Camp Wanake: A Beautiful Spiritual Place Among the Hills


Camp Wanake

Landscape and Garden Club

The Camp Wanake Landscape and Garden Club needs members to help maintain and create gardens and landscaped areas around Wanake. We will set a date in the spring to clean gardens, mulch, plant, dig and build the second side of the garden in front of Savage Retreat Center.

Please contact Dave Kennat if you have a day you could come to plant and mulch in the spring, pull weeds and water anytime throughout the summer, clean the beds in late fall and winter, and work on any new projects. Even a couple of hours would be very helpful and you would be in service to our Lord by serving Wanake.

Current gardens around the camp include:

  • How How Garden on the road in to camp.
  • Small gardens under each retreat center sign.
  • Small gardens next to the Retreat House (Dispensary).
  • Big garden in front of the IP Barn (pics below).
  • Small gardens next to the steps and by the doors leading into the Dinning Hall of the Inpost Barn.
  • Shrub garden next to the IP Barn (pics right).
  • Both sides of the Outpost Barn (parking lot side).
  • Parking lot side by the entrance of Savage Retreat Center

More Wanake Garden History

Sandstone blocks being put into place.