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Break out of Frames!

This is my first cross stitch project.
It is entitled Longevity.
This is my second cross stitch project.
It is a Banzai tree.
This is my third cross stitch project.
It was done to commemorate my sister's wedding.
This is my fourth cross stitch project.
It is a entitled Prosperity.
This is a sweatshirt that I made for my
This is a quillo that I made for my
This is a quillo that I made for my
brother's girlfriend
(The Five Best Authors)
(Fictional Books)
(Non Fiction / Philosophy Books)
(Science Fiction / Fantasy Books)
(The Book Review)
(Older Book Reviews)
(How You Can Afford to Read)
(Links to Other places)
(A HEX Color Chart)
(Some Help with HTML)
(What is ASCII)
(Gerace Wedding)
(My Crafts)