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more of our site's pages.

Our home page.

One of my favorite sailboats. I've owned a Cal 2-27 for over 20
years. I've owned larger, newer boats but the cal 27 remains my
favorite sailboats for the Great Lakes especially Lake Erie.

My humble opinion on several older sailboats that were popular on the
Great Lakes during the '70s

Interesting information on burning firewood as a home heating aid.

We've backed up our home's heating furnace with a firewood woodstove for
over 40 years.

Our ancestors used many different items to cure their ills. Hundreds of
these items, or herbs, as people called them were developed into the
medicines that we use today. Note: For information only. We do not sell or promote herbs here.

Muzzle loading ballistic tables from my son and my experiences with Ohio
muzzle loading deer hunting.

This web page contains a complete Dalrymple family line from Andrew
Dalrymple, born in Scotland about 1682, all the way down to my grandson,
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above to view
more of our site's pages.
Dan Dalrymple's Family Tree
This web page contains our Dalrymple family line from Andrew Dalrymple,
born in Scotland about 1682, to my grandson, Brian, who is 23
years old.
I'm Daniel Scott Dalrymple Click here for more
, born in Mt.Vernon, Ohio in 1939. I've lived in Wooster, Ohio since 1953.
Photo on right:
Our home near Wooster, Ohio.
I graduated from Wooster (Ohio) High school in 1957. I married Karen (Karen Sue Grim) in 1960. We had 3 children, Scott,
Brad, Leigh and
4 grandchildren. Karen passed away in August, 2000, just after our 41st wedding
I remarried in June 2005. My present wife, Carol (Carol Williams Hall
Dalrymple), is from Morgantown WV. She was widowed with one child, Craig, who
lives in Quincy IL. Carol and I enjoy our Church, lawn and garden
work, I enjoy cutting and heating with firewood. Carol's family is from Morgantown -
Fairmont WV area.
Scroll or page down for more . . .
We are interested in our family ties in
Scotland and the British Isles during the 1500-1600s.
Photo is my father, Joseph M. Dalrymple, born 1910, Knox Co, OH, d-1980. My father, "Joe", was one of seven children, a self-employed electrical contractor most
of his life. Married Dorothy Ross. This photo was taken, possibly by one of his brothers but more probably by his friend Walt Hazlebaker. It was taken in Montana during one of dad's yearly elk hunting trips.
My father's family were farmers, as farmers they utilized firewood for their
winter heating. My
father always enjoyed a wood stove to supplement his home heating and taught me to
enjoy firewood as an additional home heat. I enjoyed cutting firewood
with my father almost every Saturday during
the '50s, '60s and '70s. He taught me about trees and how to properly trim a
woods, making it more productive. I've supplemented my own home heat with a
woodstove for over 50 years. Firewood is a renewable energy resource like wind,
solar and hydroelectric power. We need to use more renewable energy and less
oil, gas and coal in the future. Heating with wood can be a part of the
solution, provided the wood is burned efficiently.
here for my firewood facts page.
Joseph was a son of Albert Daniel Dalrymple
Click here for more , b-1882, Knox Co, OH,
Albert "Bert" was a son of William Brice Dalrymple, b-1852, Knox Co, OH, m-Tamsen Colwill,
Brice was a son of Andrew Dalrymple, b-1804, Sussex Co, NJ, m-Mary Ann Wolfe.
Andrew was a son of Stephen Brice Dalrymple, b-1777, Sussex Co, NJ, m-Susanna Struble.
Stephen was a son of Andrew Dalrymple, b-1746, Morris, NJ, m-Eleanor Rickey.
Andrew was a son of Joseph Dalrymple, b-1714, Morris, NJ, m- Jane/Jeane Boyle.
Joseph was a son of Andrew Dalrymple, b-1682 in Scotland, m- Janet Kirkbride.

Dalrymple is a village in East Ayrshire Scotland. It is at the
westernmost point of East Ayrshire. The village of Dalrymple, Scotland is in the
Doon Valley, on the north bank of the Doon River.
The name Dalrymple comes from the Scottish Gaelic language, meaning "flat field
of the crooked pool or river". The village is relatively modern, although the
parish and church of Dalrymple are older. When the community was first
established around 1800, there were two streets, Main Street and Garden Street.
The village grew slowly until the late 20th century, when council housing was
built to house families from coal-mining villages in the area that were
suffering an economic decline.
Keywords and associated family names: Dalrymple, Dalrimple, Grim,
Williams*, Hall*, Straum, Finley, Banbury,
Couse, Knoph, Cozad, Tingley, Rhinehardt, Douglass, Lewis, Waldorf, Harris,
Banbury, Cornish, Bellot, Blaine, Moore, Beatty, McFarland, Bolk, Pelletrau.

Links to more of our own pages
- Click here to go to our MAIN Index page. From here you will have access to all of our web pages. We have a page on our favorite sailboats of Lake Erie, our old Cal Yachts homepage, muzzle loading ballastics, my links to everything page and even a page about firewood.
- How our ancestors cured their ills.Dan's
Herbal ole fashioned remedy page. I tried to include many of the herbs that
our ancestors used to treat their aches and ills. There are tips on dandelion,
burdock and even what leaf to apply when the mosquitos roll in.
- How our ancestors hunted.. Dan's Muzzle Loading
Ballistics page. How much powder did grampa use to bag that Thanksgiving
turkey? Who cares? Sombody might... It's all right here.
Email me a comment about
this page.
You also might enjoy looking at our Apple Creek
United Methodist Church website at
Dan Dalrymple, Wooster, Ohio
This page last updated on
November 05, 2015.