached by two allen screws "D" - one of which I had to drill out. The roller
was attached to "A" by bolt "F". The encasing drum (with 2 openings for line)
was attached to "B" by a small circular plate and for bolts "E". PSeems that a
prev-ownr sealed "A", where the foil enters, with silicone. I think it has
broken off and jammed the furler. This does not explain why I cannot loosen "A"
and have it slide up the foil. P Two things to ask of the list. Does anyone
recognize the furler from the drawing attached and could tell me how it comes
apart? It has no graphics on it. And, is there a solvent that breaks down
silicone sealant in case this is what is stopping "A" from moving? Thanks, Roger
- roll with the punches - Boyle, Cal 31 "JOLLYROG", Detroit River today.
Tommorow - the.....
From: Lessley, Timm To: Subject:
Re: Cal 40 for sale. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:55 AM
If you're interested in a Cal 40 you might look at "Uncle Juicy" for sail in
Seattle, $42,000, she/it took 2nd in the Vic/Maui Race last year and no doubt
has a great inventory, and I've raced against her and she's fast.
I don't recall her condition, but it was very well prepared, and I'm sure
that it was in great racing shape. She is in the Roaring 40 Association in
Seattle, and most of those boats are pristene. TImm
From: To: CC:
Subject: Re: Cal 40 for sale. Date: Sunday, June 27, 1999 10:29PM
Sorry about the late reply.... The one listed for $39,99 is a '69. The other
I didn't see. I don't know either hull number. Possibly you Saw Verne's post, he
knew the boat's name and original owner. David
----- Original Message ----- From: Rob To: Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 4:47 PM. Subject: Re: Cal 40
for sale.
Dave, Just curious what year those Cal 40s were and do you have any hull
numbers? Thanks, and good luck. Rob
At 11:04 AM 6/23/99 -0700, you wrote: Dear List, Have thought for the last
several years that I would buy the first well-priced Cal 40 that I came across.
There's one listed in Ventura for $39,900. I'd have to say she's pretty rough
looking. Teak is very badly weathered and the scarfs have popped open on the
toe-rails. Deck and hull are extremely chalky, mast and all deck-fittings
super-corroded all over. Original wooden spreaders.
A peek through the deadlights shows moderate interior upkeep, but no apparent
upgrades to equipment. Broker's blurb said a Perkins diesel, no info on hours.
Also a "cream-puff" listed in Santa Barbara for around $75,000. Knowing what
I (now) know about re-fitting and associated costs, I'd say the $75K was a
bargain between the two. Comments? David. David Wilkie Owen,,, Cal 2-29 "Missy",
Santa Barbara
From: Silver Lining To: Subject: Boating
Links. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 12:19 PM
Hi everybody, If you have a question about almost anything relating to
boating, we have put together a list of about 2,000 web sites, categorized, that
pertain to boating.
From tools to schools to yards to marinas to music. Go to our main site at Then choose the Bow-Waves area and then the
Bow-Waves Links area. The site is still under construction, but you'll be
interested in what we are doing. Dave B.
From: Kevin Tisdall To: Cc: Subject: holding tank upgrades. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999
1:01 PM
Peggy, You had replied to a few of my questions from the cal list about
fixing odor problems with my holding tank system. I thought I would update you
since you were kind enough to give out advice. I have a SeaLand tank but the
cheaper white hose (not Odor-Safe). Also, the vent was the 5/8" that comes with
the tank and the hose run was quite long. Odor was a problem although the system
was recently installed.
I have not had time to upgrade the hose but I did add a second 3/4" vent on a
shorter-straighter run and used "K.O." treatment chemical. Actually just the
extra vent almost eliminated the odor but the K.O. really helped as well. Just
got through 5 days of use in 95+ degree weather with no smells evident.
Thanks for your info and guidance - it certainly worked. --Kevin
From: To: Subject: Cal25 secondary
bonding. Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 3:20 PM
I'd love to buy a Cal25 here on Lake Champlain. I just got it surveyed and
was told that the "tabling" or secondary bonding around the "tank horse" and
where the bulk heads join the hull were ruptured. The joints had come loose,
like sheet rock tape in a corner. I was told that it would affect the structural
integrity of the boat.
This boat is 17 years old. Does anyone have any experience with this? The
boat yard estimated that it would cost $600-700 to repair.
Old Cal Yachts webpage.
A webpage,
edited by Dan Dalrymple, and dedicated to one of the greatest Sailboat designers
in the world, Bill Lapworth, who designed the Cal 40 in 1963. The Cal 40 remains
a great sailboat design to this very day. Someday I'm gonna own one. Dan
Return to my Old Cal
Yachts page. This is where you just came from. It contains facts and
information on Jack Jensen, Bill Lapworth and Cal Yachts.
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my website.This index will guide you to all parts of this website including
my Favorite Lake Erie boats. My Cal Yachts Question and Answer (Q&A) pages,
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